Gained 9 pounds in a month! Feel so disgusting...

I'm truly disgusted with myself. I guess my emotional eating got the better of me. All I've eaten for the last month has pretty much been rubbish, and as a result, I've gained back 9 pounds. Just three weeks ago, my friends were telling me how tiny I look. Now I look puffy and flabby and my "goal pants" are far from fitting. And I was so close before! I need to get back on track and lose that 9 again, but I need support. I'm so angry with myself. ='(


  • meemo88
    meemo88 Posts: 436 Member
    Hi, I did the same exact thing....however I gained back 35 in about 5 months....I'm discusted of myself and all my jeans dont fit me anymore. I tried to get back on track but its very difficult. I am back to how I was eating before i lost any weight :(((
  • skalkbrenn
    skalkbrenn Posts: 47 Member
    I know that feeling, but if you're not careful with the feeling of defeat then it will win and take over. You lost that 9lbs before and you have the ability to lose it again. Losing weight/getting healthy is a long term committment and we are not perfect. We make mistakes. Just do not let 9lbs get in the way of achieving your ultimate goal weight. Pick yourself up and start over!! I bet the first few pounds will come off pretty easy b/c a portion of that has to be water weight. Start your program over and stick to it - even if this happens again (because it might).

    Once you lose that 9lbs you are going to feel accomplished again. Heck, as soon as you make the decision to commit again you will feel accomplished. I have fought with my weight for my whole life and I am only 30. It dawned on me just a couple of months ago that I know how to eat healthy and to exercise. The problem is that I haven't wanted to do it for the long haul. I wanted to sprint to my goal weight and then return to how I wanted to eat rather than how I should. The result .......failing multiple times. But you have not failed yourself unless you completely give up. Stay strong!!
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    But you probably have one of the most beautifull eye colors in the world
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    I gained ten pounds over Christmas break and have spent the past four months trying to get it back off again. It's OK. Do what you gotta do to make peace with whatever's triggering your emotional eating, and make a renewed commitment to getting healthy.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    So sad the way we beat ourselves up! In my case, going to school really demanded a lot of time and attention PLUS I was injured for about 2 months. I gained 10 lbs over the course of a year and have not been this HUGE in YEARS! But you know something? NO ONE ELSE NOTICES because I was in such good shape before! I know what I have to do and now I will have more time to do it since the semester is finally winding down. I won't say that it isn't frustrating, and I won't say that it isn't a struggle. But now that I have the time, I can better prioritize. We can do this!!!!
  • stepheatscake
    stepheatscake Posts: 167 Member
    Aw I know the feeling. Remember it when you're tempted to pick up that junk food next time!
  • Gongfu_1960
    Gongfu_1960 Posts: 23

    I don't do these forums, but I know your position...and hopefully can make you think.

    I lost 81 lbs 10 years ago, and gained back 90....

    In the last month I've lost 12, and WILL lose 100.

    Every day is another chance to change your life.

    Deep inside, you know if you want to be fit, and attractive and healthy again. :wink:

    If you do, get back on it. Period
  • JLPaige
    JLPaige Posts: 194
    It happens to all of us. Get back up, brush yourself off, and get back on track. You can do it :)
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    It happens. Use how you feel as motivation to not only drop it back down, but keep it off. I read somewhere that "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."

    For what it's worth, a lot of that is probably bloat that you'll be able to pull off quickly when you get your calories back under control.

    good luck!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i don't know why this bugs me so much, but it does.

    Get a grip. You didn't murder someone or abandon your kids. The world is full of sick people. Reserve your disgust for them.

    Regarding you putting on a little weight in an emotional time? That calls for a bit of compassion. Love yourself enough to get back in the saddle and do what you want to do for YOU because you LOVE you and because you DESERVE to be happy and healthy.
  • TeeA86
    TeeA86 Posts: 102 Member
    I can relate to each and every person's post on here... I have gained 30 pounds in the last six months. I too am an emotional eater and I enjoy the feeling of being "stuffed" We are works in progress. Trying to get on and stay on the ball this time. Good luck!! You'll do great and those 9 pounds will be gone in no time!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    *Raises hand*

    I am guilty of the same thing. I allowed myself to fall out of routine and gained roughly the same amount this past month or so. As long as I'm making headway elsewhere (personal records, inches lost, even just getting to the gym three times a week!) then I'm not as worried about it.

    You've lost it before. You'll do it again.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 494 Member
    I was just reading up on helping a loved one quit smoking, and they had some awesome advice on there. They said that we have to look at each time they "fail" at quitting needs to be looked at as training. You can hardly ever fully accomplish something the first time you try it. You have to try, not do so great, evaluate, try again. You lost weight, but you gained it back. Why? Use that experience to learn from it. What worked? What made you go back to your old habits? What could you have done differently? It wasn't a failure. It was practice for the next, more successful attempt at changing your life.

    This is a life-changing thing for most of us. It's not simple, and it's a process. There is no room in something that momentous for hatred of yourself. We are human, and we slip. Like another poster said, there is enough horribleness in this world that deserves that kind of response. You trying to improve your life, slipping a bit, then coming back her for support to try AGAIN definitely does not! You can do this! You have to respect yourself enough to forgive yourself and try again!!!
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    ok so you are angry at yourself and cranky.. done now???? Just get back on track TODAY.... sometimes our emotional baggage is the worst type of saboteur .. but you can over come it. Don't stay mad at does not good and only makes it harder to restart...forgive yourself..let it go and start again are worth it....((HUGSS))) hang in there!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I was just reading up on helping a loved one quit smoking, and they had some awesome advice on there. They said that we have to look at each time they "fail" at quitting needs to be looked at as training. You can hardly ever fully accomplish something the first time you try it. You have to try, not do so great, evaluate, try again. You lost weight, but you gained it back. Why? Use that experience to learn from it. What worked? What made you go back to your old habits? What could you have done differently? It wasn't a failure. It was practice for the next, more successful attempt at changing your life.

    This is a life-changing thing for most of us. It's not simple, and it's a process. There is no room in something that momentous for hatred of yourself. We are human, and we slip. Like another poster said, there is enough horribleness in this world that deserves that kind of response. You trying to improve your life, slipping a bit, then coming back her for support to try AGAIN definitely does not! You can do this! You have to respect yourself enough to forgive yourself and try again!!!

  • Nothing was ever achieved without motivation,,,,,,,start a fresh tomorrow the best way to predict the future is to create it
  • ConleighS
    ConleighS Posts: 1,058 Member
    I think we all have been there done that at least once (or more) on our fitness journey. I got to my goal weight for my wedding last September then by the beginning of this year I had gained back 16lbs. I joined MFP and started working out/walking/hiking and got within 2 lbs of getting back to wedding weight - then I got sick and gained 10lbs...who does that? gains weight with the flu?? Anyway..

    just regroup and remember how you felt before you gained the weight back vs how you feel know. You will do it.!!

  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member
    then I got sick and gained 10lbs...who does that? gains weight with the flu?? Anyway..

    Oh my goodness, I did the same thing in April! Caught the flu, turned into pneumonia, and I quickly gained back 10 lbs. Being parked on the couch + unlimited servings of soup and hot cocoa do not fare well for a dieter. Lesson learned. :ohwell:
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    me too. i started here may 2010. by december 2011 i had lost 192lbs. then i started slacking. i got comfortable. was eating more crap. was eating out more (bf likes to eat out.) wasn't as active. (it was more fun to cuddle and watch a movie than to go work out and it was embarrassing to work out in front of him.....yeah i know that's in my head) i gained back 30lbs. i've been in the high 180s to just over 200 for over a year now. i need to get myself back on track and stay there. feel free to add me and yell at me. i'm guilty of just logging in to see my ticker go up. ticker saying i've logged in for 1060 days is nice but i need to lose weight too!
  • tdfarmer
    tdfarmer Posts: 176 Member
    I've struggled the past 2 months, gaining back 12lbs. We must quit beating ourselves up and move on. I totally understand.