What's your physical aliments- due to being over weight.



  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Other than I've been treated for high cholesterol, high bp, low bp, type 2 diabetes .. all which have been improved ..
    (have pcos which I understand isn't fixable w/o a hystorectomy)
    I have the unlikely fixable things .. my back (a fall in 87+ genetic flaw) causes me much displeasure. I hurt both
    knees some years back due to my weight then and hurt both ankles severely, which included casts.but I was actually
    trying to be fit when that happened which put me in a setback to lose the massive amt I needed to lose.

    I also developed a side effect that was from a choloestrol med, they tested me and said it was
    carpal tunnel but took me off the cholesterol med because I think they weren't certain it was the true cause.
    The carpal tunnel .. numbness comes/goes but several years off that med it has improved so idk really.
    I have a bunch wrong but getting to a smaller weight will benefit my body greatly.
  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    I have to take horrible drugs and pain pills for arthritis. I take a pill for reflux. And another for Pcos. My biggest issue and the reason I am doing something is that my periods are a mess and I don't ovulate. I am praying for a post weight loss baby.
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Other than I've been treated for high cholesterol, high bp, low bp, type 2 diabetes .. all which have been improved ..
    (have pcos which I understand isn't fixable w/o a hystorectomy)
    I have the unlikely fixable things .. my back (a fall in 87+ genetic flaw) causes me much displeasure. I hurt both
    knees some years back due to my weight then and hurt both ankles severely, which included casts.but I was actually
    trying to be fit when that happened which put me in a setback to lose the massive amt I needed to lose.

    I also developed a side effect that was from a choloestrol med, they tested me and said it was
    carpal tunnel but took me off the cholesterol med because I think they weren't certain it was the true cause.
    The carpal tunnel .. numbness comes/goes but several years off that med it has improved so idk really.
    I have a bunch wrong but getting to a smaller weight will benefit my body greatly.

    This is awful, I forgot altogether my 3 arm socket tears. When a little girl, rough play with older kids,
    I had my arms pulled out of socket 3x and it hurts, pops when I strength train. I cringed when I watched
    Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon movies because I understand that too well. :|
  • Matzie
    Matzie Posts: 2 Member
    Currently being treated w/ high bp, close to age 50 and going through perimenopause, and need to lose about 40 lbs. Any advice from anyone on how to get my bp down in the normal range without the help of meds?????? I don't want high bp, nor do I want to be taking hp meds all of my life.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    For some reason I'm technically obese, but I have no health problems from it.

    Smoking cigarettes however has wrecked me.
  • junco1971
    junco1971 Posts: 26 Member
    I have
    trouble breathing when walking
    severe sleep apnea
    need right knee replacement
    back issue, I can't stand for more then 10 minutes at a time
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Other than I've been treated for high cholesterol, high bp, low bp, type 2 diabetes .. all which have been improved ..
    (have pcos which I understand isn't fixable w/o a hystorectomy)
    I have the unlikely fixable things .. my back (a fall in 87+ genetic flaw) causes me much displeasure. I hurt both
    knees some years back due to my weight then and hurt both ankles severely, which included casts.but I was actually
    trying to be fit when that happened which put me in a setback to lose the massive amt I needed to lose.

    I also developed a side effect that was from a choloestrol med, they tested me and said it was
    carpal tunnel but took me off the cholesterol med because I think they weren't certain it was the true cause.
    The carpal tunnel .. numbness comes/goes but several years off that med it has improved so idk really.
    I have a bunch wrong but getting to a smaller weight will benefit my body greatly.

    This is awful, I forgot altogether my 3 arm socket tears. When a little girl, rough play with older kids,
    I had my arms pulled out of socket 3x and it hurts, pops when I strength train. I cringed when I watched
    Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon movies because I understand that too well. :|

    When I was 17, I had surgery to stop my shoulder from dislocating. By that time, it was coming out about once a week. It started when I was 4 years old, and did it only a couple times a year. It got more and more frequent as I got older. By 17, at once a week, I was just done. That was 28 years ago. I still freak out when people in movies pop out their shoulders. Phantom pains and lingering fears. It's still achy when the weather changes. And if I don't exercise it at least 2x a week, I'll be achy and sore for a few weeks after that. I also can't turn a doorknob or a key with that hand, lol.

    But mine has nothing to do with my being overweight. It's just loose joints. My whole body has joint problems. Born that way.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Back and shoulders hurt from giant boobs. Low BP and fast heart rate.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    1. High blood pressure which has been very good for the last two years since I started this journey
    2. Bad right knee, painful when I take my walks and exercise
    3. Horribly bad left knee

    I feel confident that once I complete my journey this pain will be lessened. I sure hope so.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
    baby-kiwer - Yes on the fast heart rate, I forgot about that. Mine improved the more exercise I forced myself to do, but I still have to watch it and not go too far over my required heart rate when working out. Because I was afraid, I would not work out hard enough to raise my heart-rate until a co-worker told me, what I think will hurt me is probably the very thing to save my life.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'm not that worried about it. It is possibly just normal for me. The only thing that sucks is my heart rate monitor shows I am burning more calories then I actually am.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i hav e never had any
  • TraceysJourney
    TraceysJourney Posts: 27 Member
    Bad Knees :( Makes working out hard !
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Being tired, lack of energy, and even though I'm not severely over weight, my joints hurt. I also have diabetes in my genes, so want to avoid that!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Before Pregnancy - My highest weight was 195lbs. When I started trying to lose weight, was when I became pregnant.

    Things that my weight probably contributed to during pregnancy :
    - Pre-Eclampsia <- Caused me to need an emergency C-Section at 34 wks
    -Gestational Diabetes

    After pregnancy and 6 weeks postpartum, I was around 260lbs. I started working out, eating better and:
    -was taken off BP meds (related to Pre-E)
    -Blood Sugar levels became normal
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hypertension--was taking the maximum dose of two meds. When my doc wanted to put me on a third, I said, "Okay, that's enough I feel lousy enough on two." So I did a bit of research and found the connection between high blood sugar and hypertension. So I stopped eating sugar in foods (and I was never much of a sweet eater anyway) and ate lower carb--cut out bread and pasta. I was able able to get off the meds in about two weeks. My blood pressure runs about 112/72 most days now (I monitor it at home.)

    Arthritis in my knees and feet. This was a harder one to deal with. But I take several supplements and I do pool exercise for a couple of hours a week. Arthritis is barely there now. Take no pharmaceuticals. I eat a very clean diet--lots of veggies--that's very important. Gluten-free seems to have helped my joints a great deal. Also, egg shell membrane extract is amazing. But likely the biggest benefit was just taking almost 60 pounds off of my joints. The diet helped but I think the reduction in body fat helped a lot too, as body fat puts out a lot of inflammatory cytokines. I take the herbal inflammatories, turmeric (a spice) and bromelain (pineapple plant extract). I also take D3 and K2 vitamins. Doc says that if I keep the weight off and keep doing what I'm doing, I shouldn't have to have knee replacements.

    Reflux. Once I got off of wheat, my horrible reflux went away. But it was improving with the weight loss anyway.

    High blood sugar. The diet helped but I think the reduction in body fat helped a lot too as body fat puts out a lot of inflammatory cytokines and a number of diabetes researchers feel that Type II diabetes is at least partially caused by inflammation.

    My immune system seems to be functioning better now. I used to get EVERYTHING that was going around. I spent the first winter in a very long time that I did not get sick, even once. Don't know if the crummy immunity was caused by the overweight or whether they were both caused by a less-than-stellar diet.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Other than I've been treated for high cholesterol, high bp, low bp, type 2 diabetes .. all which have been improved ..
    (have pcos which I understand isn't fixable w/o a hystorectomy)
    I have the unlikely fixable things .. my back (a fall in 87+ genetic flaw) causes me much displeasure. I hurt both
    knees some years back due to my weight then and hurt both ankles severely, which included casts.but I was actually
    trying to be fit when that happened which put me in a setback to lose the massive amt I needed to lose.

    I also developed a side effect that was from a choloestrol med, they tested me and said it was
    carpal tunnel but took me off the cholesterol med because I think they weren't certain it was the true cause.
    The carpal tunnel .. numbness comes/goes but several years off that med it has improved so idk really.
    I have a bunch wrong but getting to a smaller weight will benefit my body greatly.

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with PCOS...what a frustrating syndrome! Please don't let anyone convince you a hysterectomy is the cure for PCOS. Even after menopause women have symptoms because so many body systems are affected. You may need medical intervention (due to endometrial hyperplasia or for fertility issues), but I wouldn't let a hysterectomy be my first solution. PCOS is thought to be caused by an insensitivity to insulin (also tied into your diabetes). The excess insulin can cause androgen production which then causes those lovely "male" side effects (acne, facial hair, male pattern baldness, weight gain etc.) The effects on your ovaries (multiple cysts) are caused by this hormone imbalance...not the other way around. It's definitely harder to lose the weight because your body reacts differently to food and tends to store fat, but if you can improve your diet and exercise it will help. Best of luck! :)
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    No new ailments but the long term existing ones got a hell'a lot worse!

    Bad back, knees, hips and neck (I won't bore you with medical terms) and riddled with arthritis. The extra weight on my joints and spine forced me to get my prescribed anti-inflams and painkiller mg and dose increased.

    I also started snoring, which the boyf LOVES as you can imagine ;-)
    This sounds like my story and more. Off most med's. Still have problems with knees but I'm still a work in progress!!
  • cmcis
    cmcis Posts: 300 Member
    Just this year my knees were starting to ache. To the point that I felt I couldn't put any weight on my leg. I went once to the doctor at a medicentre about it but was told that there was no damage to the muscle. Only suggestion was that I might want to buy a knee brace to keep swelling down. :ohwell:

    after exercising though I don't seem to have any more trouble with the knees. So hopefully I will get the weight under control before any serious permanent complications.
  • lotusspark
    lotusspark Posts: 367
    Currently being treated w/ high bp, close to age 50 and going through perimenopause, and need to lose about 40 lbs. Any advice from anyone on how to get my bp down in the normal range without the help of meds?????? I don't want high bp, nor do I want to be taking hp meds all of my life.
    Matzie, just diet & fitness. Destress and eliminate packed foods and excess sodium. It can be done. :)