how much is 1 oz curly frys?

Kay0033 Posts: 3 Member
Hello, All
I do not have a food scale but am definintely thinking of getting one, does anyone know how many curly frys, are in 1 oz? from jack in the box?


  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    so i went to their site, and it looks like a small is 2.95oz.

    cant really tell how many are in there based on the picture, but an ounce would be about a THIRD of a SMALL.

    maybe 6-8 fries if i had to guess.

    get yourself a scale. it will make your life easier.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    If you don't own a food scale, how can you be sure you only ate one single ounce?

    Just wondering...
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    If you don't own a food scale, how can you be sure you only ate one single ounce?

    Just wondering...

    im thinkin she counted fries and wants to put a weight to it.

    them curly fries are lonnnnnnng. counting isnt going to be a great estimate, i fear.
  • Kay0033
    Kay0033 Posts: 3 Member
    6-8 sounds about right , thanks for your help I will definitely look into getting a food scale :)