Is strength training 2x a week enough to build muscle?

Excuse my ignorance but I am so clueless. I currently run 6 days a week, mon-thursday 3-5 miles and saturdays 6-10 miles, and occasional half marathons. I learned in a body fat percentage analysis thing that my lean mass is low and i need to build muscle... so of course i signed up for a few sessions with a trainer to learn what i will eventually do on my own. (side note- ive lost over 60 lbs and am less than 20 lbs from goal, but i feel like my body is lacking muscle to help burn the last of this fat)

My question is this... If im only working on resistance/strength training 2 days a week is it even helping me build muscle? Or what should I be aiming for? I am not trying to bulk up, just core exercises to build strength. So many articles, so many different answers...

Any advice is appreciated.


  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Do you want to increase strength? Or build muscle?

    Full body 3x a week will increase strength, but you will need a calorie surplus to build muscle.
  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Aim to lift 3-5 times a week. Progressively overloa your muscles by adding weight. Focus on compound lifts such as squats, dead lifts, bench press, etc. and if you're going to continue running that much you're going to have to eat ALOT. I mean ALOT.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Depending on what you do, 2 times a week might be enough to build muscle. However, while you may seem some gains at first, being new to lifting, eating at a deficit, that will even out, and really, the only way to gain significant amounts of muscle mass is to eat at a surplus, which will obviously stall fat loss and lead to some fat being (re)gained.
  • cng31183
    cng31183 Posts: 126 Member
    Im new at it too but after reading tons of online articles and a couple books it seems the general range is 3 to 5 times a week depending on what your doing. In the book new rules of lifting it recommends 3 times a week with a day of rest between each workout since your muscle builds during rest. Some folks workout 5 days a week doing a body part each day. Cardio is generally limited...not necessarily deleted....because it has a tendency to eat your muscles if done too vigorously.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    But I love running :( I dont wana be hulk, I just want a little definition.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    I lift three times per week and I run even more than that.
    I think I've built some pretty nice muscles so far.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    If you're not trying to gain a bunch of muscle, sure I think, in my opinion that this would be a good start to strength training. Every little bit helps =)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I agree with everything previously said....

    - Running will hinder muscle growth.
    - Make sure you know if you want to add muscle or get stronger (not the same things).
    - Progressively overload your muscles (increase weight as you get stronger)
    - 2x week is better than nothing, more often is better than less often
    - you may see some gains early on a deficit, but a surplus is required for long term gains.

  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    Aim to lift 3-5 times a week. Progressively overloa your muscles by adding weight. Focus on compound lifts such as squats, dead lifts, bench press, etc. and if you're going to continue running that much you're going to have to eat ALOT. I mean ALOT.

    Thankfully I have no problem eating back my exercise calories :)
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    I lift three times per week and I run even more than that.
    I think I've built some pretty nice muscles so far.

    THANK YOU!!!
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    But I love running :( I dont wana be hulk, I just want a little definition.

    You don't have to stop running you just need to find a balance. I love running and lifting so I do both. I've built a lot of muscle over the past months.
  • jeffreece180
    jeffreece180 Posts: 2 Member
    you need to go to at least 3 full body workouts a week.and you dont really have to eat more food as much as you need to consume more protien. you need at least 1 gram per pound of can do that without adding to many calories,just need to play around with it. i used protien powder and drank 2 or 3 shakes a day. muscle milk makes some lite ones that are good,20 or 30 grams protien and only bout 150 calories
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    But I love running :( I dont wana be hulk, I just want a little definition.

    Then you don't need to stop running. You need to sustain a calorie deficit to lose enough body fat to reveal existing muscles. Heavy lifting can expedite the process by preserving more muscle so that a greater % of weight loss comes from fat.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Aim to lift 3-5 times a week. Progressively overloa your muscles by adding weight. Focus on compound lifts such as squats, dead lifts, bench press, etc. and if you're going to continue running that much you're going to have to eat ALOT. I mean ALOT.

    Thankfully I have no problem eating back my exercise calories :)

    It's not just exercise calories that you'll have to eat back. You'll have to create a caloric surplus. So, let's say your BMR 9accounting for a sedentary lifestyle only) to maintain your weight is 2000 calories and you burn an average of 500 calories a workout, you will have to eat at least 2600 calories to gain muscle.

    Otherwise, as was previously said, you can eat at a small deficit to attempt to continue to lose fat, which will allow the muscle you do have to show better, but you won't make significant muscle mass gains. (You can continue to gain strength, though.)
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I agree with everything previously said....

    - Running will hinder muscle growth.
    - Make sure you know if you want to add muscle or get stronger (not the same things).
    - Progressively overload your muscles (increase weight as you get stronger)
    - 2x week is better than nothing, more often is better than less often
    - you may see some gains early on a deficit, but a surplus is required for long term gains.



    I would at least try and shoot for three times a week.

    With the amount that your running it is going to cut into your strength or hypertrophy gains.
  • evansproudmama
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    LOL I agree!! Im a runner but now I only do interval sprints on weight days for about 15mins the other hour im in the weight room. On off training days I do a long uphill walk and pilates. Just started reading the new rules of weight lifting for women and I love it. I can already see definition in my arms, my mommy "pooch" is pretty much gone and my calves look hawt!!!! Oh and last week I lost 4.5 lbs and I eat more then I have ever before (1500 on non weight days, 1800 on training days) so I dont see why anyone would do it any other way lol
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Do you want to increase strength? Or build muscle?

    Full body 3x a week will increase strength, but you will need a calorie surplus to build muscle.

    ^^^ This. If you are looking to get stronger then strength training 3x's a week is plenty. If you are looking to get bigger then 4-5x's a week using a hyperthrophy routine.

    Edit: But then again females dont really gain like guys do...they tone.
  • LydsVille77
    LydsVille77 Posts: 126 Member
    If you wanna build muscle stop running....let the flames begin

    But I love running :( I dont wana be hulk, I just want a little definition.

    Then you don't need to stop running. You need to sustain a calorie deficit to lose enough body fat to reveal existing muscles. Heavy lifting can expedite the process by preserving more muscle so that a greater % of weight loss comes from fat.

    Ok, this makes sense. I am eating 1350 cals a day which is over 500 less than my tdee. i think im good on the deficit.