looking for plus size people serious about weight loss



  • keeblergirl820
    keeblergirl820 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello Catherine I'm Angelica. I am 34 looking to lose about a 100lbs. I have lost 7lb so far and many more to come. I would love to join you and together help each other get through the tough times. I also use striiv you can add me at keeblergirl820@yahoo.com. If anyone else would like to add me, go ahead more the merrier!:happy:
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Hey, I'm Diana! I'm 39 and 5 feet 1.5 inches, I'm looking to lose between 80-90 pounds. My starting weight was 226.4 and I'm only down 16.8 lbs in the past 4+ months, but I had a week and a half where I hurt my back and couldn't exercise, so I was stuck for a few weeks at the same weight.

    Anyone please feel free to add me!! Good luck! :)
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Hi y'all!

    I'm Rebecca, 28 and live in the UK. I started my journey just shy of 300lbs (297lbs) and am now 237.4lbs (that extra 4 makes the difference!) - it's been a hard slog but so worth it! I have no specific goal in mind other than to carry on and not lose focus, but I reckon I should lose another 100lbs - I'll constantly review it though.

    I advocate a healthy approach to weight loss - I don't agree with starvation or restriction and definitely do not encourage the participation of such. I tend to eat clean but I do not judge people who eat junk - we're all different. I love the gym, weight train and mix up with cardio and always on hand to learn new tips/give tips out.

    I normally log on everyday (35+ and counting, I didn't lose that weight in that time btw, since January!) and will always be here for those in need - my life can be a bit chaotic but don't let that put you off ;)


    EDIT; I'm 5ft 5.6 inches and around a UK size 20....varies massively!
  • lexie124
    lexie124 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My name is Lexi and I weigh (at last weigh in) 261.5 pounds. I am only 8 pounds down so far, but it's a start!

    I wear, depending on the brand, between a size 22 and 26, I am generally smaller on my top half.

    My plan at the moment is calorie control, and possibly later on the 5:2 plan, but I need to be more organised for that one I think, and I'm kinda just trundling along at the moment!

    I am aiming to be under 10 stone, looking to be about 9.5 I suppose.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi, I am 38 and size 18. I am new to this site and want to make fitness buddies.
  • mz_grim
    mz_grim Posts: 58 Member
    Hi, Im 30 size 18. I have lost 12kg (27lb) so far started at 105kg (230lb) feel free to add me.
  • ca087
    ca087 Posts: 1
    Hey all I'm Callie I'm 26 and I've just re joined mfp. Add me please friends would be a nice welcome my goal is to loose 60kg!
  • neevil80
    neevil80 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone

    I'm Eve, I've just (re)joined as well and have quite a way to go. Id like to loose 50 pounds and possibly more but 50 is a nice round number to start with. I'm 209 at the moment and 5 foot 9.

    That said im taking it day by day and pound by pound. First target is two stone for the summer holidays in August, its definitely achievable if I stick to the plan.

    Would be great to have friends who are in the same situation!
  • I I just turned 31 I have two small kids .. I began at 300 im 256 now I just joined a gym yesterday and just joined myfitnesspal yesterday as well .. I live in texas and would love to chat and meet new people
  • tigermorris
    tigermorris Posts: 58
    I am almost 47 and currently weigh 212, I really cannot wait to be under 200, and more! I have been struggling but hanging in there, I am losing very slowly and I know that is good, but a little frustrating. I would love some frineds that are supportive and have helpful hints. Feel free to add me! Good luck to everyone.
  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I don't know about "plus size", I've always just called myself fat. Anywho. I started at 360 but I'm on my way to 250 (as my next goal - 200 ultimately) and am happy to do what ever I can to help. Add me if you'd like.
  • CapnDonkey
    CapnDonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Hello, all! I created a space here on MFP called Big & Tall. Anyone is welcome. We swap stories, inspiration, results, goals, workouts, and funny stories about the perils of being "Big & Tall". Check us out in the Community Section!

    I'm 6'2" 315, started at 370 on 1/1/13 and joined MFP after I lost some inital weight.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Hello all my beautiful plus size ladies :-) I am 29 years of age and I started this journey at 291 (my heaviest). I am now 271. Anyone can add me! Let's motivate each other #Happy Losing:flowerforyou:
  • Laaboshe
    Laaboshe Posts: 5
    You ladies really impress me. I am 59 and been struggling with my weight for about 20 years now. I have in the last two years starting moving again and keep losing and gaining the same 20 so my goal is to get beyond that. My trainer who is my age is beautiful inside and out and has encouraged me to do a 5K which I did this past April...slow like a turtle but I did it. I hope we can all be inspirational to each other. Its one day at a time one meal at a time, just being mindful I love that word mindful of what we put in our mouths can help. Have a great day. lana
  • lta100163
    lta100163 Posts: 3 Member
    Terrific accomplishments, Beth. Keep up the great work!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I'm 42 started at 285 lbs, lost 47 lbs so far, with about another 100 lbs to go. Right now my goal is to just get out of the 200s. But more importantly my goal is to get healthy, the number isn't as important to me as long as I gain my health back.

    I log on daily probably too much, but I'm good with switching my food addiction to a MFP addiction. Feel free to add me, love having dedicated active friends. Good Luck everyone!
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Hello, all. I am also plus size and unhappy about it. I have been much larger, and I have been much smaller, but I can't seem to stay at a healthy weight. I had gastric bypass surgery in 2001, lost a bunch, and gained back 70 lbs because I did not work the program. Now, I am dealing with arthritis and other issues of being 65, so I had better figure out how to get myself back to a healthier weight. In the last few months I have managed to lose 20 lbs, but there are many more pounds to go. I would love to have supportive partners on this journey. My daily food log is open for people to look at, I am open to suggestions, and I do log in daily. Please, feel free to add me to your friends' list if you think we would make good travel partners on this road.
  • Hi Catherine! I'm Rhonda and I just started here at MFP. I am currently at 325 which makes us almost twins. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Any of you other Beautiful ladies that want to add me as a friend, please do. :)

    Have a fabulous day!!!
  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    I'm Bethany.. currently between sizes of 16 and 18... Have lost 33 lbs since December.
    Hardest thing I have ever done.
    Would love friends that can relate!
  • jenifervine
    jenifervine Posts: 9 Member
    I just started 3 weeks ago and have lost 9lbs working my butt off to get to a healthy weight. Started at 302 down to 293 and I weight in tomorrow!! I am determined to loose 100 lbs by at least christmas so I can start shopping for a wedding dress! There are so many choices for smaller sizes..