looking for plus size people serious about weight loss



  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member
    Hey honey!

    I started at 311, I am currently 273. I am very motivated and work out daily.

    Add me if you would like.

    You've got this!!!!
  • benne070
    benne070 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello! I started off a size 20 and have dropped to a size 16. I would love to have someone to chat with and talk to about things, as well as being able to motivate each other! Add me if you'd like to! :)

    Also, anyone reading this, feel free to add me. The more the merrier!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi! I'm Diane. I started 3+ years ago at 313. I'm here every day rain or shine! I will send you a friend request.

    For others reading this, please feel free to add me too!
  • mfleeg
    mfleeg Posts: 137 Member
    Hi there!! I am a plus sized lady serious about weight loss :) I am about a size 18 and am hoping to get to a 12! :) Currently, I am working on the Insanity program (which I love) and have found that I really need lists and to log in here daily in order to motivate myself! It's just so tough on its own! I lost 40 pounds a year ago and gained about half of it back.... I am about five pounds away from getting back to that point and hope to surpass that this time!!!

    My goal is for a Christmas trip to Disney World with my family. I want to not shy away from being photographed this year! Last year, in Cancun, I really did not want pictures taken of me because of how terrible I looked. :(
  • dawnmg81
    dawnmg81 Posts: 10 Member
    hELLO, I am plus sized, size 20 right now and started my weight loss journey at 274 lbs. I have done so many diet fads, weight loss programs and more to try and lose the weight. Last year I lost 35 lbs using MFP, but then fell off the wagon and got lazy. I still at that point had no control over my cravings or will power, or lack of will power. I allowed myself a couple very bad cheat days filled with caramel popcorn and salted pretzels (the giant breaded ones) and from there I allowed myself a few days of not exercising (I was trying to run and HATED it). I then gained back the weight i had lost plus more.

    Back at the start of January 2013 i realized how unhappy I had become in all aspects of my life. I could not even enjoy my beautiful boys and husband because I was so unhappy with myself and decided that once and for all I was ready for a life change. I bought a treadmill (best investment EVER!!!) I set a goal weight for myself to get down to 150 lbs, which means losing 124 lbs. I have now lost 60 lbs so I am basically half way there. its a lot of hard work and determination, but well worth it!
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    I am MORBID obese.. and will be here for a while ;) Add me if you like...
  • ember34
    ember34 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! My name is Ember! I started years ago at 285. Last Summer I was 277 and today I'm floating right around 250. I need to kick it up a bit over the summer and would love to have some like minded friends! Please feel free to add me!
  • Prettee2B
    Prettee2B Posts: 39
    Hello my name is Kesha, AKA Prettee2B. My current weight is playing tricks on me some days I'm 260 other days I'm 249(?) I'm quite sick and tired of being Obese and "THEY Say" we gotta start somewhere guess I've decided to start with MFP. I wear size 16-18. B N Couraged add me if you like:wink:
  • Hi all. I am 42, 5'7" and 324 pounds as of today. I have a long way to go. I am going to be a grandma within the next 8 weeks and want to get healthy so I can be around to enjoy my grandbaby! I also have two children who I want to be around for. I need lots of motivation and support so anyone can feel free to add me. I will help as best I can.
  • Tara_238
    Tara_238 Posts: 70 Member
    My name is Tara. I am 32 and weigh 227. Started 238. I wear size 18 and I look forward to being a size 12. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Well, I used to be. But have lost over 120lbs, and so I'm always happy to help others who are in the same boat as I used to be!
  • Hello all! My name is Jeannie, I am 26 years old. I have started on MFP at 269, and I am 5"3. So far I have only lost 5 pounds on the scale, but I am unpatiently awaiting the arrival of my new scale that does it all! This is the biggest I have ever been and I hate it. I was a cheerleader my whole life up until college. I stopped working out as much, moved in with my now husband and it just went downhill from there. We want to start trying for a baby but I'd really like to drop some weight first and get healthy.

    I am not "dieting". I am changing my lifestyle . I am trying to get back in love with working out and I am making much healthier food decisions. I would love some friends to help motivate each other! :)
  • christashay
    christashay Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I'm Christa. I've been doing p90x since Aug '12. I've lost 40 pounds and gone from a 28 to 18 in jeans sizes. I would love to lose about 70-80 more pounds. Unfortunately, the scales have been at a stand still for about 3 months :( Kinda discouraging, but I figure- this is my life, not a diet. In it for the looong haul! Would love to have friends with the same goals. Feel free to add me:smile:
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me (anyone), but I will make comments on your foods or if you're way under, so if you just want a blanket "Nice loss" when you're under, I'm not the friend for you. :D I'm shooting for at least 120 (more if it happens) loss.

    Also, I don't know if anyone mentioned it (didn't see it when I skimmed replies) but 3 groups that I belong to and enjoy for those of us with a substantial amount -
    Starting Over 100+ Ladies - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/10743-starting-over-100-ladies
    100+ Lbs to Lose - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/685-100-lbs-to-lose
    Helping Overcome Obesity Problems - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/13766-hoop
  • SaraJane1011
    SaraJane1011 Posts: 4 Member
    Im in the same boat! I am 27 years old and 265. I am wanting to get down to 130 but I know that is a long way away! I have to change my life style and my motivation is that I lost my mom to breast cancer in March and I truly believe that she would be here today if she had lived healthier and had the immune system to fight off what was coming at her. I have a 2 year old daughter that needs her mom and I want to be healthy for her! :smile:
  • BeautifulBrownButterfly
    BeautifulBrownButterfly Posts: 113 Member
    feel free to add me!!
  • e_is_for_erin
    e_is_for_erin Posts: 83 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 25 and looking to lose about 90-100lbs. I currently fluctuate between 220 and 221, down from 233. I log in everyday and am supportive. I'd love to add more friends who have similar goals or who have achieved similar goals! I'm looking to lose as much weight as I can before my 2014 fall wedding.
  • jessiebritt
    jessiebritt Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm Jess. I'm 29, 5'4 and 220 lbs (as of last week, first weigh in is tomorrow). I know it's possible to lose the weight, I've shed before, what I'm looking for is support in keeping it off! I'm really starting to understand why people say "this is a lifestyle change" because believe me, you put it back on wayyyy faster than you lost it! I'm looking for friends to share the victories with, keep me motivated, and anyone who wants to exchange recipes etc. I'd love to do that too!
  • smacmillan86
    smacmillan86 Posts: 153 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me as well, I like brutally honest friends. :-)
  • noelbugley
    noelbugley Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name is Noel and I'm post-gastric-bypass surgery 9 weeks ago today. It has been the hardest thing I've ever done and I really don't know if I would ever do it again but I'm down a total of about 60 pounds and my BMI has dropped 7 points. Soon I will no longer be "morbidly" obese. I do Bikram Yoga for exercise and I love it!! I would love to get some motivation from like minded people!!! Good luck and never give up!!!!