Any new moms (or dads) trying to lose the "baby weight"?

I had a baby in September (2012) and am finally ready (I hope) to give losing some of this "baby weight" a try! It seems that it is becoming less and less baby weight and more and more my just eating ALOT!

Just seeing if anyone else has been working on this or wanting to. I would like to lose approximately 50lbs, 22lbs of that is from being pregnant. So yes, I have a long way ahead me!

Just throwing it out there!

Thanks :)



  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I had a baby in December and I'm here trying to lose weight. :) I'll add you!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I had a baby last May (end of the month makes a year) and I've been on here since the end of September (admittedly took a few "breaks") getting back in shape. :-)
  • kts3639
    kts3639 Posts: 188 Member
    My goals are very similar to yours. I had my son at the end of November '12. I started working out/eating better in the beginning of February. I started out with about 45 lbs. to lose, and 30 of those lbs. were from my previous pregnancy (my daughter is a little over 2), oops lol. I have about 17 lbs. to go to reach my first goal of 150lbs. (I'm 5' 6.5") and then I will evaluate from there. Feel free to add me!!!
  • jcgutierrez
    jcgutierrez Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there! same here I had my baby girl in September 2012, and I have to admit something. I think I was to hard on myself, a week after delivery I was logging. But no luck, here I am and my hormones are still whack, plus I have PCOS. from my 6 week appointment I have manage to lose 15 pounds, but I am still at 219. I gained 50 pounds! I still have 30 to go before I reach my prepregnancy weight. But I have 50 for my goal of 160. Before I got pregnant i manage to lose 54 pounds. I am running out of patience this time. Things have slowed down so much! But good luck to you on your journey! You will make it!
  • CastingZumbaFitness
    If anyone is interested in trying Zumba to lose the baby weight, please reach out! We are offering free Zumba to New York and Florida residents!

  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I had a baby March 1st. I didn't gain a whole lot during my pregnancy, but I'm struggling to take off the remaining 5 pounds. Before I got pregnant I lost 30 pounds pretty easily. Now it is a very difficult challenge. But I'm just trying to keep on... Just finished the 3rd week of C25K.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Or dads?
  • gingersnaps828
    I'm not a "new" mom, but I'm still trying to lose the baby weight! LOL. My son's 9 yrs old and I've yo-yo dieted and been struggling with weight before and more so after his birth. I had PCOS before he was born, hypothyrodism and epilepsy throughout my life and now still, and struggle with depression too. I tried doing this last year but gave up on myself. I am back and motivated to do this. I want to do Zumba (at home) and am excited to get started! I'm from Wisconsin
  • happymrsmama
    My son just turned one, and I am trying to lose that baby weight. I'd lost all but 5, gained 5 back, and once I started this I've lost those 5 again. I'm at 155 right now, pre-pregnancy weight being 150. However, I had gained about 15-20 pounds in the year or so before the pregnancy, mainly due to a miscarriage. My goal right now is 130, but I would really like to see 120 again!
  • VanCityFit
    VanCityFit Posts: 105 Member
    I am 13 months post prego and it is driving me nuts that I haven't lost of the baby weight by now. I am at 178 and I need to lose at least 30lbs. I was at 206 when I had my son, I still have some major hormone issues but I am not going to use it as an excuses anymore. It is time to get committed!!
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    My little man was born Feb 15th and I ballooned to 277 (weight right after having him). I've lost a ton of weight already but I'm looking to get really healthy for my son :) I've past up my prepregnancy weight and I've got my eye on 120.
  • vartos
    vartos Posts: 3
    Hi, I had my baby in October 2012 and gained 73 lbs with her (yikes). I started working out and dieting about 3 months ago and so far I have 18 lbs left to go to my pre-pregnancy weight. But these last lbs are so hard to get rid of. I'm determined to get to that 120 mark.
  • jparsons27
    jparsons27 Posts: 61
    I wrote "or dads" because I know some dads gain some sympathy weight ;)
  • jenluth
    jenluth Posts: 13
    I am right there with you. I had my second (and last) baby at the end of Nov. '12. I gained 50 lbs. this pregnancy. I also still had 40 lbs that I still had left to lose from my first pregnancy for a total of 90 lbs to lose. I started working on losing that weight seriously in January. I still have 45-50 lbs to go. Slowly but surely :-)
  • jparsons27
    jparsons27 Posts: 61
    So glad to see some of you all are in the same boat or have already had some great success! Thanks!!
  • jackeroo83
    jackeroo83 Posts: 32 Member
    I'd love to add some fellow moms for support/motivation! I had a little girl in April and am just beginning my weight loss journey. I had a rough delivery so I'm still waiting for the go ahead to get back to my regular exercise, but want to eat well and in a manageable calorie range because I'm breastfeeding. Congrats to everyone on their little peanuts! :)
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I had my son ( 3rd baby) September 1st 2012. I've been working out and "eating sensibly" since 6 weeks postpartum and have seen some great results. I was 165 before I gave birth and am down to 125 now (I'm 5'8") which took 7 months! I feel like I'm at an okay weight but still battling the belly fat and muffin top! I've had to go pretty slow because I don't want to decrease my milk supply. So far exercise seems to increase it.

    Mamas who are just starting to exercise, don't be too hard on yourself. I was so discouraged at first because I couldn't even physically do some of the exercises in my first workout ( 30 day shred). And I still looked 4 months pregnant up until about a month ago. The day I could actually sit right up in bed without using my arms to push myself was a big victory lol!
  • setaylor86080
    setaylor86080 Posts: 210 Member
    hey I had my second little girl in march. Although I only gained about 30 with her (and I am 5 away from being what I was before) I am no where near what I need to be lol. With my first one I gained 60 and then 4 months later I was expecting again. There was no way to lose it all. I want to lose 120 in the long run but right now I am just hoping to lose what I gained with my girls!! Please feel free to add me. I would love some "mommy" friends that are going throw the same thing as me!
  • sunshineblue1
    sunshineblue1 Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I had a son in Decmber 2012...I was overweight beforehand I had him so trying to loose baby weight and then some
  • crystalghali
    crystalghali Posts: 4 Member
    I had a baby 7 months ago, in October, I still have weight to lose from my first kid who is now 3, feel free to add me, I am struggling with losing this baby weight but still keeping at it.