Upset slightly discouraged

nerdychef Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
SO! I've been using this site since I moved to Nashville (since May). I've lost six pounds since being here and I'm utterly happy about that! However, I don't know if my scale is messed up or not (my mom says it is because she knows her weight and it shoots her up ten pounds) Either way, I got on it the other night and flipped out because it said I'd regained the 6 pounds and then some and I couldn't understand how considering the fact that I don't eat up to my calories (though I eat close to it- I always get full before I can stuff my face full of more calories- y'know?) and I'm always moving (I'm going to culinary school so I'm up for five hours every thursday and friday and even before that I'm running about). I live on the third floor of an apartment complex and own a dog, so naturally I have to run up and down the stairs to get her out and the like. I guess I'm just.. looking for some suggestions as far as getting a new scale.

The scale I own is a Heatlh-O-Meter, one of the cheaper ones, its electric and I can't really callibrate it at all even though I've tried. Any suggestions on what I ought to do?


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I threw my old scales out because I would step on them one time and be one weight and then step right back on to verify (crazy I know) and they would be off as much as 3 lbs. I got a Weight Watcher scales now. The same every time I step on them.
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    I think I read in another post here to put some weights on your scale, or something else that is heavy and you know its exact weight to see if the scale shows anything different.

    I have Taylor Electronic Scale from Kohls, it is not fancy (just shows weight, nothing else), I have had it for one month and so far it seems to be working well.

    Don't get discouraged!!! You might be not noticing all the changes... Have you been taking your measurements? Have you noticed any other changes?

    For me, I could not see any changes even after 6lbs, but then noticed my bracelets felt looser on my wrists and same for rings on my fingers, that was really the first time I noticed something. Then I lost some inches, too... And now I see it is easier for me to use the exercise equipment in the gym...

    You have been working hard all this time, that is a good reason to celebrate - don;t be discouraged :):):)
  • nerdychef
    nerdychef Posts: 4
    What's crazy about my scales is that it'll either be VERY HIGH or very low...

    For example

    I stepped on it the other day and was 204.. (I'm in the 250 range and going from one to the other over night seems scary). So to double check, I stepped on it again. 280. I flipped my bowl and stepped one more time and it was 250 straight up. I couldn't understand why it was playing games with me :(

    I think it scared me the most because I USE to be up in the 350 range (yay I lost 100 lbs) but still.. I don't wanna go back there, y'know? So naturally, I freak out when I weigh more than I did yesterday =3=;
  • nerdychef
    nerdychef Posts: 4
    I think I read in another post here to put some weights on your scale, or something else that is heavy and you know its exact weight to see if the scale shows anything different.

    I have Taylor Electronic Scale from Kohls, it is not fancy (just shows weight, nothing else), I have had it for one month and so far it seems to be working well.

    Don't get discouraged!!! You might be not noticing all the changes... Have you been taking your measurements? Have you noticed any other changes?

    For me, I could not see any changes even after 6lbs, but then noticed my bracelets felt looser on my wrists and same for rings on my fingers, that was really the first time I noticed something. Then I lost some inches, too... And now I see it is easier for me to use the exercise equipment in the gym...

    You have been working hard all this time, that is a good reason to celebrate - don;t be discouraged :):):)
    I'm not wearing 3x's anymore :) a 2x is loose on me now. Right now I'm sitting in a tshirt with a shark on it- waiting for Shark Week to begin
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    What's crazy about my scales is that it'll either be VERY HIGH or very low...

    For example

    I stepped on it the other day and was 204.. (I'm in the 250 range and going from one to the other over night seems scary). So to double check, I stepped on it again. 280. I flipped my bowl and stepped one more time and it was 250 straight up. I couldn't understand why it was playing games with me :(

    I think it scared me the most because I USE to be up in the 350 range (yay I lost 100 lbs) but still.. I don't wanna go back there, y'know? So naturally, I freak out when I weigh more than I did yesterday =3=;

    Congrats on the weight loss! :drinker: It sounds to me that you do need a new scale though..
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    If it were only the one time with the 6lbs I'd say reweigh later because water retention can make a massive difference and a bunch of water and 1 day wait can make that go away but since you said it has waivered so much on multiple occassions I'd tend to agree with a PP that it sounds like it's time for a new scale :). I like another poster just have a cheap Taylor digital scale from Target but I haven't had any issues with it.
  • leesapeesa
    leesapeesa Posts: 81
    if you got on the scale three times and it had 3 drastically different weights then there has to be something wrong with it. are you sure the floor is level?? just seems pretty off! But anyway, try not to obsess about numbers on the scale. what is important is that you are working daily to become healthy. Keep moving and eat in your cal range and the rest will follow! I try not to use my scale but once every couple weeks because I had started weighing daily and got super scale obsessed. just isn't good for motivation since your weight can vary so much day to day. I have a simple scale i got from walmart for about 10 bucks. it is digital and works well. I think you might want to get a new one. Congrats on your loss thus far and hang in there! :flowerforyou:
  • nerdychef
    nerdychef Posts: 4
    Thank you all for your uplifting words of encouragement! If it weren't for people like you I think I'd probably just give up! Thanks so much.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I have the same scale, it sounds like. I don't think I've ever had a problem with mine. I try to weigh in at the same time daily (the first thing I do after using the bathroom in the morning). I've had mine for a while now, and I think I broke it cleaning the bathroom today, so I'm looking into getting a new one. Let me know if you find a great one!
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    "2x is loose on me now" - yay, that's awesome!! Shark t-shirt sounds cute :)
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I know how upsetting that can be. I feel frustrated when I go on my Wii, and only sometimes is it in the ball park of where I think that I am. I would buy a new scale for this journey. I have a Weight Watchers digital scale. I love it because it reads up to .2 of a pound, and it gives you lots of feedback. It does sometimes act funny, and that's my clue to change the battery. I also weigh myself at the same time and same situation each day. (In the morning, before my shower, without clothes) This way, I can make sure I am measuring me, and not my wet hair, or heavy clothes, sneakers, or the bottle of water I just chugged.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I agree that you need to get a new scale! I gave up last time I tried to lose weight because of similar issues... I had a scale that was very inconsistent, and I couldn't see any changes outside of the scale too.

    I've lost over 10 pounds (with a long way to go) and can't tell a difference at all... but I am trusting the new scale for now! :)
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