Filling Breakfast Food Ideas

I get up around 6:15am for work and ALWAYS grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast (and the sugary type which adds to the problem). This leads me to starving by 10am. Do you guys have any suggestions for breakfast that would be easy to make in the morning (not time consuming) but keep me full? I want to shy away from protein shakes as I would like to get my nutrients from actual food. Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!


  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Google refrigerator oatmeal, you make it the night before in a jar and it's got greek yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, and almond milk or other milk if you like. You can add nuts and any other sweateners you like. Very filling and easy and yum.
  • jqh23
    jqh23 Posts: 311 Member
    I second oatmeal. greek yogurt + granola + some fruit usually helps me stay full too!
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I get up around 6:15am for work and ALWAYS grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast (and the sugary type which adds to the problem). This leads me to starving by 10am. Do you guys have any suggestions for breakfast that would be easy to make in the morning (not time consuming) but keep me full? I want to shy away from protein shakes as I would like to get my nutrients from actual food. Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!

    I've got an idea but it takes a little time and involves protein.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    egg burrito
    oats with fruit and honey
    greek yogurt with fruit and honey
    last night's dinner
    whole milk with whey protein and frozen strawberries blended
    chicken/ham quesadilla
    granola is a better ceral choice too and you can put it on the yogurt in the smoothie in the oats or in a bag and snack on it
    Steak and eggs.. mmmmmmm...

    Don't think of thinks as "this is food for a certain meal" just think of thigs as food and eat them whenever it is good for you. My mother eats chicken for breakfast more often then for dinner.. cause she needs teh protein in the morning more then the evening.
  • Brandilynnrose
    You can make egg patties in advance and freeze them- one egg cooked with spinach, peppers, and onion makes a patty. They freeze REALLY well, so you could make a weeks worth in advance.

    Then in the morning microwave the egg patty for 45-60 seconds (until warm) and throw it on a whole wheat English muffin (I like the Orowheat double fiber ones) with a slice of low fat cheese. 250 calories and delicious! You can also throw a turket sausage patty (you can buy then already cooked) or a slice of lean ham.
  • Healthychick84
    Healthychick84 Posts: 17 Member
    I eat Special K oats & honey with almond milk. It's good n filling but if I'm going to the gym after breakfast I have a banana and a natural peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread. I also like to eat different fruits for breakfast.
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    I get up around 6:15am for work and ALWAYS grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast (and the sugary type which adds to the problem). This leads me to starving by 10am. Do you guys have any suggestions for breakfast that would be easy to make in the morning (not time consuming) but keep me full? I want to shy away from protein shakes as I would like to get my nutrients from actual food. Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!

    I do this on the weekend and it's good for all week long.
    2 cups steel cut oats
    2/3 cup of oat bran
    8 cups of water
    Put in a crockpot on high for 2 hours to 2 hours 15 minutes. Pack in containers for the week and you are good to go.

    Or make mini quiches in muffin cups (beat eggs, pour into well-greased muffin tins, add bacon, chopped onion, chopped pepper, etc, and sprinkle with a bit of cheese. Bake at 350 degrees until cooked, then put in the fridge and grab and go or heat in the microwave.

    Also, on other thing to think about, if you can, have a snack with some protein and fruit at 10:00. It has, after all, been 4 hours since you've eaten.Although adding protein to your breakfast should help it last longer.

    Good luck!
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I've been making a lot of scrambles lately. I use a small non-stick skillet--I don't have to add any oil and clean up is simple. The key is to pre-heat the pan while you're gathering your ingredients so it's already hot when you start cooking. Also, I'm not particularly fond of washing dishes, so I crack the eggs right into the skillet and stir, rather than whisking in a bowl first.

    I usually start with some diced ham, then add 2 eggs and sometimes a handful of chopped spinach and/or a pinch of cheese as well. The eggs are done in a couple minutes.

    I've also used black beans, red pepper, green onions, whatever bits and pieces I have on hand.

    The scramble is filling on its own but also nice in a wrap or on toast.
  • Monny287
    Monny287 Posts: 109
    Oatmeal or yogurt, I would say. I usually eat one or the other with a couple pieces of whole-grain toast and some fruit. Keeps me full!
  • sabolfitwife
    sabolfitwife Posts: 424 Member
    Lately I've been having two hard boiled eggs with 5 spears of asparagus. Fills me up and has very little sugar which is something I'm really trying to cut back on!
  • kspitalsky
    kspitalsky Posts: 12
    Awesome, thank you so much for the idea! I like that you can prepare it over night :)
  • kspitalsky
    kspitalsky Posts: 12
    Yogurt, Granola and fruit sounds delicious - thank you so much for the idea!
  • kspitalsky
    kspitalsky Posts: 12
    egg burrito
    oats with fruit and honey
    greek yogurt with fruit and honey
    last night's dinner
    whole milk with whey protein and frozen strawberries blended
    chicken/ham quesadilla
    granola is a better ceral choice too and you can put it on the yogurt in the smoothie in the oats or in a bag and snack on it
    Steak and eggs.. mmmmmmm...

    Don't think of thinks as "this is food for a certain meal" just think of thigs as food and eat them whenever it is good for you. My mother eats chicken for breakfast more often then for dinner.. cause she needs teh protein in the morning more then the evening.

    I actually like that way of thinking. I typically think of "breakfast foods" "lunch" and "dinner" instead of just food and eating it whenever my body needs it. A lot of people have suggested oats, eggs and yogurt so I'm definitely going to try those! I always eat unhealthy cereal and then I'm hungry all day long. I'm hoping these are not only healthier, but much more filling :)
  • kspitalsky
    kspitalsky Posts: 12
    Lately I've been having two hard boiled eggs with 5 spears of asparagus. Fills me up and has very little sugar which is something I'm really trying to cut back on!

    I too am trying to cut back on sugar but I'm finding it so hard (addiction to sugar has to be a real thing!) Asparagus is one of my favorite foods - I never thought of having it for breakfast though, eggs and asparagus sounds delicious!
  • kspitalsky
    kspitalsky Posts: 12
    I get up around 6:15am for work and ALWAYS grab a bowl of cereal for breakfast (and the sugary type which adds to the problem). This leads me to starving by 10am. Do you guys have any suggestions for breakfast that would be easy to make in the morning (not time consuming) but keep me full? I want to shy away from protein shakes as I would like to get my nutrients from actual food. Any ideas are GREATLY appreciated!

    I do this on the weekend and it's good for all week long.
    2 cups steel cut oats
    2/3 cup of oat bran
    8 cups of water
    Put in a crockpot on high for 2 hours to 2 hours 15 minutes. Pack in containers for the week and you are good to go.

    Or make mini quiches in muffin cups (beat eggs, pour into well-greased muffin tins, add bacon, chopped onion, chopped pepper, etc, and sprinkle with a bit of cheese. Bake at 350 degrees until cooked, then put in the fridge and grab and go or heat in the microwave.

    Also, on other thing to think about, if you can, have a snack with some protein and fruit at 10:00. It has, after all, been 4 hours since you've eaten.Although adding protein to your breakfast should help it last longer.

    Good luck!

    These are GREAT ideas - I can't wait to try them all out :)!!
  • boothekm
    boothekm Posts: 60 Member
    If you like scrambled eggs, that's the way to go. They take about 5 minutes to cook!! You could make an omelet or sandwich on whole wheat!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Definately add some protein to breakfast.

    You can hard boil eggs on the weekend and grab them as you need them in the morning. 1 large egg is 70 calories. Add 1 tsp of baking soda to the water as you're cooking them and it'll make peeling the eggs super easy and quick.
    Add ground flax seed or chia seeds. 1tbs of chia seeds is 60 calories and has fiber as well.
    Add protein poweder to your cereal. Syntrax Matrix which has three types of proteins (quick, medium, and long release) is 110 to 120 calories for Vanilla or Chocolate and has 23g of protein.
    Find other cereals that are still sweet or can had stevia or splenda added to them that are lower in sugar and higher in fiber than what you're eating. You can also add fruit (bananas, berries) to add sweetness to "less sweet" cereals as well.

    Also, unless your work situation doesn't allow for it, you can plan a mid-morning snack. You could do anything from yogurt or a piece of fruit, some cheese, some nuts, or a 100 calorie "snack pack" for most anyone that offers them now.