Tightness in chest...

I ran yesterday, about a mile and a half. Nothing major or our of the ordinary. No major changes in temp or speed or anything. When I was done I felt as though I ran a marathon. It took me forever to bet my heartrate back down and my chest was so tight and it hurt when I breathed. So I guess it was tight in my lungs. I dont smoke and I run and exercise regularly so I dont understand what could be the problem.
This morning I worked out and I felt overly tired and again my chest (lungs) felt really tight...hard to get a full breath.

My boyfried tells me all the time to stay away from WebMD so I am...because if I go there I will come back with something horrible that is wrong with me...lol


  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    You need to see a doctor before doing anymore cardio exercise. It might be nothing, but it could be serious.

    It sounds like exercise induced asthma--which can develop as an adult. it's very controllable, but you MUST see a MD about it. It could also be any number of other things--all of which need to be ruled in or out by a doctor.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I hate to break this to you but coming here for medical advice is just as bad as going to WebMD!!

    CALL YOUR DOC AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! Tell them that you're having tightness in your chest so they undestand you need to be seen immediately!!

    My husband's aunt had all the symptoms of a heart attack but ignored them for a few days. She ended up having a stroke once she got to the hospital and is now legally blind. She's lucky she got off that easy! (My grandfather had a stroke and was mostly paralyzed on one side of his body and couldn't talk right) They also told her she had the signs of having a previous heart attack that she probably ignored. If she had had these things treated in a timely manner, she'd be much better off these days than she is.

    For the love of all that's holy - take care of yourself!!
  • medic2038
    medic2038 Posts: 434 Member
    I think he's right!
    And 100% agree with going to see your MD!

    Usually when your pain is associated with breathing it's called pleuritic chest pain. I've pulled an intercostal muscle (between the ribs) before, it's NOT fun.
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member
    Well holy begezus...

    So I need to go to the doctor because I might be having a heart attack???

    Its not painful, just tight. Like I cant take a deep breath. I had asthma when I was a kid but outgrew it. A while back when I was skiing I had the same tightness and thought I was going to die...panic attacks galore... I went to the nurse who gave me a breathing treatment and bam...I was great.

    I didnt think of the asthma, and I know my asthma is brought on by my allergies..
  • Yeah, it could be from the start of allergy season causing asthma. Go to the doctor and they will give you some breathing tests, and look at your heart while exercising. Allergy pills can also prevent asthma attacks.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    Well holy begezus...

    So I need to go to the doctor because I might be having a heart attack???

    Its not painful, just tight. Like I cant take a deep breath. I had asthma when I was a kid but outgrew it. A while back when I was skiing I had the same tightness and thought I was going to die...panic attacks galore... I went to the nurse who gave me a breathing treatment and bam...I was great.

    I didnt think of the asthma, and I know my asthma is brought on by my allergies..

    I'll bet you didn't outgrow it, it just went into a sort of remission. It will only get worse--MUCH worse--if it's not addressed. I know this from experience. It's no fun being intubated.
  • sunshine5512
    sunshine5512 Posts: 39 Member
    I will go to the doctor.......

    Right after BIKE WEEK....

    Which I am leaving for tomorrow! No exercise for a couple days anyways!!!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Do let us know how it turns out.All the best
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    It could also be a pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in the lungs. It can make it feel hard to breathe because blood isn't able to circulate. I'd say see a doctor as soon as you can and don't do more cardio until you have your heart and lungs checked out. I'd say without any other info, it very well could just be asthma, but even that can be dangerous to mess around with if you don't have an inhaler or something with you.
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Just a heads up- make sure you mention your chest is hurting, and not your heart- or they will usually send you to the ER! I tried to make a doc appt for chest tension and heart palpations, and no one would take me, they said I had to go to the ER. Was very annoying, expensive, and not needed.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I hate to break this to you but coming here for medical advice is just as bad as going to WebMD!!

    CALL YOUR DOC AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! Tell them that you're having tightness in your chest so they undestand you need to be seen immediately!!

    My husband's aunt had all the symptoms of a heart attack but ignored them for a few days. She ended up having a stroke once she got to the hospital and is now legally blind. She's lucky she got off that easy! (My grandfather had a stroke and was mostly paralyzed on one side of his body and couldn't talk right) They also told her she had the signs of having a previous heart attack that she probably ignored. If she had had these things treated in a timely manner, she'd be much better off these days than she is.

    For the love of all that's holy - take care of yourself!!

    Great points! I had a TIA (mini stroke) and DVT in my leg, which I ignored because I thought I was too young for it to be anything serious. Ended up with a pretty serious DVT in my whole left leg which did some pretty bad damage to my veins and valves. Found out my family has a history of blood clots. Another time my father had shortness of breath, which ended up being several blood clots in his lungs after driving all day. If you have any family history of clotting or heart related risks, get checked out. Even asthma and allergies are worth checking out.