need my granola. how can I make it fit?

mimapr Posts: 27 Member

I went from 165 lbs. to 152 working with this site. For short while I did a "VLC" diet under a doctor's supervision, but it was not too low - it allowed 1100 calories. I did that as a jumpstart. Then I went to 1200 cals, and a very healthy diet: eggs for breakfast, nuts and fruit for snack, big-*kitten* salad for lunch (w fish or tofu for added protein), a little meat, vegetables and brown rice or similar for dinner, with a glass of red wine. All within the 1200 limit on most days.

Here's the thing: I got very used to this amount of calories and these kinds of food. I do not miss sweets or white flour. There's one thing, however, that I miss terribly: granola at night.

Granola cereal is my comfort food. I miss it too much.

So my question is: Is it okay to eat granola with a bit of milk on some nights? I am willing to exercise more, or to up my protein intake during the rest of day, whatever. Any advice?



  • ameliaannakin
    ameliaannakin Posts: 344 Member
    I eat granola all the time. I love it with Greek yogurt and honey. I'd say go for it!!
  • mimapr
    mimapr Posts: 27 Member
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    You can definitely fit it in, but I recommend making your own. You can control the sugar and fat way easier that way. Try googling some recipes and modifying them to be a bit healthier. Also, it's way cheaper than buying it in the store!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    So my question is: Is it okay to eat granola with a bit of milk on some nights? I am willing to exercise more, or to up my protein intake during the rest of day, whatever. Any advice?


    Yes, it is okay.

    Exercising more to eat the foods you desire is the basis of what a LOT of us do here on MFP. It's perfectly fine to do this.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Granola with milk/yogurt sounds like a pretty solid recovery meal.
    Just don't want to hit a big bowl and go over cals with high sugar right before bed.
  • mimapr
    mimapr Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you all. I'll try making my own, too.