Elliptical - can't handle it!!



  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    WOW!! Is all I can say!!!! Hope I can get there some day!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    WOW! All I can say is thank you all for your encouragement and support!! I am going to my friend's gym with her tomorrow night, so we will see how that goes!! Along with huffing and puffing, my legs are killing me and my muscles get really tense. I am worried I will make them seize up. :frown:

    Even MORE embarrassing to admit, is that I don't even have it set to ANY setting!! :embarassed: This is purely manual, and in about five minutes I probably stopped 4 times cause my legs were so tired. I could deal with the huffing and puffing a bit longer but it took my legs forever to recover after 5 mins (which probably was only like 4 mins if you count my rests) :embarassed: :embarassed: Will walking increase my endurance with my muscles??

    Honestly I feel so embarrassed. :sad:
  • I feel the same way. It will hurt and be tirering for a while but just try and push yourself. I did and now I think I can last for at least 10mins. Go slow and steady. Do it everyday and it will get better! Good Luck on your journey!!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    i was to lazy and tired to read all of the post so, sorry if someone has already said this...perhaps you could swim for awhile instead..get used to doing an easier exercise first and work your way up? (swimming can be a great workout by itself)
  • isislc
    isislc Posts: 140 Member
    To Arewethereyet -
    Thanks a lot, I almost peed my pants laughing at your elliptical story.

    I also have to agree with sexy genius about the swimming part. Some water aerobics would help in strengthening up your legs and swimming in general is a great full body workout.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    OMG!! I bought an elliptical last year because I thought it would be easier and less painful than a treadmill. I cannot do it. I am dying after two minutes. Huffing and puffing. My cardio really needs work. I have issues with walking so I thought this would be better for me.

    Will I ever be able to do this thing for longer than 5 mns without killing myself???? :(

    Yes, you will, for sure.

    Make a deal with yourself to start 1st August. Start off with 5 minutes and then everytime you get on the thing, add just one more minute.

    Before you know it, you will be up to 20 minutes and then 30 minutes and then after that you will be able to do what you want.

    The human body is one amazing piece of kit, it will adapt to any situation, it just cannot do it immediately, it need a little time to adjust - that's no crime, it does everything else for us :laugh:

    Don't try to rush it, if the elliptical is your personal piece of equipment you can build up to it without any pressure.

    The trick is to not give up though, if you give up, you have to virtually start from scratch, not nice :frown:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I started by doing the Richard Simmons videos. They don't burn as many calories as some other exercise you can do but they're easy and really build up your endurance. You also might try doing a Yoga dvd a few times a week. It has you really concentrating on your breathing. I noticed it helped me to control my breathing when I was running.
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    WOW! All I can say is thank you all for your encouragement and support!! I am going to my friend's gym with her tomorrow night, so we will see how that goes!! Along with huffing and puffing, my legs are killing me and my muscles get really tense. I am worried I will make them seize up. :frown:

    Even MORE embarrassing to admit, is that I don't even have it set to ANY setting!! :embarassed: This is purely manual, and in about five minutes I probably stopped 4 times cause my legs were so tired. I could deal with the huffing and puffing a bit longer but it took my legs forever to recover after 5 mins (which probably was only like 4 mins if you count my rests) :embarassed: :embarassed: Will walking increase my endurance with my muscles??

    Honestly I feel so embarrassed. :sad:

    Don't be embarrassed & don't overdue it either. If your legs are really hurting, then alternate your workout days between elliptical & treadmill for a while. You could also do any of the leg strengthening machines, or just do some squats to build your leg muscles.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    i was to lazy and tired to read all of the post so, sorry if someone has already said this...perhaps you could swim for awhile instead..get used to doing an easier exercise first and work your way up? (swimming can be a great workout by itself)

    I want to start a fibro swim class next week. I have been going swimming with my son as well just for fun. The other day, we went to a shallow wading pool for kids. So we got down on our tummies (at the edge of the pool) and floated but dragged our bodies around the perimeter of the pool using our hands. Like crawling but not using our legs. It was sooo tiring and hard but we made it all the way around the pool. I am going to see if I can map it out!!
  • cflec124
    cflec124 Posts: 16
    I got one also, I really need to start using it more.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    Well I don't mind pushing myself, I just don't want to push myself to the point my muscles sieze up, cause then I can't walk and can't do anything for days!! The problem is, I don't know when that point is, until I reach it, then it is too late. I guess I will just try adding a min or 30 seconds each time I go on and go every other day. My off days I will either do treadmill or walk in my neighbourhood.

    I think it is my leg muscles as well as my breathing both need work. I really haven't been able to walk much more than 100 m or so without extreme pain so just walking around my townhouse complex which is 1/3 km is a miracle in itself. So I guess that is some progress.
  • Fatimah1104
    Fatimah1104 Posts: 27 Member
    Iluvwdw... is the ellipitcal any easier now? I found this post while asking the same question... I just bought an elliptical yesterday and its so hard. I cant past 5 mins either and by 90 seconds i am dying.
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    this prob sounds strange, but I find that the elliptical I have at home is much harder than the one at the gym. I can barely do 10 minutes on the one at home and have no prob doing 45 at the gym
    EXACLY! Thank you, I thought I was crazy and it was just me.
    Just got mine at home and man, pulse flies threw the roof in 3 minutes.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Keep going. I started on elliptical at almost 300 lbs so lord knows I was out of shape. I stayed on for 12 minutes only because I was too ashamed to get off before then. I couldn't go back to the gym (much less walk) for almost a week. But after that I went back and got back on it.

    That 12 minutes on 1 on resistance is now 40+ minutes on 20 on resistance. I started at the gym on May 1, so less than 2 months.

    You can do it. After a day or two add a minute then maybe bump up your resistance by 1 after a few days. Keeping doing that and you will get to where you want to be in no time.
  • YupItsAmy
    YupItsAmy Posts: 1
    it gets better. I'm a TERRIBLE runner & I HATE cardio but after while you'll get used to it -- dont try to go too fast to start, don't pay attention to the clock telling you how long you've been on it. my advice is plant the tv in front of it (if you can) & use the eliptical while your show is on & use commercial breaks to rest & get water -- before you know if you will have done 45 minutes on the elliptical & caught up on your favorite show :)
  • LizbithB
    LizbithB Posts: 15
    My husband was the same way. He would gripe at me because I do higher levels for 30-4- min and he would die after 2 min on level one. I told him to keep at it and slowly add time and levels. Just the other day he came in and told me he is now doing 15 min. at level 4.

    Take it slow and hang in there...you will get stronger and last longer. :smile:
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