3 Day Diet..?



  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member

    Dude, I *need* my stamp back. I have a lot of people to fail.
  • Bigotry at its best.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Track your calories, use MFP..don't customize your calories to 1200 if MFP doesn't do that for you...just use what MFP gives you. Eat them all as often as you can.

    Exercise. Add weight lifting to that, and by weight lifting, lift heavy. This will make it so you not only get skinny, but you look really good skinny.

    Wait. This is the hardest part. But..wait for the results. They WILL happen. It may take several months before a real change is noticed, but it's going to happen.


    Stop this crazy talk. It's sounds good, but it could only work if there was an app that could track all these things for free for you.

    LMAO!! What??!? Craizness!! LOL
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Bigotry at its best.

    Good on you for taking the first step: Admitting you have a problem. :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Juice fasting is completely safe and exceptionally healthy. It has saved lives from obesity, aids, chrons disease, etc!

    here is a movie "Fat, sick and nearly dead"

    The transition from fasting to eating must be done properly and you do not need to stop exercising during the fast.
    Exercises boosts metabolism while fasting slows metabolism.

    The bias against juice fasting revolves around rumors of "crash diets" and the relative lack of knowledge of its benefits and its application as a useful and healthy diet.

    I'm sure I'll get flak for this on this website since most people are more focused on calories and computing the burn and the use etc etc.

    Here is a good link to a smart female Dr.

    She has many interesting articles, tips and tricks.

    Is the OP obese? No.

    And personally, I am more interested in a sustainable diet that does not run the risk of me losing LBM and running into health issues due to lack of nutrients.
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Make it one day and by George you've got a deal!
  • Juice fasting is completely safe and exceptionally healthy. It has saved lives from obesity, aids, chrons disease, etc!

    here is a movie "Fat, sick and nearly dead"

    The transition from fasting to eating must be done properly and you do not need to stop exercising during the fast.
    Exercises boosts metabolism while fasting slows metabolism.

    The bias against juice fasting revolves around rumors of "crash diets" and the relative lack of knowledge of its benefits and its application as a useful and healthy diet.

    I'm sure I'll get flak for this on this website since most people are more focused on calories and computing the burn and the use etc etc.

    Here is a good link to a smart female Dr.

    She has many interesting articles, tips and tricks.

    Is the OP obese? No.

    It is not only for the obese.


    Its not the only way to lose weight, its not the only way to diet, but it is a way to a better life with proper application and plenty of dedication.
  • freedomis
    freedomis Posts: 55 Member
    I did the diet and lost 5 pounds. During my 4 day break I had one day where I ate out and had pasta. Otherwise I maintained a healthy diet and I have kept the weight off since!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Juice fasting is completely safe and exceptionally healthy. It has saved lives from obesity, aids, chrons disease, etc!

    here is a movie "Fat, sick and nearly dead"

    The transition from fasting to eating must be done properly and you do not need to stop exercising during the fast.
    Exercises boosts metabolism while fasting slows metabolism.

    The bias against juice fasting revolves around rumors of "crash diets" and the relative lack of knowledge of its benefits and its application as a useful and healthy diet.

    I'm sure I'll get flak for this on this website since most people are more focused on calories and computing the burn and the use etc etc.

    Here is a good link to a smart female Dr.

    She has many interesting articles, tips and tricks.

    Is the OP obese? No.

    It is not only for the obese.


    Its not the only way to lose weight, its not the only way to diet, but it is a way to a better life with proper application and plenty of dedication.

    Then maybe you should not have prefaced your discussion with the dramatic saving lives of obese people.

    Juice fasts are unnecessary - they run the risk of not getting sufficient calories, micro and macronutrients. They also do not teach a good relationship with actual food.
  • Ive done it and lost a couple lbs before but not 10 lbs. I do find that I like to do a modified cleaner version of it when i feel like I need to refocus my diet efforts (like after a holiday or vacation). But it isn't sustainable and to drop weight and keep it off their needs to be a life style change. hope this helps
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I'm tempted to try this for ghits and shiggles....its too wacky. I especially love the "don't substitute, this is a chemically based regimen".....who knows, I'm not a biochemist....but my guess is this is just a very low calorie diet, with some peanut butter, meat and ice cream thrown in to keep you happy.