Fit by 40! Looking for buddies :)

Hello, My name is Jeannie and I''l be 40 in October. I signed up here awhile ago but really got commited recently and am looking for some friends who are similar to me with similar goals :)

Im a mom to 2 boys 11 and 4 yrs old. I stay at home with them. my goal is to lose 25 lbs. I'm only 5'2" and want to be near the recommended BMI weight. I have been running alot in the past year along with other gym workouts. I even ran a few 5k's and the Tinkerbell Half Marathon using the Jeff Galloway run/walk/run method. Im not super fast but I get it done! Even though I would workout and run at least 3 times a week I would not lose weight. I never really commited to a diet and if I did I just wanted a quick fix, never sticking with it for more then 2 weeks. I have been counting calories and now realize how bad I ate! Am down over 9 lbs now since April 1st. And now my hubby is also doing this along with me which is great!

So feel free to add me if you are motivated and are similar to me! I promise to support and motivate you in return! :)



  • txbandman
    txbandman Posts: 78
    Adding you - I'm 48, married with three grown (?) kids, and like you, I had tried to do it all with activity while eating whatever I wanted. I was pretty surprised when I first started using MFP and saw that my activity wasn't really balancing all my bad food choices. My weight had gotten up to 200, and just last week I made it back into the 180s (barely). Would like to say goodbye to another 7-8 lbs. Good luck to you and your hubby. Hope we can help each other make this happen!
  • Lora0626
    Lora0626 Posts: 54 Member
    I turn 39 next month, so I've got longer to go than you till I hit 40, but I too want to get fit! I'm 4"11 and I ran the Tinkerbell last year!
    :-) Feel free to add me!
  • lizbeth926
    lizbeth926 Posts: 43
    turning 42 in September!! Gonna add you as well! Kudos for running that marathon!! My goal is to be able to do a half marathon using the run/walk/run method as well!
  • Gangwolf
    Gangwolf Posts: 40
    I just turned 40 last August so I can relate.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Already 47 here, but two little ones, 3 and 5. I have to get healthier for them to be around as long as possible. I'm also 4 11 -- if I stand super duper straight
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    This is my plan fit by 40. I am 38 next week. I can also be added. I sign on daily and try to be an active member.
  • sradams1
    sradams1 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello There! I'm 39 and looking to get in shape and to be healthy and fit when i am 40. I am married with an 8 year old daughter who loves to workout with me and go for long walks. i will add you!
  • Dom_Brown_
    Dom_Brown_ Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 26, and married with a one 2 year old son. I was in pretty good shape, but the last year and a half, I just didn't care to exercise much. So my goal is to drop some body fat, eat better, thus giving me more energy to chase my son around who is going through the terrible twos.
  • ChristinaD2
    ChristinaD2 Posts: 57
    Hi, Jeannie! I will turn 40 in October, as well. That date is my target to be at my goal weight. I will send you a friend request and look forward to supporting you in your goal, too!
  • epfenick
    epfenick Posts: 112 Member
    I turn 40 in September. I joined MFP in January with the intention of losing 40 pounds by my birthday.....I've been really struggling these last few months. I have bounced back and forth between 12 - 14 pounds lost, but can't get past that. I'm currently looking at losing 25 pounds in 4 months. I would love some help keeping me motivated and on track!!
  • Chickcass
    Chickcass Posts: 32 Member
    Request sent! I'm 34 and am determined to lose the weight and keep it off for good this time!
  • skrentz
    skrentz Posts: 55 Member
    I only have 2 days, so I guess I am out of time. Where have those last 40 years gone!! Well I want to just be fit. I am 4'10" Stay at home mom of 2 boys, 8 and 5. Been here for a couple years and work out very consistently with heavy weights and cardio. Yet I have been slowly gaining. I guess my diet isn't great, but way better than most. Just recently I have given EM2WL a try. (Eat more to weigh less)- basically it is eating more calories then most "diets" allow. Anybody please add me, sounds like I have a lot in common with most of you!
  • Hi, I'm 43 and I am looking to lose the 10 lbs that have sloooooooowly crept on since my mid 30s. Those pounds were so stealthy and I always exercise so I think I was in denial. It's not a ton of weight by any means but since I had never been able to pass up sweets I was not confident about sticking with any plan.
    Anyway, what ever motivates us to lose, its a great place to get accountable. I've already lost 5 of the pounds almost but even better is that I finally feel in control of what I'm choosing to put in my mouth!
  • heatherrnw
    heatherrnw Posts: 10
    I have the same goal of being fit by 40. I will turn 39 in August, so a little more time than you. I stay home with my 3 daughters, 14, 11 and almost 9. I would love to run! I just can't seem to make myself so it and stick to it! So I walk a lot and am working to build myself up to long distances. I will add you and can be added by people of the same interests :).
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    I turned 41 last week and have almost been on this site a year now, I wanted to be fit and 40 and not fat and 40, I started everything six months before finding this site, but this site has helped keep me on the straight and narrow, I'm now as fit as I was 20 yrs ago and love being active, which in turn helps my kids do the same feel free to add me ????
  • Aliciagreen122
    Aliciagreen122 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same goal. I will be 40 in January but I have vacation coming up a lot sooner. I started really tracking what I eat this past weekend. Let's do it!
  • alw141
    alw141 Posts: 59 Member
    Just turned 40 last month. Made one goal by that time (size 4-6 jeans), now I have a new one for summer... a flat tummy! Or something close to it anyway. Feel free to add me! :-)
  • samcat2000
    samcat2000 Posts: 106 Member
    request sent! i'm on the same path. mom to 13 year old too. turning 40 in june...
  • jeanniemarie73
    jeanniemarie73 Posts: 41 Member
    turning 42 in September!! Gonna add you as well! Kudos for running that marathon!! My goal is to be able to do a half marathon using the run/walk/run method as well!

    The method really works! good luck!
  • jeanniemarie73
    jeanniemarie73 Posts: 41 Member
    I have the same goal of being fit by 40. I will turn 39 in August, so a little more time than you. I stay home with my 3 daughters, 14, 11 and almost 9. I would love to run! I just can't seem to make myself so it and stick to it! So I walk a lot and am working to build myself up to long distances. I will add you and can be added by people of the same interests :).

    I had really never run any distances before but I wanted to complete a half Marathon by 40 so I started running using the Jeff Galloway methond and OMG its amazing! Its very graduall and there is a phone app for it. basicly its a 1min walk/1min run and it really helped me work up to long distances.