42 years old and 90 lbs to lose

HI all, My name is Laura. I am 42 years old, and very overweight. I have been struggling for the past 10 years or so. Right now i am at my heaviest and am really tired of feeling achy, tired and unable to keep up with my girls. I have trouble with staying motivated and hoping this site can help me stay on track and learn to eat healthier. Feel free to add me as a friend, the more the merrier. Hopefully support from you all here will be what I need. :smile:


  • Hoosier96
    Hoosier96 Posts: 118 Member
    Welcome! I am enjoying the site (newly active as well) and all the positive, motivating people on here. I think you will be happy to be here with people who are very supportive!!
  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    I am in the same boat as you. I have over 100 pounds to lose and my goal is by next May. I have given up alcolhol, sweets, bread, rice, potatoes, starchy vegetables like corn, peas, carrots. I eat every 2-3 hours and once a day we make a proten and vegetables. We did not put on the weight over night, so it is NOT going to come off overnight either. We have to train ourselves again. I have lost 24 pounds in a little over a month and I am starting to feel great. Do not starve your body, don't skip meals as it will lock and think you are trying to starve it to death. So create a fat burning process. Start the day off with a protein bar or something to get started. Have a some good websites for recipes etc. one in particular..... www.timesavorgourmet.com great tasting and fat buring. Let me know if I can cheer or encourage along the way, cuz I am gonna need a kick in the *kitten* from time to time.
  • LaterBetty
    LaterBetty Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 47 and have about 75-80 lbs to lose...don't let another 5 years go by...I'm not giving up this time even when I fall I'll just get back up. Welcome!
  • geoffreyhancockstr
    geoffreyhancockstr Posts: 13 Member
    I started in January and its hasn't been fast, but I use this site to keep me on track, both with food and exercise, I feel much better, and unlike with my other diets I have chosen to just eat healthier, choosing better foods, but not restricting myself to only certain kinds of foods. I am never hungry, I am losing about one pound a week, I stopped looking at the scale everyday, and have a long-term goal and an overall lifestyle change. I don't beat myself up about not being perfect, I just do my best and this site keeps me on track and motivated. There is great support here.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Welcome Laura!! Tracking my calories has been the key for me, I'm 42 also, and I've been a yo-yo dieter all my life. The biggest difference this time for me, is

    1. I'm not longer on a diet, I just make better choices
    2. I log everything, if I taste dinner while I'm cooking I log it! If I drink it, I log it! You get the point
    3. I do some type of exercise, when I got started again in January my exercise was standing up out of my chair every hour. And some chair dancing. Now I'm biking, lifting light weights. You just need to gradually make changes that you can stick with forever.
    4. And because I'm not on a diet anymore, nothing is off limits, if I want a slice of pizza, I'm going to have one or two but I will make sure I have the calories for it.

    You can do this! Feel free to add me I'm on here way too much and I love new friends :)
  • imp8tient1
    imp8tient1 Posts: 25
    I too eat every 2 hrs...and never miss a breakfast...very important...has worked for me. I am 56 and need to lose 63 pds. Have got 16 off, and have enjoyed every minute of it! Joined Courthouse, and do the high impact, high cardio dance, zumba classes, and core. Love them! The hours go by fast. I shouldn't have gotten myself in this weight.....desk job, too much TV, no exercise, that's what I get! I am feeling much better and can't wait to wear spandex without worrying about my butt looking huge! OH and I LOVE the food diary in My Fitness Pal....makes counting much easier! Hey has anyone ever looked up an Olive Garden soup? You won't want to eat one ever again!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    I have been on MFP since January 3. It has not been easy, but I have dropped nearly 30 lbs. I have learned a lot about me and my body and have discovered that I actually like riding my bike!

    The best advice I can give is to make sure you track every thing you eat. Measure your food and be conscious of your portions. This will help in your weight loss. If you indulge, then jump back on the wagon the next day.

    You can do this. It just takes some work and patience, but I know you will be successful. Add me as a friend, if you'd like.
  • kay930
    kay930 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Laura

    My name is Kay & I'm 41 I have 3 kids. I have been on mfp for a while and have only lost a few pounds. I would love new friends. I just sent you a friend request.
  • hobiesmom
    hobiesmom Posts: 2
    Hi. I also have AT LEAST 90 lbs to lose. I started about a month and a half ago at 299, and am today down to 286. I never thought I'd be happy to see 286 on the scale! I remember when I hit 200 -- I thought, wow, look at that, this is just temporary, isn't it. But, lo and behold, I just kept creeping up.
    I have tried absolutely everything except surgery. My Fitness Pal is the best thing yet, because I really like tracking. So I've made great progress and am really encouraged.
    Instead of putting down 100 pounds-to-lose as my goal, I'm setting goals of 10 pounds at a time. Seems more doable.
    Right now, my only "friend" is my fabulous brother-in-law who is the one who turned me on to MFP. I would like to have more friends in situations similar to mine.
    As I said, I've got 100 pounds to lose, am 66 years old, and my knees and feet are aching all the time from toting around this weight. When I started, I didn't even feel like "me," but now that I've seen some results, I'm getting a glimpse of hope.
    If you want to "friend," please send me a message.
  • larodriguez02
    larodriguez02 Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you all for the nice welcome and posts! I appreciate the support! so need this right now! Motivation is the biggest issue. My eating during the day is not bad but my biggest problem is at night, while on the couch watching tv. I get the munchies. I am working on strategies for that. Right now this site is keeping me away and a cup of water with ice, I love chewing on ice. only my second day on this site and am really seeing the benefit of the food diary, really seeing the calories and all is really opening my eyes! How quickly those calories add up!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    My eating during the day is not bad but my biggest problem is at night, while on the couch watching tv. I get the munchies. I am working on strategies for that.

    Remember, if you have the calories left at the end of the day, there is no reason for you not to eat. I usually plan on having a snack at night when I am watching tv. Sometimes it is fruit, or a frozen skinny cow, or popcorn (microwave or air popped, depending on mood/time). You don't have to deprive yourself to have success. Just something to think about.
  • dorthymcconnel
    dorthymcconnel Posts: 237 Member
    Hi! I'll be 42 next month. I have about 80 some odd pounds to lose, and I've been here on MFP for about a month now. It's helping.

    Anyone can add me.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    HI all, My name is Laura. I am 42 years old, and very overweight.

    I'm also 42, and... had ~90 pounds to lose, and part way there thanks to constant logging and paying attention to what goes in ;)
  • waldrope
    waldrope Posts: 3 Member
    I'll be 45 next week, and I've been at this for almost exactly one year. I have lost 78 pounds and feel like a new person! There is some good advice in this thread. You will learn what works for you during your journey.

    For me: I haven't cut out any kinds of food, especially the things I love -- I just eat a lot less of them. I save some calories every day for a snack I love (ice cream, chocolate, or wine). I have also learned that the more I exercise, the more I can eat and still lose... ;) I started out only being able to walk for fifteen minutes. Now I lift weights, run, bike, walk, swim... I have learned the tremendous value of weight-lifting, too. Feeling strong is a great motivator, and the mix of weight training and cardio is like magic to your body. My knees and feet don't even hurt any more!

    YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!! Just don't be in a hurry. You can't stick with anything that makes you angry or resentful, so find a healthy way of eating that you can live with long term and a fitness routine you enjoy. This is a marathon, not a sprint. It is SO WORTH the journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!