Let's make it... Fabulous in our 40's!!!



  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    Hi! Feel free to add me I'm 48 with 2 boys..I have been using MFP for about 1 year...would love new friends around my age. Anyone can add me also...thanks!
  • 2ahealthyme
    2ahealthyme Posts: 18 Member
    I will be 48 in less than two weeks. I have a 21 yr old son and a 19 yr old daughter. I work full time in a very stressful job, so when I am not working, I want to have fun. I was very active and a gym rat until I fell down a flight of stairs at a Chiefs game (long and very embarrassing story). Since then, my only avenue for fun was food and DRINK. I recently had surgery on my ankle, am on the road to recovery, and every day I am able to do more. I can't wait to get back in the gym and see some REAL results.

    I would love to have fellow motivators on this journey. Feel free to add me! :)
  • Darryl4126
    Darryl4126 Posts: 267 Member
    I am 39 is that close enough you can add me
  • tlrushia
    tlrushia Posts: 4 Member
    I'll be turning 46 in a couple weeks. The 40's haven't been kind to me. My weight, a divorce and some small health issues. But I've decided its time for me to take control. Would love some new friends to travel down this road with. Feel free to add me...
  • pocahontas_38
    I really don't know what to other than I just turned 40 on the 9th, and I have never been more motivated to be healthy. I will no longer put a limit on my life, and being healthy and fit. I am with you on looking Fabulous in Our 40's, let's be successful... :smile:
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    47 with two daughters, one 16 one thirteen. I have lost over 100 pounds since being diagnosed diabetic in March last year. I feel better than I can ever remember and life is great. I am in the UK, I eat ultra low carb Primal but I don't ever push my lifestyle choices onto anyone. :-) Feel free to add me, together we can become the fabulous 40 gang. :-)
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    All of you are AWESOME!!! :bigsmile: Stepped away to grab a bite of dinner and came back to all of these wonderful responses!
  • Madmadz77
    Madmadz77 Posts: 129 Member
    39 on sunday. Can I play?
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    At 40 I can say I'm in the best shape of my life. Its a struggle to make time with a wife, 5 year old, and three jobs. Feel free to add me...I intend to make my 40's the best ten years of my life.
  • dayaisy
    dayaisy Posts: 25 Member
    Feel free to add me too... I am 40 and my kids are 13 and 9.... nice to have support from others in the same boat
  • knittingnook
    knittingnook Posts: 5 Member
    43 here.... feel free to add me as well!! Youngest 10-- oldest 21,.... A couple teens in between them...(16,19).... two are foster and two are bio... plus a hubby who has no weight worries -- and frequently derails my efforts with offerings of peppermint patties and ice cream...
  • sripper
    sripper Posts: 2
    I just turned 46 and have been the heaviest ever. Just went through divorce, moving and all that stress. My ex husband said he was embarrased tobe seen with me cause I gaines so much weight....ouch. Well now doc says I have high blood pressure so I have two reasons for doing this, my health and sweet revenge...(just kidding). Yes it is harder than it used to be but I am gonna try it....Need any support i can get
  • Tjlewis3
    Tjlewis3 Posts: 3
    Just turned 48 and on top of all the baby weight I gained and haven't lost from each of my 3 pregnancies. I want to get to a healthy weight for me and definitely be a whole lot firmer. My face and neck show it way too much. I once had a nice body. I was in the Navy so I had a "hard body" from all the PT and stuff we had to do. So I was able to wear the smaller sizes and look great. I want to get back to being that solid size 8 that I was. I would even be okay with a 10/11, but being this size 18/20 right now is bummin' me out. I'm 5'2" and 184lbs and seem to stick right around there no matter if I think I feel lighter after a successful week of exercise and change in diet and portions. The scale never lies and neither does a tape measure.
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    I just turned 42 yesterday!!!!! Whooo Hooo. Mom to a 15 year old and a 13 year old. Working hard on my goals. Just reached my first 10 lb goal today!!!! Onto the next 10. Sent you an add.

    I want to add Pamela cuz she is a SOA fan!!!!!!

    Im about to turn 48 and have never believed that age was an issue - my only issue was getting lazy and fat after retiring from the Police Dept so I got busy last year and changed that! I work out 5-6 times a week, eat better than I ever have (but still eat what I want cuz I choose to LIVE life) and have lost about 27 pounds so far. Wife, mom of 3, and always busy - no excuses! I'm always up for some mature/adult MFP pals!
  • hap2010
    hap2010 Posts: 101 Member
    I just turned 44. I have 2 natural children (16 and 14) 3 step children (22, 19,16) I am currently 7 pounds from my goal weight. I do cardio about 3 hours a week (walking mostly) and lift 5-6 days a week. I log on everyday and I try to support as much as possible. Some days are better than others. Send me friend request if you would like to support each other.
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    42 and stronger than I've ever been. Heavy lifting, running, and eating well... IT FEELS GREAT!
  • kimpossible5
    Feel free to add me too - I am 40 with 4 kids and am struggling with losing 10lbs.... trying to take up jogging to increase cardio, stop the emotional (boredom) eating, and drink WAY more water.

    I cannot believe how hard it is to lose weight at 40 - it figures, since I'm finally mature enough to be motivated LOL
  • Zalli
    Zalli Posts: 132 Member
    I turned forty last August and the six months leading up to my birthday was so motivational for me!

    I have reached my weight loss goals and am now maintaining a weight/fitness level I haven't seen or felt since my early twenties. So far forty is fantastic! :)
  • marcon125
    marcon125 Posts: 259 Member
    Turning 42 in a couple of months and I have one son who's six. I used to run marathons in my late twenties and would like to get back to that level of fitness. Working with a personal trainer to regain strength and speed, but also recognize the need to eat better.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I needed an excuse to blurt out: It's my birthday today!

    That means, by this time next year, I will be Fabulous, too!
