why am I losing so slow?



  • africanbashie
    africanbashie Posts: 10 Member
    1 pound a week of weight loss seems reasonable to me. It take a very long time to change your eating habits and the slower you lose weight the more you are conscious of your eating habits. Also, exercise is tricky. I can't loose weight on myfitnesspal when I add my exercise as part of my caloric intake. I try not to use my exercise for additional food points because I don't loose weight. Staying within the caloric intake recommendations has been the most sure fire way to loose for me. i view exercise as a must for healthy living but not as part of weight loss.
    My recommendations: Eat your allowed caloric intake
    Don't add your work out at the gym as part of your caloric intake.
    Pat yourself on the back for loosing 1 pound a week.
  • africanbashie
    africanbashie Posts: 10 Member
    Beautifully stated - Thanks for the comforting words.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    You're not eating nearly enough. You got to eat more if you are netting that low. You're lucky to be losing a pound a week as very soon your body will stop shedding weight because it'll be hanging on to every calorie you eat.

    Eat more.
    THIS!!!!! ^^^^
  • africanbashie
    africanbashie Posts: 10 Member
    Good advice. Sometimes sodium increase water retention. I need to look at my stats, too.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Personally I think 1lb a week is great. If you want it to drop off faster I would say that I am suspicious you might be a snacker or are overestimating your portions if not weighing. Some of the numbers you have cited do not make sense to me. I don't mean that to be rude, but this fat loss thing really is not that complex unless you have some sort of a medical condition. We all lose at different rates, different places, and respond better to some food groups than others. It is your job to experiment to determine what works best for your lifestyle. Malnourished Africans are skin and bone because they eat squat. All this eat more, hold on to....blah, blah, blah, seems a little fishy. I am not suggesting that as a nutrition plan, but I too was once annoyed about the speed of my fat loss. Once I got serious I did figure out the problem.

    Keep on trucking and be happy with the progress.
  • jilly1130
    jilly1130 Posts: 52 Member
    I noticed from your profile that you are doing Jenny Craig. I think you will find if you talk to your JC Consultant that you should be at least on the 1500 calorie diet plan not the 1200 diet plan since you are exercising so much. You can easily achieve this by just adding some nuts and an extra serving of fruit or an extra serving of dairy.

    About 7 or so years ago, I lost about 50 pounds on Jenny Craig so I know the program can work but they don't seem to be used to people who are exercising alot and therefore, you need to make sure you are getting enough calories. Calculate your calories from your JC meals into MFP and eat back your exercise calories by adding a serving of nuts, dairy or protein.

    Again, make sure you tell your JC Consultant how much you are exercising. Do keep in mind that the majority of your diet is coming from processed foods (the JC meals) so adding your extra exercise calories from healthy whole food sources is a good way to go (that is what I did when I was on the program).

    Congratulations on your weight loss so far...I shoot for a pound a week so I think you are doing an awesome job!!
  • Csoldano
    Csoldano Posts: 34 Member
    I've never had a problem with my body 'hanging' onto fat.

    It doesn't mean you won't in the future though. At some point eating at that kind of deficit your fat loss will probably slow to a halt. Plus you are very likely to start eating into your muscle if you carry on doing what you are doing. This is not good. It will only get you into the pattern of yo yo weight gain/loss and eating VLCD for the rest of your life.

    This is true, I didn't have a problem a few times. I found that the less I ate the slower weight dropped, I mostly noticed this when, well I didn't pay to careful attention on the calories in going out to eat a lot and oddly I broke past a plateau doing that.

    Currently I'm kinda ping ponging between 220 and 216 which other factors like I increased my resistance training so while I'm becoming leaner I'm not exactly seeing a numbers drop which I'm fine with. I also tend to have an issue with being TOO careful as in the back of my head, as silly as it is, I have this haunting feeling if I so much as peak over my deficit..BAM 300lb again.

    I do find it hard to eat back my calories though, I physically cannot eat that much. My issue has never beed how much I ate just what I ate and how much exercise I DIDN'T do..

    how much of that has anything to do with anything..I dunno..
  • GEW666
    GEW666 Posts: 8
    Everything you are doing is wrong. Please take a long look at my food diary, look in the mirror, review my food diary. God Bless.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Everything you are doing is wrong. Please take a long look at my food diary, look in the mirror, review my food diary. God Bless.

    ...he says, 1500 calories over for the day.