Help!! Do I weat this bikini or not????



  • IronMikeFox
    IronMikeFox Posts: 458
    Hell yeah wear it! You rock it. You look awesome in it!
  • nathanielnieman
    nathanielnieman Posts: 10 Member
    You look great wear it......
  • Mel2626
    Mel2626 Posts: 342 Member
    One more vote for "wear it"!!!!!! Looks great~ congrats!!
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    I say wear it, IF you can wear it with confidence. If not, skip it, meaning if you're going to walk around with your arms crossed over your stomach the whole time, why bother, just be comfortable in a tankini instead.

    Agree. Don't ruin your holiday by wearing something you don't feel comfortable in (if that is the case!)
  • bathony
    bathony Posts: 51
    Hell yes, wear it with pride girl
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Can't see the pics, bumping for later!
  • jqtheprez
    jqtheprez Posts: 8
    It looks great wear it and don't worry about it....go have fun....
  • mazzy1952
    mazzy1952 Posts: 1
    be proud of who you are. ... stop worrying what others think... you look like a woman!!! celebrate it!!
  • You look fab , enjoy your self and if you gain a few lbs , shift it when you get back and you'll never be the fat lady , well done for loosing the weight .
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    9/10 replies are coming back from woman. I dont know what that means but I do find it interesting.

    My opinion? Wear it!
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    I'm in the minority but I think EVERYONE looks better in a tankini----and that most women of any size don't look that great in a bikini. Plus I like to swim....
    having said that you look great!
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    My opinion is don't wear it. It has nothing to do with whether or not it looks good on you, but rather that you will spend the entire time feeling self-conscious in it instead of enjoying yourself. Just the fact that you are asking screams that you have your doubts.

    Wear the tankini so you can relax and have a great time.

    At this point I think you'd rock the tankini. While it's not terrible, I don't think you're ready to rock the bikini. My opinion.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    I think you're very brave and you should ROCK that bikini! You look great!
  • Timmmy40
    Timmmy40 Posts: 152 Member
    I say you rock that bikini!! Have fun on your trip!! :wink:
  • TedStout
    TedStout Posts: 241
    I'm pretty flabby in the abdominal area ... my biggest trouble zone, but I'm going to try and pull this off with confidence ... even if I have to fake it!

    Are you kidding? Wear it! Sheesh. You look great.
  • Fay132010
    Fay132010 Posts: 24 Member
    wear it if you feel comfortable- i feel that it's 50% looking good and 50% feeling good so if you feel confident enoguh and happy enough then go for it!
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Wear it, rock your body, and be proud!!!!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honey, you look like Julia Roberts! Who cares?! Do you WANT to wear the bikini?

    It has to be what YOU want. There will always be people to criticize. Do you really give a rats rear end what total strangers that you will never ever see again in your life think?
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    NINA just do it!!
  • Definitely wear it! AND, thank you for posting this, my body looks very similar to yours and I have been fighting with myself about buying a bikini. The fact that I think you look great (as does everyone else) makes me feel like I can do it too!!