From member feeling like a frump!!

Well i've been using MFP for 2 weeks but only just discovered the message boards! Can't believe all this is free when I was considering paying £18 to join Closer diets for basically the same thing!

Anyway, my stats......5'7, 200 lbs (yes I know!) and going on holiday in 4 weeks, now this is what instigated this whole diet thing but I am not expecting miracles in this short time but would like to feel at least a little better in my bikini by that time. But anyway, i have been eating about 1200 cals per day as per MFP but not really seeing any results yet.......i have done some exercise, mainly in the form of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which is fantastic by the way!

Do you think i am following the right procedure and should just stick it out? I would have liked to of at least lost 1lb by now!! I just feel like an ugly fat heffa and dreading the though of lying next to my 3 skinny friends on holiday ( one of which has lost alot of weight recently herself so i know she will be throwing it in my face)!! Girls huh, we are never happy!!

Anyway, good to be here and have some support! Xxxx


  • elisew34
    elisew34 Posts: 27
    I'm a 'newbie' too, I've managed to kick myself up the backside over the last 3 months and have finally started to lose weight after feeling the same as you. It was a visit to the hospital and being weighed that was my starting point!

    I'm doing the KettleWorx workouts, I've just started the whole programme again after doing the 6 week 'challenge'. I love it, it's enjoyable and has given me great results so far. I also do the odd Jillian Michaels workout too.

    I'm a relative beginner but just wanted to say hello and that you're definitely not on your own. I'm sure the other members will have some great info and encouragement for you :smile:
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Welcome MB

    Could you open your food diary so others can see & maybe advise if some foods are perhaps better replaced by others?

    I think you should soon see some loss given your starting point [I was 240 lbs last August] but it does seem to take while for body to realise there is no more food coming and start to burn fat

    Once it starts you should find, [ without wishing to appear rude] it drops rapidly until you get neared goal / healthy BMI weight
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member

    Up the north east myself :) Feel free to add for help/advice.

    Are you tracking everything? Im sorry but I cant believe you are doing the Jillian Michaels DVD and only consuming 1200kcal a day and not loosing anything at all for 2 weeks? Are you sure your putting in fizzy drinks? Juice? Every single thing that consumes through your lips must be accounted for.

    Lets see if we can help you feel more comfortable for your holiday!
  • michybee86
    michybee86 Posts: 12
    Welcome MB

    Could you open your food diary so others can see & maybe advise if some foods are perhaps better replaced by others?

    I think you should soon see some loss given your starting point [I was 240 lbs last August] but it does seem to take while for body to realise there is no more food coming and start to burn fat

    Once it starts you should find, [ without wishing to appear rude] it drops rapidly until you get neared goal / healthy BMI weight

    Thanks, my food diary is now open....... Nervous about the criticism lol
  • MrsGraves1987
    MrsGraves1987 Posts: 162 Member
    Hello! South UK here. I'm also new. 5ft 3" and 170lbs. Trying to lose 30lbs, but 5lbs are my mini goals.

    I actually learnt here that you should set your own Macros on MFP, the ones they give you may be too low? I've set mine around 1350 as I don't currently exercise (naughty naughty!) but I want to start running when the weather gets better :)

    I have a link on my profile page which is really good, and lots of people swear by it. Take a look :)

    NB - I didn't write that page - I found it when trawling through the forums!!
    NB2 - Feel free to add me - I need some more UK support!
  • michybee86
    michybee86 Posts: 12

    Up the north east myself :) Feel free to add for help/advice.

    Are you tracking everything? Im sorry but I cant believe you are doing the Jillian Michaels DVD and only consuming 1200kcal a day and not loosing anything at all for 2 weeks? Are you sure your putting in fizzy drinks? Juice? Every single thing that consumes through your lips must be accounted for.

    Lets see if we can help you feel more comfortable for your holiday!

    Thanks Sawjer, i am very thorough with everything that goes into MFP, including ketchup....butter...oil everything, i don't snack too much during the week and i only drink water, don't like fizzy drinks so that can't be it. I only started Jillian Michael about a week ago, maybe i am being impatient?!

    Also, i decided t start the 5:2 fast diet and started with a fast day yesterday.....i haven't done 30DS yesterday as it recommends that you don't exercise on fasting days....... I guess I am just a little lost with all this lol.

  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello all, I am from South East UK , not new to site as I have been on it awhile then gave up, but have just recently stopped smoking (well 6 weeks and 2 days to be precise), so thought I best get back to MFP as now need to lose some weight.

    I am 5'6 and weigh 188 lbs, and would really love to get down to 155 lb's.

    Going to do a 2 week detox to get me kick started (did it once before and managed to lose 1/2 a stone), then move on to a sensible eating plan and exercise.

    Looking for all the support and help I can get and hopefully will be able to offer the same to other people.
  • thecjordon
    thecjordon Posts: 1
    Good Morning... I didnt know too much about these messgae boards either... well... i need some motivation.... i have been kicking my *kitten*... excuse mey language... and getting little to no results... like rally... been doing this a little over 1 year now... and yes... im toning... i feel better... my stamina has increased... but... i want to see some real results.
  • Sawjer
    Sawjer Posts: 229 Member
    I have been using the forums for about 1/2 week and have gained 9lbs, but this is all my fault (take a look at my diary). The earlier entries show when I was doing what I normally do and I was down to 15stone 1lb I am now at 15stone 10lbs. I dont see this as a bad thing because now it gives me a chance to turn it into muscle and will be easier to loose that fat.

    I've never done fasting or anything so wouldn't feel right giving you advice on that. I would always tell people to work out there TDEE ( Using the Katch-McCardle calculator. Then from there go 200 calories under what it tells you (to start off with) I also wouldn't count any exercise to give you extra calories for the day. Ignore them, there a bonus!

    I have just finished off the last off my bday chocolate this morning (feel terrible for doing so) and am now ready for clean May. Gonna do the Jillian Michaels DVD, go for a run and do my Weights again today.

    Lets all get healthy and happier together :)
  • Ben_1960
    Ben_1960 Posts: 97 Member
    As what Sawjer said.
  • Longhop83
    Longhop83 Posts: 6
    Hi there michybee86

    Im Liam, just starting out too... day 3 on MFP. Feel free to add me if you want some help along the way!

    I'm 217IIbs and trying to get down into the 190s!
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    add me if you fancy...

    oh and welcome
  • peachy_keen
    peachy_keen Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome Michy! I am the same height at you and relish the day that I hit your weight :)

    Every body is different and a lot of great advice has already been provided above. Your body does need time to adjust to a new change--it took mine nearly a a month before I was seeing significant losses, so do not fret. Also, we women tend to easily retain water. You've had a few high sodium days, so it would be best to reduce or eliminate those by staying at/below your goal for that. Personally, I attempt to limit my high-sodium days to 1-2 times per month. I've found a rhythm for my body so I'm trying to keep that up!

    I'll send you a friend request. I'm on here daily and love giving and receiving support. I wish you nothing but the best! You will have the body you want--do be patient and try one new thing at a time. :)
  • michybee86
    michybee86 Posts: 12
    Thanks everyone for your words of help and support, really think i could make it work for me this time thanks to this message board.

    Peachy, thanks very much and i know us women are never happy are we ?! My friend is about 145lbs and complains she is fat and i just think gee girl, when i get to that level i'll be strutting around the house naked haha. We all know how we feel though and if it ain't good i guess it is time.....

    Thanks also for the advice about the sodium, i think this comes from my tinned soups which i love for lunches because they really keep me going, do you have any other ideas fior filling low sodium lunches?? I know i suffer with water retention and bloating so i think this is good advice.

    Anyway....feeling super positive so thanks everyone!!

  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Low sodium lunches, guess it depends on your life style really.

    Home made veggie soup would be good, but time & convenience are a factor

    A ham / bacon sandwich is not ideal choice

    However I would [and I do not] worry too much about all the macro stuff, concentrate on calories from wholesome, non processed foods. like fresh veg & fruit

    I have found high sodium items, like bacon, cause weight gain, which I suspect is water retention
  • michybee86
    michybee86 Posts: 12
    Low sodium lunches, guess it depends on your life style really.

    Home made veggie soup would be good, but time & convenience are a factor

    A ham / bacon sandwich is not ideal choice

    However I would [and I do not] worry too much about all the macro stuff, concentrate on calories from wholesome, non processed foods. like fresh veg & fruit

    I have found high sodium items, like bacon, cause weight gain, which I suspect is water retention

    Thanks for this I will cut down on the bacon for brekky (god love the stuff) and try some alternatives for lunches, perhapsi just need to be making my own soups still for convenience as they can freeze, at least then i can control the amount of salt going in. Thanks for the advice :-)

  • michybee86
    michybee86 Posts: 12
    Low sodium lunches, guess it depends on your life style really.

    Home made veggie soup would be good, but time & convenience are a factor

    A ham / bacon sandwich is not ideal choice

    However I would [and I do not] worry too much about all the macro stuff, concentrate on calories from wholesome, non processed foods. like fresh veg & fruit

    I have found high sodium items, like bacon, cause weight gain, which I suspect is water retention

    Thanks for this I will cut down on the bacon for brekky (god love the stuff) and try some alternatives for lunches, perhapsi just need to be making my own soups still for convenience as they can freeze, at least then i can control the amount of salt going in. Thanks for the advice :-)

  • cesctheman
    cesctheman Posts: 139 Member
    @farway ,what's wrong with ham sandwiches....
  • xleeceex
    xleeceex Posts: 5
    Hello I'm also from uk and would love to help and support on your weight loss journey :-) x
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    Lowering sodium is definitely important to maximize short-term weight loss (i.e. losing as much water weight as possible).

    However my big thing is EAT your exercise calories. Set MFP to lose 2lbs per week, then go by your "NET" calories. You will lose, trust me--I set mine to lose 1.5 lbs per week and usually go slightly over every day, and still lose 1-2 lbs per week.
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    Well i've been using MFP for 2 weeks but only just discovered the message boards! Can't believe all this is free when I was considering paying £18 to join Closer diets for basically the same thing!

    Anyway, my stats......5'7, 200 lbs (yes I know!) and going on holiday in 4 weeks, now this is what instigated this whole diet thing but I am not expecting miracles in this short time but would like to feel at least a little better in my bikini by that time. But anyway, i have been eating about 1200 cals per day as per MFP but not really seeing any results yet.......i have done some exercise, mainly in the form of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred which is fantastic by the way!

    Do you think i am following the right procedure and should just stick it out? I would have liked to of at least lost 1lb by now!! I just feel like an ugly fat heffa and dreading the though of lying next to my 3 skinny friends on holiday ( one of which has lost alot of weight recently herself so i know she will be throwing it in my face)!! Girls huh, we are never happy!!

    Anyway, good to be here and have some support! Xxxx

    This was exactly the same as me! I'm 5'8 and my start weight was 199lbs. I lost most of my weight on the 2/3 week I dropped quite a bit! It just took some time for my body to stop freaking out! I have recently stepped it up again as I have maintained for the past month (I got lazy!) and it has started to shift. The trick is to make sure you get sweaty from doing an activity every day. When I started, I hated it and felt really embarrassed, but the results are paying off. Little by little and never feel bad about maintaining or a 'little' loss. It's movement in the right direction and you are doing great just by giving it a go!

    Feel free to add me if you want! All the best!
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Hi Hun!

    I'm from York so not far from you at all :)

    I definitely found increasing my calories helped (sounds bizarre I know) but I set mine to 1575 (I was originally 199lbs and I'm now at 177lbs) and that helped kick start the losing - particularly if you're doing the 30DS you'll be burning quite a lot of calories and your body can go into starvation mode and retain water and fat etc :)

    Feel free to add me if you need a friend x
  • fat_harrie
    fat_harrie Posts: 59 Member
    Sorry, forgot to say! Lol! I'm from London!
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    See you have mentioned that you are trying 5:2 - how you finding it? I do the 5:2 and it has started my loss again after putting on more weight. Anyway - feel free to add me if you like.

    And welcome :)
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    I think generally, eat more, drink more and cut out salty foods.

    I am 5ft 4 & about 200lbs so not too far off you. I aim for 1650 calories a day PLUS all my exercise calories, I do heavy weight lifting 2-3 times a week and I am steadily losing about 1lb a week, sometimes more sometimes less. You should at least be dropping water weight in your first couple of weeks. I didn't look too closely at your diary but I would definitely up your water intake. Especially if you are exercising.
  • Hi, (Yorkshire female living in Hampshire, UK). Have you tried measuring various parts of your body. I've found that when I don't actually lose any weight the tape measure tells me something completely different. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. I measure chest, below chest, waist, hips, widest point, widest point top and bottom of each arm,widest part of both thighs and calves. I run regularly so don't always see any weight loss but measuring every couple of weeks keeps me motivated.
  • Hi hun im Emma, 29 from lancashire . You can do it hun, if i can you can,im also 5ft7 i ws 219lb, Nov 2012 id got down to 173lbs, im currently 158lbs. Ive baisically done it by cutting portion size down and becoming more active. im now eating a lot more healthly and feeling brilliant for it. As you can see by my diary i dont deprive my self of anything. i believe in everything in moderation.

    I do at least 30mins exercise 5 days a week. I mainly do workouts off you tube , im loving tae bo,dancing ,zumba even walking,also done some 30day shred.

    Dont give up , you will soon be smiling when you see the results. also take your measurements dont just rely on the scales . feel free to add me,that goes to anybody :)

    for got to say i started off at 1200 cals, i ate back at least half my exercise calories. i then realised i was actually netting under 1200 cals so ive upped it to 1530 ,that way i wont go under 1200 if i cant eat all my calories.
  • Sarah_L_S
    Sarah_L_S Posts: 121
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Lots of advice and support here :-)

    I had a quick look at your diary and would recommend the following:
    1) It's painful, but itemise the foods in your meals - 'roast chicken dinner' had zero carbs/protein/sugar etc. Separate items, so ou can see what you are actually eating, not just calories
    2) Try to cut out all the highly processed/salty snacks (pringles, snack-a-jack) - see other posters' comments about sodium/water retention
    3) Aim to get your sugar intake lower - get more energy from veg than fruit for example
    4) Drink lots of water
    5) Weigh your food - you will be amazed at how wrong guesstimates can be. Afterf a while you will recognise what 40g of oats looks like etc, but useful to do this at first.

  • Tazzymk
    Tazzymk Posts: 45 Member
    Welcome. I from the UK too and have sent a friend request. After quick view of your diary I would recommend increasing you protein intake. Thats what made the difference for me. In fact because I ate so much bread, pasta and potatoes I cut them out completely for 2 weeks and introduced them slow back in at a reduced amount and that really kick started my weight loss. I would also increase your cals to at least 1400.

    There is so much info on here so take the time to look around.
  • crafty30
    crafty30 Posts: 132 Member
    Hiya and welcome!

    I’m from the UK too, nice to see some more British faces!
    You absolutely can do this, don’t feel disheartened that you haven’t lost anything yet, It took me about a month before I started losing any weight and seeing results..
    It is unfortunately a lot to do with diet, about 80% diet and 20% exercise! I think what really did it for me was cutting out processed food..I really saw good results with this, I then started excercising daily and once I got into the routine of it started to really enjoy it!
    Is there any particular exercise or sport you enjoy? I discovered a love of running (Although my back didn’t!! ) and Zumba and pilates…Find something you enjoy, it will make it so much easier!
    Anyway, feel free to add me if you want support, I am on here most days!
    Good luck!