Newbie in need of inspiration!

Hi! I'm new to this site and I'm not really good when it comes to health. I have been struggling with my weight. I weigh 200lbs and I just looked at the mirror and whoa!


  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Welcome! If you just change one habit a week these small steps add up. . .maybe just try drinking more water for a week, then the next week add a little exercise in addition to the water, the following week maybe add more fruits & veggies. . .before you know it you'll have it all under control and be much healthier! Good luck on this journey!!!
  • brown_daniel
    Thanks Sherry. Now that you mentioned water I have not been drinking much of it for awhile. I was in to diet sodas and the like.
  • KellieMcMurdy
    KellieMcMurdy Posts: 49 Member
    Hi and good luck! I'm kind of in the same boat, I was looking thru pictures a week or so ago and realized how big I'd gotten since I got married ... not cool! Anyway, I now have 2 little boys to keep up with and my Mom is struggling with borderline diabetes so I decided it was time to do something. I started with keeping track of what I've eaten on here then Monday I went to a Zumba class and last night I tried a friends class. We haven't changed the majority of things but I"ve stayed under my calories since I started so I'm hoping when my scale gets here that I'll see some results.

    Oh, having a frined that checks up on my diet occassionally helps. You're welcome to friend me if you'd like to chat ... if not, good luck again!
  • marriola123
    It's hard but once you get going it becomes easier and easier. I woke up one morning thinking I was still 20 and realised I had gained 30 pounds it's taken me a little over 4 months but 6 months later I have maintained my weight loss and kept up with my diet ad excercise. The hardest thing which I gave up was the soda period no diet no regular no soda. It was hard but after a while my face cleared up I lost weight faster and just felt better. Now I drink the Fizzy flavored water from Walmart it makes me feel as though I am having that soda I crave and love but it has no calories and no sugar and it taste really good. I still drink regular water at work but I look forward to getting home and drinking that fizzy water. I replaced sweets with lower calorie sweets and yogurt frozen yogurt is huge out here so I don't deprive myself and the biggest thing I changed was my intake of red meat I only eat red meat once a month if that I stick to chicken turkey and fish. I'm strengthing and toning now so I am hoping to at least look great in a swim suit by end of summer maybe I can actually wear one and not feel gross! Best of luck and the best advise I could give is don't give up keep tryng keep pushing and you'll get there!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I agree with Sherry1979. I started mfp by just tracking what I was eating and upping my water (this lost me my first 5 pounds). Once I got over the shock of how much it all added up, I started making changes to what I was eating and then, finally, added in the exercise. I've been at it for about 2 months now and I'm happy with the results. Definitely use the message boards, blogs, and add helps soooo much! Best of luck :smile:
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'm on day 2 and already feeling inspired by the people here. We can all do it !
  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
  • vanessa_wilson
    I'm also new to MFP. I have just been reading success stories on this site. I do hope It goes well for me too. I have started drinking more water than sodas. I have cut down on my coffee intake as well but caffeine is addictive.
  • brown_daniel
    Thanks you all! I have started to workout. I have been doing abdominal crunches and push ups. I just don't know how to update it in my
  • rdottaylor
    You can update it under exercise tab