Addicted to eating out...any tips???

SuzyT01 Posts: 12
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone, one of my BIGGEST challenges is going out to eat! I really do think I might be a little addicted. I mean I have no problems working out or going to the gym or buying healthy food at the grocery store, but as soon as the weekend comes around its like I feel like I have to eat out for lunch AND dinner. And no, of course since I am soo addicted to eating out, I don't order off the light menu. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to kick the bad habit all together? I really need the help!


  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Eat In! :)

  • kspirig
    kspirig Posts: 3
    Learn to make those "out" foods at home. Cheaper and you control what goes into them!
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    We always eat out as a family on the weekend. I looked at the nutrition guide for Chili's (my kids favorite restaurant). There really isn't anything I can have on the menu, so I always eat half and take the rest home for my husband or kids to eat the next day. Tip; when you order your food ask for a to-go-container and put half in it. I also don't drink my calories...always get water with lemon.
  • What is more important- eating out or meeting your goals? Besides killing the diet, it is hell on the wallet too. Add up the amount of money you spend eating out each year. I bet you will be surprised.

    Allow yourself one meal out a week. Plan carefully and choose wisely. It will really help you realize that what you are eating out may not be that good after all. The food quality in most restaurants is very poor and your performance and goals are better served by healthy food.

    Ok, there are some ideas. hope it helps. Good luck. I used to be addicted to eating out. Now I really can't stand it. You will get there.

    And as Buddha said, "Do your best."
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Piggy bank it toward something special or better yet, give it, double your effort :happy:
  • naturebaby
    naturebaby Posts: 161
    I think many of us use food as entertainment..try to find another hobby that fills your needs and passions. take a hike, paint, play golf, swim, take up sports, play with your animals, ride a to live don't live to eat.:flowerforyou:
  • TXmama
    TXmama Posts: 37
    This is a really tough one and I've struggled with this one for a looooong time, too. I think one thing that might work is to set a small goal -- don't try to make big changes all at once. Try to eat in for just ONE of the meals you usually eat out on a weekend. Try to do that for a few weeks. Then try to add another. I still have a "splurge" meal every couple of weeks where I don't think about calories, but afterward I do try to log them in as best as I can -- and the shock of seeing that I went over by 1,000 calories can help keep me on the right track for the rest of the weekend! Good luck!
  • I work at a restaurant so I know how it feels to just what to eat all the bad but delicious foods. So here are tips that I try to follow.

    If you MUST go out : Always drink a lot of water 30 mins before you eat, you will get fuller sooner. Talk more during the meal so that it takes longer to eat. Never order an appetizer, hundreds of calories are hidden in those finger foods! Even if you do not order off of the healthy menu, make healthier decisions, choose the chicken fajitas rather than the steak fajitas. Stay away from the alcohol! Do NOT take any food home with you, unless you are bringing it home for someone else. Bringing the food home will only grant you the chance to eat unhealthy the for 2nd time! And the obvious, never get desert, but if you are craving something sweet ( that's my biggest problem! ) then steal a few bites from your friends ( also cost efficient! )

    If you are trying NOT to go out: If it's your friends influencing you, then suggest a healthier resturaunt or offer to cook-in for everybody or go out to the lake, pool, or park and have a picnic (being outdoors in the heat will make you want to eat healthier as you see everybody in fewer clothes). If you do it to want to dress up and go out, go to a club and burn calories on the dance floor ( dancing is amazing as a cardio workout! )

    I hoped these tips helped! and Good Luck on your road to becoming healthier!
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    Hi it is great that you are asking in the beginning and addressing that this might be an issue for you. Everyone that is commented have very valid points questions you want ask yourself are:

    How much do I like those old skinny clothes I use to wear?

    Has eating out all weekend helped me to reach my goals or hindered my progess?

    Is that the way that I really want to invest my money by doing so every weekend?

    How bad do I miss those skinny clothes?

    If I continue to eat out like that, will I be closer or further away from those goals?

    Is it possible for me to learn to enjoy making healthy nutritious meals?

    Could I possibly invite others over to enjoy some of my exciting new meals?

    Do I really like skinny clothes that I mentioned when I joined?

    Do I want to carry the habit around with me (if you know what I mean)?

    Lastly, what has the habit done for me lately?

    By Thanksgiving, could I possibly be back in some skinny clothes? How much do
    like clothes?

    My dear, I think you should cook and entertain at home and have game night until you get to the point of control. I had to do that initially with sugar because I LOVE sugar and that was my addiction still today, I am not eating much sugar. If there is something you have a hard time controlling, get rid of it sometimes there is not an all or nothing until you can control it. Soon your family and friends will see you are building a healthier and happier lifestyle for yourself others might want to follow.........I wish you the best and I know you will be very successful!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Trying setting a goal for yourself to create a fantastic meal at home...create the recipe, shop for it and then plan on making it. Invite someone over to eat it with you. I used to love eating out every night on the weekends but now I would rather limit it to once and really take my time on cooking some fantastic meals. We used to always go out to eat on a Friday night. I would say, I cooked all week, it's a night off for me. Now I cook at home and go to the gym for a 2nd workout with my daughter. We get time together and I stay on track. We are going out tomorrow and I'm really in the mood for a burger however I will order the burger with no bun, no fries and a double portion of veggies. This way I go out, I have fun, I don't have to cook but I'm still staying on track! You can do this!!
  • honestly it depends on WHERE you're eating out. if its a fast food joint or a big chain full of greasy food then you might have a problem (not that those places dont have food that's delicious, just its generally less healthy for you) if you eat at a local place you're much more likely to get healthier food.

    if you are eating at a local place....well then ignore that first bit! XD ha

    here's what i suggest: the drinking alot of water beforehand is a GREAT idea, it fills your stomach so that you dont eat as much. also portions at restaurants are always HUGE (unless its a WAY fancy place then the portions are stupidly small for billions of dollars but thats a different issue) so if you want to order something huge . . . order a HUGE salad. you're still getting tons of food so you fill up your stomach but its not being filled up with as much random fat from heavy sauces and fatty meats and MOST of your food is delicious healthy veggies. THOUGH a warning about restaurant salads, the dressings are killer when it comes to calories, so i suggest asking the waiter which is their lightest salad dressing and asking if you can get it on the side, then only use half or 3/4 of what they give you.

    also try just eating out for just dinner or just lunch, pick one. yes, it'll be hard at first if you're used to having both meals out but who ever said losing weight was easy? but eventually you wont feel like you're denying yourself eating out, just doing it once a day will be the new "thing".

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    We also really like to go out. I've gotten better, especially since I cannot have gluten and that makes it a lot more difficult to go out. However, when we do go out, I often order a salad with grilled chicken. I either bring my own dressing or use balsamic vinegar on it. Almost every restaurant has something you can find that's healthy. You may have to modify a menu item, but it can be done. :flowerforyou:
  • hayleejay
    hayleejay Posts: 6
    We always eat out as a family on the weekend. I looked at the nutrition guide for Chili's (my kids favorite restaurant). There really isn't anything I can have on the menu, so I always eat half and take the rest home for my husband or kids to eat the next day. Tip; when you order your food ask for a to-go-container and put half in it. I also don't drink my calories...always get water with lemon.

    If I have to go to Chili's I get either a salad, minus the cheese, croutons, etc with a low fat dressing on the side or the Cedar Plank Tilapia with veggies. It doesn't have too many calories.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Since I moved to London, we eat out for lunch all the time on the weekends because if we go into town it's a long way to get home (hence all the weight gain!!). We have cut our cals (and money spent!) by getting some bits and pieces (sandwich, salad, fruit) from the supermarket and sitting in the park having a picnic.

    If you do it for social reasons, maybe try getting your friends together and take turns at making dinners for each other at home. Or if others aren't keen, maybe everyone could chip in for cost and you could cook (would work out much cheaper than restaurant).

    If you just go for the food, I agree with others about trying to find some home recipes... that way you can tweak them by replacing higher fat and sugar things with lower cal options.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    We always eat out as a family on the weekend. I looked at the nutrition guide for Chili's (my kids favorite restaurant). There really isn't anything I can have on the menu, so I always eat half and take the rest home for my husband or kids to eat the next day. Tip; when you order your food ask for a to-go-container and put half in it. I also don't drink my calories...always get water with lemon.

    If I have to go to Chili's I get either a salad, minus the cheese, croutons, etc with a low fat dressing on the side or the Cedar Plank Tilapia with veggies. It doesn't have too many calories.

    They also offer a "guiltless grill" with good choices- grilled chicken sandwich on a whole wheat roll with steamed broccoli, and a few others. So, it *is* possible to eat decent while out, it just takes some pre-planning and will power! :flowerforyou:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I eat out quite a bit and have learned to make choices that are within my calorie goal. I can easily do all-you-can-eat buffets or nice restaurants. I do NOT do fast food ever. Here is what helps me:

    1) No appetizer
    2) Drink water, not soda or alcohol
    3) Salad dressing on the side (then dip your fork)
    4) No cream sauces (ie: alfredo, cheese sauce, etc.)
    5) Try to order sides that are veggies or non-fried food
    6) Always leave 1/2 of every dish uneaten
    7) One small piece of bread only
    8) Remember what I've learned about portion sizes (1/4 cup of potato salad is NOT that heaping bowlful I've been served)
    9) Log it all (I keep a tiny notepad in my purse to jot down what I had so I can log it later)
    10) Limit the number of times a month that I go out (two-one with the kids and one date night, without)

    Good luck!

    ADDED: I should learn to read. You asked how to kick the habit altogether! Well, I make the dishes the restaurants do, but much tastier and more healthy. There really isn't anything a restaurant can make that I cannot. Experiment! Play with recipes and sauces and combos. Look up famous recipes on the internet and try making them. I don't usually go to a restaurant because I crave their food, I go for the social aspect (hang out with friends, family or hubby). So I just eat as above, and save the really tasty stuff for when I'm in my own kitchen, surrounded by my whole grains and organic products :flowerforyou: :love:
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    Thanks for all your tips! I don't have any to add--this habit was my downfall as well. I am getting better at cooking at home on the weekends and just enjoying maybe one meal out. My skinny husband and sons miss eating out so I focus on the money saved (though both calories and the household budget are things only I worry about!).
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    This was a huge problem for my husband and I. We ate out or we ordered in. I was just to "tired" to cook. Now, here we are 30+ pounds heavier than when we started our life journey together. The only thing that has worked for us is to quit cold turkey. We started the HCG protocol, which makes it almost impossible to reliably eat out, because you don't know what kinds of oils or marinades they may be using on your proteins. We cheated once and ordered in and then were very tempted to do it then next day, but didn't. We realized it had become an addiction for us.
    I am determined that once we finish the hcg protocol, we'll continue to eat foods that I cook at home. I've seen how easy it really is to make dinner, rather than picking up the phone.
  • paulaswrld
    paulaswrld Posts: 49
    I actually have a few favorite places and meals for eating out. One of the easiest places for me togo is Chili's. I always get their Guiltless Grill Carribbean Chicken Salad. It's just shy of 500 calories. Order the dressing on the side and dip your fork instead of pouring it all over and you'll save yourself a bit there. They have a chili lime soup that is really good too.

    Or, Pizzeria Uno's has a new Warm Walnut Crusted Goat Cheese Salad. The whole thing is 500 calories.

    Both of these restaurants have their nutrition info with calories listed online so before I go out to eat, I log on and plan my meal. Then, when you get to the restaurant, don't even look at the menu. I try to steer clear of restaurants that don't post their calories. It's not always possible, but it's been a good habit for me.

    Oh, and Wendy's has a new Apple Pecan Chicken salad. Have that with only 1 packet of dressing (that's all you need rather than the 2 they give you. Save the other for an at home salad!) and skip the packet of pecans. That's 410 calories. It's a very filling salad and honestly, one of the most delicious I have ever had. Yesterday I was having one and told my co-worker it's almost better than ice cream. And I wasn't lying.
  • SuzyT01
    SuzyT01 Posts: 12
    Thanks to all of you!! I truly appreciate it! I will definitely try most or all the tips given! Just so you know, your efforts were not worthless. Today, I will not be eating out at all! As hard as it is for me to say that, I'm feeling a little better because of it!
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