

  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    If you ate 100 calories over your TDEE everyday for 6 years....BAM! Over 60 lbs. overweight. Does anyone know how easy it is to trip, fall, and land face first into a 100 calorie dark cherry yoplait greek yogurt?

    I've never been an emotional eater. I've always been a hungry eater. That's my problem. I'm hangry all the time.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member


    Why so rude? Jealous?
  • Jagkat
    Jagkat Posts: 37 Member
    If i only ate when i was hungry, id be really fat, cause im hungry a lot. Thats how i got here in the first place. I love food and eating it.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    What does?
    Calories eaten > calories utilized.
    Thanks but no thanks, you've completely missed the point.

    A person can artificially reduce the amount of calories they eat for a certain amount of time, ignoring all the factors I stated. But what happens when the diets over, when you stop counting calories? Or even when you just take a break from counting? All the pounds come back because you're still eating for the wrong reasons. No one can count calories forever. This is why 90%+ of diets fail.

    Knowing the why doesn't change the fact that you need to eat less than you use in order to lose weight. The how doesn't change.
  • AlicesNirvanaHealthWellness
    I will always have to count calories. It just sneaks up so damn quick if I don't. Could I stop doing it for a year? Sure, but why would I? There's no finish line to fitness. Only harder goals. If I'm too lazy to count, I'd probably be too lazy to care about my health. Which was me before MFP.

    ...and it's not like MFP even requires mad counting skillz. Just throw it in the tracker and I'm done. No fuss, no muss.

    (WTF is muss anyway?? :laugh: )

    Yup, I am tracking to ensure I keep track of health,,,if a device or website helps me stay healthy..why not. ????
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Lol I definitely understand why I'm getting these types of reactions. Because I used to be addicted to myfitnesspal & similar calorie counting sites. I thought there was no possible way on earth I'd be able to reach a good weight unless I was keeping an eye on my calories.

    Until I got totally sick of the "doing well for a few months, then screwing up & gaining it back" process, which I know a LOT of us go through. I know I'm not alone on that.

    I realized at one point that I was sick of counting calories. Totally sick of it. And that there had to be SOME way to keep my weight at a reasonable amount without obsessing over numbers. Then I found the way.

    You don't have to agree with me, you really don't. But so many people in the world (who don't count calories or even care about them) are proof, and now I'm proof of it to. Counting calories is unnecessary if you learn to eat when you're hungry, only when you're hungry, and stop when you're not. It sounds too simple to be true, but it is.

    so you mean, eat a caloric deficit even if you are pretending not to count the calories. got it

    How is it "pretending not to count calories".....if she's ACTUALLY not, ya know, counting calories?

    I don't think you do get it.
  • PilotX
    PilotX Posts: 233 Member
    Lol I definitely understand why I'm getting these types of reactions. Because I used to be addicted to myfitnesspal & similar calorie counting sites. I thought there was no possible way on earth I'd be able to reach a good weight unless I was keeping an eye on my calories.

    Until I got totally sick of the "doing well for a few months, then screwing up & gaining it back" process, which I know a LOT of us go through. I know I'm not alone on that.

    I realized at one point that I was sick of counting calories. Totally sick of it. And that there had to be SOME way to keep my weight at a reasonable amount without obsessing over numbers. Then I found the way.

    You don't have to agree with me, you really don't. But so many people in the world (who don't count calories or even care about them) are proof, and now I'm proof of it to. Counting calories is unnecessary if you learn to eat when you're hungry, only when you're hungry, and stop when you're not. It sounds too simple to be true, but it is.

    I smell a troll
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    I think it's a misconception that most overweight people are emotional eaters. It's easy to take in more than we need due to easy access to high calorie food and lots of it, and because storing energy as fat and not lose that until we MUST is what we're evolved to do.
    But here's the thing, no one has to eat nothing but high calorie food just because it's easily accessible. Just as easily as I can drive to the grocery store and buy a bag of fruit, I can drive to the gas station and buy a pack of candy. It all comes down to what the individual wants to eat/is familiar with eating. That's why I said you must expose yourself to a wide range of foods. You must be open to eating everything, from veggies & lean meat to ribs & white bread. If you're on either extreme of the spectrum, either only eating junk food or only eating food you deem as "healthy", there can be physical/psychological consequences.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    really millions of americans eat at mcdonalds and are obese
    food makes u fat
    along with not exercising
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    If you ate 100 calories over your TDEE everyday for 6 years....BAM! Over 60 lbs. overweight...

    That's interesting. I'm naturally a slim person I guess. It took me decades just to get to the top of my healthy BMI and I never paid attention to calories in all that time. It was just a slow creep up over time. So I guess that means I was probably eating like 20 calories over TDEE each day? Dang my body is good at self-regulating! It did finally catch up, though. I was getting borderline.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Main Causes

    The two main causes of obesity in America are fast food and lack of exercise. Fast food contains extremely high levels of fat, calories and carbohydrates that your body doesn't need. As portion sizes at these establishments have risen, so has the caloric intake for those who eat there regularly.

    Read more: 5 Causes of Obesity in America | eHow
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I totally get what the OP is saying i.e. just listening to your body, and eating when you are genuinely hungry, and stopping when full. Choosing the right type of foods, etc. And staying active.

    However, not many of us are there yet, MFP keeps us accountable to what we are putting in our mouths. And maybe, one day, we'd know our body well enough to do away with counting calories. After all, MFP is not all about counting calories, but learning about which foods is good for you, and having a supportive community.

    Counting calories does seem quite unfeasible to keep up with in the future, but this works for me now, and I shall stick to it :)

    Thanks OP, for not demonizing food at all, and actually listing some good points about how excess of food, guilt etc, makes us fat and not food on its own :)

    I agree with this. I don't understand why most that have replied feel the need to look down their nose at this kind of thing. I lost most of my weight NOT counting calories, just eating until I was satisfied (and cutting out the crappier food, too), not stuffed and I also have an emotional eating problem. The key is you just have to find something else besides eating to keep your brain occupied. I don't know why it's so astounding to people that some don't track every single little thing and lose. I'd get super over obsessive if I did that with foods. This site is also used more than just for calorie counting--like, ya know, support. If you count calories and lose weight, great, if you don't count calories and lose weight, great.

    Y u gaiz gotta argue all the time?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    But ALL the food does.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    To say that the reason we are fat is because calories in > than calories out is probably over-simplifying the issue a bit, obviously it's true but it doesn't address the underlying issues.

    I think what the OP is trying to point out that there are reasons why so many people given the choice between a healthy nutritious balanced meal and a calories/carb/fat laden meal they will choose the latter or why people binge on calorie dense foods. I think that most people on a basic level know that type of food in excess quantities isn't good for you and most people also don't like being overweight or obese so there is obviously some other reason why people continuously make bad choices and therefore end up overweight.

    The OP's post lists some of the reasons why people make bad food choices even when they know better and simply points out, quite rightly, that if you want to be successful long term than you need to recognise and address these issues. Recognising and addressing the issues that cause over-eating and the scenarios in which you are likely to over eat will ultimately help with controlling the calories in calories out equation.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    If you ate 100 calories over your TDEE everyday for 6 years....BAM! Over 60 lbs. overweight. Does anyone know how easy it is to trip, fall, and land face first into a 100 calorie dark cherry yoplait greek yogurt?

    I've never been an emotional eater. I've always been a hungry eater. That's my problem. I'm hangry all the time.
    It actually doesn't work like that at all whatsoever. What most people fail to realize is that basically any website you go to that calculates your TDEE is inaccurate. There's no possible way for a website to know exactly how many calories YOUR body needs to maintain it's current weight every single day.

    And even if there was a site that could do that, something else that people don't realize is that no normal human being eats the exact same number of calories every day. None. This is mostly because your energy needs vary from day to day depending on activity level and other factors. So, if someone were eating at their estimated TDEE daily, they'd more often than not be overeating or undereating the majority of the time.

    The "I'm always hungry" claim is a common one from people who struggle with their weight. I'm not saying this to insult you by any means, because I used to feel the same way at one point, but I am almost 100% positive that you're not aware of what true hunger actually feels like. Hunger has many symptoms, but it mostly revolves around the physical sensation of your stomach being empty. It can easily be confused with lethargy (I'm so tired, i have no energy, I should eat something) or even digestion (my stomach is making funny noises, I must be hungry). But, unless you have some sort of disorder, hunger is a VERY reliable indicator of when and how much to eat. Think about it. How have humans in generations past been able to maintain their physiques without counting calories or anything of the sort? How do toddlers know when to turn away from the spoon and stop eating? It's a biological signal with a very specific purpose.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    really millions of americans eat at mcdonalds and are obese
    food makes u fat
    along with not exercising
    Millions of Americans eat at McDonalds and still remain slim.
    Millions of Americans do not workout and still remain slim.
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I am an emotional eater. I know that is why I have gained excess weight in addition to eating food that wasn't all that healthy and being lazy. I have lost weight without counting a calorie before. I end up gaining in back because i didn't stick with the healthier lifestyle.

    I understand where you are coming from. Thanks for posting!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    But here's the thing, no one has to eat nothing but high calorie food just because it's easily accessible. Just as easily as I can drive to the grocery store and buy a bag of fruit, I can drive to the gas station and buy a pack of candy. It all comes down to what the individual wants to eat/is familiar with eating. That's why I said you must expose yourself to a wide range of foods. You must be open to eating everything, from veggies & lean meat to ribs & white bread. If you're on either extreme of the spectrum, either only eating junk food or only eating food you deem as "healthy", there can be physical/psychological consequences.

    Do you think all fat people are simply stuffing their fat faces with fast food and high calorie crap? A few weeks ago, I decided to try out a raw vegan diet. Even after loads of ruffage....still hungry! I have always eaten lean meats, veggies, etc. But hunger levels vary greatly from one person to another. I'm posting the calories (in brackets) of that day. Aside from an ice cream bar (not vegan), everything else was. My point? I spent years vegan....and I stayed around 225 lbs. No fast food, not overeating. Just eating normally. I had a very physical job at the time, so I imagine I would have been fatter if it wasn't for that:

    (12) Homemade - Organic Juiced Wheatgrass, 2 oz
    (140) My Organic Market (Mom's) - Chunks of Energy (Organic Cha Cha Chia 100% Raw), 2 chunks
    (220) Go Raw - Organic Real Live Apricot Bar, 1 bar
    (140) Alive & Radiant - Kale Krunch Tarragon Dijon, 1 oz

    (90) Grimmway Farms Bunny Luv - Fresh Organic Carrots, 21 " long about 1 1/4" diameter (78g)
    (34) Organic Vegetables - Raw Tomato, 1 Cup
    (110) Homemaker - Premium 100% Florida Orange Juice With Pulp, 8 oz
    (34) Kale - Raw, 1 cup, chopped
    (170) Wonderful - Natural Almonds- Whole- Raw, 28 almonds
    (90) Garden of Life - Raw Protein - Chocolate Cacao, 23 g
    (12) Lemon juice - Raw, 1 lemon yields
    (60) Generic - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 0.5 Tbsp
    (14) Lettuce - Red leaf, raw, 5 leaf outer

    (70) Weight Watcher's Dark Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream Bar - Ice Cream Bar, 1 bars
    (60)Alive & Radiant - Organic Veggie Krunch Terriyaki Greens, 28 grams

    Just over 1300 calories. And that was one day that I actually slept in, so I didn't bother with breakfast. If this had been a work day? I would have eaten more than 1300.....and still
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    What does?
    Calories eaten > calories utilized.
    Dr. Oz has been lying to ME??? But he promised me a thigh gap!
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    You don't have to agree with me, you really don't. But so many people in the world (who don't count calories or even care about them) are proof, and now I'm proof of it to. Counting calories is unnecessary if you learn to eat when you're hungry, only when you're hungry, and stop when you're not. It sounds too simple to be true, but it is.

    You have no idea what the word "proof" means.

    All you can prove is that what you've done works FOR YOU. And even for you you're talking a tiny amount of time.

    For many of us counting calories is necessary if we want to lose weight/maintain. And I've "proved" that over and over again on myself.

    Good for you if you've found something that works for you but please don't think you've got the answer for everyone. That's arrogant and makes you look stupid.
    It's not even about what works for me. Look around you. Look at other countries, for instance. Asians consume the highest quantities of white rice in the world. The French have some of the richest cuisines in the world. it's nearly impossible to find anything "low fat" or "low carb" in a French market. But yet both countries have the lowest obesity rates in the world. Can you explain why that is? No other country is as obsessed with calories and dieting as we are, yet we struggle the most with our weights. There's a reason for that. The prior two countries value eating as an experience, and listen to their bodies, knowing when to start eating and when to stop. Americans, according to studies and polls and just by making observations in our everyday lives, typically do not do those things. We have many attachments to food that have nothing to do with hunger & nourishing our bodies.

    I'm sorry if my original post came off as pompous and all-knowing, that wasn't my intention at all. I just want someone out there to realize they don't have to be a slave to calorie counting anymore. And I know being discreet and sugar coating it, no one will listen. Even if I'm provocative and I upset people in my delivery, I'd rather do that and help the few people on this site who are sick of counting calories and want another way out.