Still not understanding this whole calorie intake

I'm struggling to find the right amount of calories to eat. I started off at 1200 but was so hungry and miserable then upped it to 1400 but hungry after I ate all them and then after looking at different website for the approx number of calories I should be eating the consistent number that came up is 1750. I've stayed at that for a little now and I'm fuller but still eating okay. Could always improve. I was playing around with my calories on here and it suggested I have 1320. I just find that too low and I was having hunger issues at 1400.

Any suggestions on what I should be doing. I consistently work out 4-5 days a week for 30 mins for the last 3 months and I have not see any change in any way. I'm more tired, have headaches more and just don't feel any better. I'm finding I'm not fitting into my pants that they are just getting too small. What do I do?!?

I'm getting really frustrated and I don't want to give up but nothing is changing.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    First you need to understand that this site expects you to log exercise calories and eat them back. So even though it gives you 1320 a day, you likely would eat more most days (for you 4-5 days).

    If you want to eat a consistent number, check out this topic

    My suggestion would be to pick a number and stick with it for a few weeks and adjust from there. You need to see over a period of time how your body is reacting, 1 or 2 weeks is not enough.

    Are you measuring your food? How? Do you log consistently?

    It would also be very helpful if you opened your diary.
  • Annimack2
    Annimack2 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes...I measure my food for the most part. I log in the days I work out. My diary should be public. I'm at 1750 and plan to stick with that for a while and maybe work my way down.

    If I set my calories at 1320 and my average work out is 280 that would put me at 1600 calories for the days I work out.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Yes...I measure my food for the most part. I log in the days I work out. My diary should be public. I'm at 1750 and plan to stick with that for a while and maybe work my way down.

    If I set my calories at 1320 and my average work out is 280 that would put me at 1600 calories for the days I work out.

    Your diary isn't public. Your profile is.

    How do you measure your food? And what do you mean "for the most part"?
  • Annimack2
    Annimack2 Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't bought a scale yet but if I have to measure by using a cup I do that. So I can't measure all the time but try where I can.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You aren't logging consistently. You have only 3-4 days out of each week, and the weekends are always empty (for many people that is the time when people tend to rack up calories, unless you are like me and work shiftwork).

    I would highly recommend investing in a scale (I got mine at Walmart for like $10, I'm also Canadian) and logging consistenly for a few weeks and adjust from there.
  • Annimack2
    Annimack2 Posts: 13 Member
    No, I don't work shift work. I'm still struggling on weekends as I get busy and probably don't eat nearly enough. I will try harder to log in everyday.