I'm digging myfitnesspal :)

Hi Everyone,
My name is Edna, I'm 29 years old hitting 30 the end of August and i could of swore this time last year i told myself i would be a 100 lbs lighter by my 30th birthday... well here i am no closer to a 100lbs lost but almost a 65 lbs heavier than last year. Its my goal to be a least a 100lbs thinner by 31 and my goal weight by 32... My saying this time is dont put off tomorrow what you can do today, and who knew that calorie counting could be so easy, well not me...lol I just started my journey a week ago and im loving every minute of it, especially how easy it is to keep a food journey. Im looking to forward to this journey and would love to meet some people a long the way is going down the same path. Until next time!!! I wish you all the best of luck :)


  • nucgirl13
    nucgirl13 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm turning 30 in August too and I am finally determined to hit my goal weight and get healthy!
  • erd198302
    erd198302 Posts: 6
    thats awesome keep up the good work!!!!
  • AnguishLanguish
    AnguishLanguish Posts: 149 Member
    Keep it up :) MFP has been awesome for me- making tracking so easy which makes it instantly easier for me to actually think about my choices and plan ahead! I hope you continue to enjoy your journey, remember there will be hard days, on some days you will not do great and some days you will rock it! Just make sure you keep an even head, don't judge yourself too harshly and just keep your thinking as positive as you can.
  • myrnacopeland
    myrnacopeland Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Myrna and I'm trying to make sure that I'm a healthy weight without having to have Bariatric surgery like my brother and sister have had. Granted, they have both lost alot of weight, but I don't want to get to that point (he was 360 lbs; she was 301). I started this program at 190 and now I'm 171. I've been averaging about 1.2 lbs a week. It's not coming off fast but I'm in forward motion, and I'm going to just keep doing what I'm doing. I like doing the food journal. I'm a little OCD about it. I weigh and measure everything before it goes into my mouth. I'm a non-cook so I look a little like mad scientist at work when I get into the kitchen. I'm glad to see the message board here and I look forward to being a part of it.
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    had that goal when i turned 30 too.......I'll be 33 in August this year......I rededicated my life day after Easter this year to getting healthy and making life style changes for life feel free to add me

    I support your decision to do this.......WE ARE DETERMINED:smile:
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
  • Woolooloo
    Woolooloo Posts: 82
    It can definitely be done, you deserve it.
  • erd198302
    erd198302 Posts: 6
    Oh me too, i need to loose 228 to be at healthy weight... I keep looking at 228 and im like omg thats 2 people!!! ..... Time for a change,,, im tired of carrying two people....
  • 13donna1
    13donna1 Posts: 12
    HI everyone!
    It's really great to see people like myself wanting a healthier life style. I had a Lap Band placed 5 years ago and lost almost 40#. I have gained 30# back and now I and having the band removed and considering the Gastric Sleeve. I have to do something about this weight along with health concerns that have reared it"s ugly head :(.
    I was on You tube and found a gal that was talking about this site. I have searched long and hard to find a program that "caters" to us wanting a healthier life style and here we go. Loving it so far.
    Hears to us!!
  • 13donna1
    13donna1 Posts: 12
    HI everyone!
    It's really great to see people like myself wanting a healthier life style. I had a Lap Band placed 5 years ago and lost almost 40#. I have gained 30# back and now I and having the band removed and considering the Gastric Sleeve. I have to do something about this weight along with health concerns that have reared it"s ugly head :sad:
    I was on You tube and found a gal that was talking about this site. I have searched long and hard to find a program that "caters" to us wanting a healthier life style and here we go. Loving it so far.
    Hears to us!!:smile:
  • 13donna1
    13donna1 Posts: 12
    Make sure that you are drinking your water! You may even have to increase your water intake to break through your plateau. Stay positive!! It will happen
  • 13donna1
    13donna1 Posts: 12
    :smile: Make sure that you are drinking your water! You may even have to increase your water intake to break through your plateau. Stay positive!! It will happen
  • chelcdub
    chelcdub Posts: 49 Member
    Hey guys...I also said by 30 I would be nice and slim and wearing all these cute outfits. Well I turned 30 in January and I realized, it wasn't about getting slim, it wasn't about cute clothes or wearing a bathing suit in the summer. I realized I need to be healthy if I want to live. Since April I've lost 13 pounds and I'm Blessed to be doing this with my family. I guess the change comes when you want this (weight loss) for the right reason.s..hooray for us!!!