I'm not sure my 1200 calorie diet is working



  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    A couple things:

    -Eat more than 1200 calories.
    -You have been dieting for a week, that isn't long enough to tell if it is working or not.
    -People saying that you are in the fabled and mysterious "Starvation Mode" after a week should probably be ignored.
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    You are already at a healthy weight. 125 is too low for someone your height. On top of that you are under-eating. And you didn't lose 4 pounds of fat in one week (fluids and muscle, yes). Even if you could bear to lose another 5-10 pounds, it should take months to lose it, not days. Get real and shift your focus from the number on the scale to HEALTH.

    If this is a serious post, you need to get help.

    125 is not too low for someone her age at 5 foot 7 inches. It is at the bottom range of normal. If she can get there by eating healthy foods and adding muscle to her frame then I say go for it!
  • david1e
    david1e Posts: 4
    I'm not going to comment on your caloric intake.

    What I'm going to comment on is the fact that you've been checking your weight on a daily basis. Stop doing that. Weight can fluctuate by 5 pounds or more every day, and what you gained is most likely water weight as a result of your Saturday run.

    A week is not enough time to know if your diet is working. Stay on it for 4-6 weeks, weighing weekly, and see how the trend goes. If it goes down between week 1 and week 4, you're doing fine. If not, it's time to reevaluate.

    this is my seocn time on a 1200 calorie diet.
    the first time it took 3 weeks to show a change on the scaile, could feel the difference in clothes after 1 1/2 weeks.
    dropped 30 pound in 6 months. have maintained for 1 yr.
    back on it still need to lose 50 pounds. (diabetic and trying to get off medicines)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I agree-eat more. Specially if you're only getting 800-1000 (and I hope that's at least NET) Also, try weighing yourself less (once a week, or if that's too tough, every few days-sodium and water (or lack there of) will make the scale change. Taking measurements and pictures were 2 of the best things I've done instead of just going off the scale.
  • rachelilb
    rachelilb Posts: 179 Member
    Oh lord! Eat more and stop weighing yourself everyday. The end
  • boachieee
    boachieee Posts: 5 Member
    I'd like to hear more about the saffron extract...

    I also think your calories are probably too low, but that's because I just bumped my calorie intake to 1300 from 1200 and I phsically feel better when I eat a little more. You have a calorie goal of 1200 but you are not even taking that in, so my guess is that your body wants everything you put in and isn't keen on giving anything up. You may need to *at least* eat 1200 to keep your body regulated.

    FTR, I am 5'5" and 140, so not too far off from you. My weight fluctuates from 139-143 pretty regularly, so it's totally normal. Water, hormones, sodium...a lot of things can impact weight.

    Don't weight every day. It's a lesson I am learning the hard way since tend to weight myself every 2-3 days.

    this is the saffron extract i use. I first heard about it on Dr. Oz and decided to do some research. The amazon reviews have a lot of mixed reactions. I've been using it for maybe a week and a half and started noticing a difference by the third day. I take is as instructed, once in the morning and evening. It has not only allowed me to eat less, but I've also stopped snacking at work (eating when bored lol). It's really helped me make better food decisions because I'm not craving vending machine snacks. I told a coworker about it and she loves it too.

    But with anything, it may work for some and not for others. I would say if you're curious, just give it a try and see if it helps you. I love it!

  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    You do realize your body burns calories from just being alive, right? Not only from exercise...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    Wow ...... um ..... bad advice

  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    You do realize your body burns calories from just being alive, right? Not only from exercise...

    Yes, and if I don't put them in my body it's burning stored fat.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    you aren't doing your metabolism any favors.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    You do realize your body burns calories from just being alive, right? Not only from exercise...

    Yes, and if I don't put them in my body it's burning stored fat.

    What IF you are burning as much muscle as fat? Your body cannot get every single nutrient it needs from fat. Burning lots of muscle mass is a quick way to lose pounds ..... but as poster above stated .... you are not doing your metabolism any favors.

    Muscle burns calories at rest ...... healthy weight loss helps you hold onto LEAN muscle.......
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    1. Do not weigh yourself every day if you cannot handle the regular fluctuations in weight.
    2. The weight you lost at the begining was likely water weight and not much fat.
    3. You are not eating enough. With only 20 lbs to lose the goal should be to lose 1/2 lb. a week. You probably want to go faster, but with less to lose it goes slower. I really suggest you figure out your TDEE and eat at a reasonable deficit of that.

    Annecdote: I am your height, started out a little heavier than you and am now at your goal weight. I started out eating 1200 and lost weight for a couple months before I became so cranky and tired with very little energy to work out. I slowly upped calories until I decided on TDEE-15% I was much happier and healthier in losing the weight and I hope you are, too. And if you are not doing so already, LIFT HEAVY THINGS!

    Also, if you insist on eating lower calories please pay attention to your macros and micros. It is very difficult to get all your vitamins, minerals, protein, and essential fat when you are eating much fewer than normal calories and you could be damaging your body in ways that you might not see for while.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    You do realize your body burns calories from just being alive, right? Not only from exercise...

    Yes, and if I don't put them in my body it's burning stored fat.

    Your body also finds those calories it needs by burning stored muscle, including important muscles like your heart. The larger the deficit you create the more likely your body will break down your lean muscle mass. That's why it's so important to lose weight slowly, eat plenty of protein, and exercise. You want to encourage your body to burn fat and discourage it from taking your muscle. It doesn't sound like your routine is doing that.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I'd like to hear more about the saffron extract...

    I also think your calories are probably too low, but that's because I just bumped my calorie intake to 1300 from 1200 and I phsically feel better when I eat a little more. You have a calorie goal of 1200 but you are not even taking that in, so my guess is that your body wants everything you put in and isn't keen on giving anything up. You may need to *at least* eat 1200 to keep your body regulated.

    FTR, I am 5'5" and 140, so not too far off from you. My weight fluctuates from 139-143 pretty regularly, so it's totally normal. Water, hormones, sodium...a lot of things can impact weight.

    Don't weight every day. It's a lesson I am learning the hard way since tend to weight myself every 2-3 days.

    this is the saffron extract i use. I first heard about it on Dr. Oz and decided to do some research. The amazon reviews have a lot of mixed reactions. I've been using it for maybe a week and a half and started noticing a difference by the third day. I take is as instructed, once in the morning and evening. It has not only allowed me to eat less, but I've also stopped snacking at work (eating when bored lol). It's really helped me make better food decisions because I'm not craving vending machine snacks. I told a coworker about it and she loves it too.

    But with anything, it may work for some and not for others. I would say if you're curious, just give it a try and see if it helps you. I love it!


    Placebo Effect!
  • SkyMGray
    You need to meet the MINIMUM 1,200 calorie mark. If you don't, you can expect to gain weight since your body goes into starvation mode and stores the food you eat as fat. You may not be exercising during the day and decide that 800 calories is enough, but your BMR is burning calories all the time, even when you sleep. If you're under 1200 calories and don't feel hungry, eat something anyway. Better than gaining weight.
  • SkyMGray
    125 isn't too low for someone who is 5'7" with a small frame. I have friends who are 5'7"-5'9"with rather petite frames who weigh 125. Most of them are also very athletic (e.g. swimmers, tennis player, soccer players, etc.) which helps them keep off the fat while building muscle. This girl's picture would indicate a small frame, so I think 125 is completely doable.
  • SkyMGray
    You are already at a healthy weight. 125 is too low for someone your height. On top of that you are under-eating. And you didn't lose 4 pounds of fat in one week (fluids and muscle, yes). Even if you could bear to lose another 5-10 pounds, it should take months to lose it, not days. Get real and shift your focus from the number on the scale to HEALTH.

    If this is a serious post, you need to get help.

    125 isn't too low for someone who is 5'7" with a small frame. I have friends who are 5'7"-5'9"with rather petite frames who weigh 125. Most of them are also very athletic (e.g. swimmers, tennis player, soccer players, etc.) which helps them keep off the fat while building muscle. This girl's picture would indicate a small frame, so I think 125 is completely doable.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    More exercise?

    I've been on 1200 or less for almost two months (I've only been here for a week). I have lost steadily, about 3 - 4 lbs a week. But I burn as many calories as I eat so my body is using my fat for energy, not the food I put into it.

    You do realize your body burns calories from just being alive, right? Not only from exercise...

    Yes, and if I don't put them in my body it's burning stored fat.
    False, it's burning mostly muscle. Your body can only liberate a relatively small amount of energy from fat per day, the rest comes from protein through muscle catabolization and gluconeogenesis.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    False, it's burning mostly muscle. Your body can only liberate a relatively small amount of energy from fat per day, the rest comes from protein through muscle catabolization and gluconeogenesis.

    yet countless studies show substantial fat loss at rates many times higher than the loss of fat free mass ?