Have a new dedication to this thing they call weight loss

I have been on & off dieting for so long but I have finally waken up & decided that this HAS to be done and now is the time. I would like to lose a 100 lb but have set up small goals to help me get there & not get so discouraged. I get really frustrated when the weight is not falling off as fast as I want it to even though I know it doesnt happen overnight. It is just hard when I feel like I try try try & it doesnt work. Looking for new friends that can be positive, encouraging & most of all supportive. If that is you feel free to add me =)


  • erd198302
    erd198302 Posts: 6
    Baby steps, thats what i tell myself, also you didnt put the weight on overnight so just take it one day at a time... you've already made the first step... admitting that you need to do something and that is huge :)
  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    add me! I too am finally finding my dedication and am basically new here, even though I've been a member awhile.
  • Cloud9Momma
    Cloud9Momma Posts: 11 Member
    You can add me. Today is 125 for me on here. I don't say a whole lot but I do encourage as often as possible.
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    As a wise man once said "Do, or Do Not, There is no Try". (I know it was Yoda, and maybe he wasn't a man, but it's still very true.) Be committed and you will succeed. This requires absolute dedication, even when things don't go well. As always, persistence pays dividends. You can do this.