How often do you get on the scale?



  • BeerKahuna
    BeerKahuna Posts: 52
    I step on the scale every morning as it helps to keep me focused. I "check-in" my weight in MFP usually only once per week though - sometimes twice. It's interesting to me how my body reacts (weight-wise) to different foods. If I eat a lot of rice or red meat, the weight tends to stay up for a few days. If I eat pretty clean and low fat, my weight doesn't seem to fluctuate that much day in and day out. That's just me though as they say, your mileage may vary.

    My only suggestion is that you weigh under the same conditions every time. I weigh first thing in the morning right out of the shower. :)
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Once a day, every day, nekkid and empty. I only record on here when there is a loss to report. The scale is a motivator to me, and the fluctuations keep me thinking, not obsessing. Just makes me more aware.
  • victorianjewel
    I weigh once a week


    First thing

    After "relieving myself"

    Always naked

    This way it is consistent and it works for me. My scale is out of sight during the week, I pull it out on Saturday and then is goes right back away.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I get on the scale every morning right after I pee (sorry to be so honest). I have an official weigh in day but I've always weighed daily, even before wanting to lose weight. For me, this works best. It keeps me on track and motivated. For others I know it may too much. Just do whatever makes you feel best, but realize if you do weigh daily you may see jumps and dips quite often.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    i get on every day it keeps me more honest and i don:t have so many cheat days! but i weight once a week with my sisters
  • James501
    James501 Posts: 148
    once a week, though i want to more but doesn;t always fill my head with positivity.
    I find sunday evening is best for me. As was said above ......

    Same bat time
    same bat channel
  • allabouthersheys
    I get on it once in a while but i reccomend not to get on it much because it sometimes brings you down but like when you feel like you lost some weight get on it and check it then :) thats what i do usually.
    and when im finished with my diet i check my weigh, but while your doing your diet or whatever dont check your weigh cuz it could discourage you.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    Every morning. I reach goals at different times in the week, so it's hard to just have one specific weigh-in day for me.
    It also keeps my motivation if every morning I can see that I lost or gained and remember what it is I ate the day before that could have accounted for that gain if there is one. Did I need to drink more water (i.e. too much sodium), did I go over on sugar, etc.

    It's definitely worked for me.
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    Everyone's different...

    I myself prefer to weigh myself every morning as I feel it motivates me more, especially if I'd had a bad week! I can see the damage pretty much straight away on the scales and do something about it! I also attend Slimming World every Tuesday with a work colleague!
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    I weigh myself each morning in the same clothes at the same time then have a graph I plot it into and that way I can see the trend over time so the everyday fluctuations don't matter too much. Though I do worry when I go up by more than 1lb overnight but I find that only motivates me to work harder!

    I think as lesley1981 said, everyone is different. some people are motivated more if they can see the changes everyday and some would get demotivated if they see upward fluctuations. I think people should find out what works for them and keeps them motivated, I don't necessarily think there should be a set regularity as a guide to how often you should weigh yourself, its all down to personal preference.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    It depends more on how you take things than anything else. If you're OK potentially seeing yourself gain a pound of two without freaking out then you can probably weigh yourself every morning. If not, then try once a week. Your body can gain or lose a couple of pounds just based on how hydrated you are (something to keep in mind! A pound doesn't just mean it's a pound of fat).
  • Equilibrium
    Equilibrium Posts: 37 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I want to, but have an official weigh-in once a week (Thursdays). Weighing in more often keeps me motivated and helps me to focus on sticking to my eating plan. It's the same principle with balancing my checkbook -- if I don't keep it updated regularly, it's out of sight, out of mind. I'd rather know what the situation is, good or bad, rather than be shocked when I finally get around to checking.

    We're all so different in what works for us. I guess the most important thing is to figure out what works for you and then stay with it.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I personally get on the scale every morning after going to the bathroom (it's crazy the difference it can make once you empty your bowels - totally gross but true). Getting on the scale every day keeps me focused. But then again I've only been at this for about 3 months, I'm sure eventually I probably won't get on the scale as much. Who knows though, what works for one person maybe the the opposite of what works best for another person. :)
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    For a couple of weeks I have weighted myself just before going to sleep and again in the morning after bathroom. I'm gathering data so I can see the daily fluctuations. It averages around 1 - 2 lbs over night.
    It's mad how much your weight can change over the day. I used to check my weight before and after a TKD lesson too and even drinking a lot there could easily be 4 lbs difference before and after. That really motivated me to drink more and to get some of those sports drinks to replenish the minerals I lose sweating.
  • wibadgerfan1478
    wibadgerfan1478 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh myself every night at work, but only record it once a week.
  • daveymck
    daveymck Posts: 14 Member
    Once a fortnight, I know I am eating right and excercising more so the weight will come off ,the scales are just the method of keeping score, I think people can turn the scales into an enemy and expect daily miricles. We are on a long term journey measuring daily in the shortest terms possible can lead to dissapointment and potentially giving up.
  • molberts
    molberts Posts: 35
    pretty much every morning :blushing: Its part of my morning bathroom routine now!

    When I lose weight I record it on MFP. I had a plateau for nearly two weeks a while back but apart from that I've been losing steadily, so it keeps me motivated to keep weighing regularly :smile:
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    once a week is my goal, but i cheated this week and hopped on at least 3 times this week.
  • sheyna1983
    sheyna1983 Posts: 137
    I weigh myself every day when I wake up right before showering. Wow, now I don't feel so bad about it since so many of you do the same! :flowerforyou:
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I was getting on the scale every morining but my personal trainer told me not to do that. It did mess with my head when my weight would go up and down during the week. What should you do?

    I used to be a multiple times per day weigher. This weight loss programme however, I weigh and measure myself once per week, after getting up, and going to the toilet and it is always naked.

    I always weigh AND measure and then record the lot. I don't see the fluctuations that naturally occur that way - I don't want to see them, been all through that and it can get disheartening.