Hi all I'm new and looking for a few supporting friends

posy43 Posts: 15 Member
Hi everyone

I am Alison, from the UK. I am 47 years old and have been overweight all my life.
Like many overweight people, I have tried every diet known to man...some good, some that honestly just shouldn't be allowed. but a desperate person will try anything won't they?

In 2001 I started a new weightloss program, I set myself 1500 calories a day and stuck to it, starting off with gentle exercise and finally building up to a full daily workout of a couple of hours each day. I managed to lose 202lbs...a fairy tale ending you mIght think, but NO!!!
Due to a severe illness I managed to gain back all but 2 of the 202lbs I lost :(
well no I am well again, just massively overweight and extremely unfit and it is time to start the journey again.

I remember how much better I looked and felt when I lost all the weight and I want to feel that way again.
I have a wardrobe of clothes that just sit on the rails and stare back at me because I can't yet fit back into them....but I will.

Last time I used to visit another site like this, but I can't remember what it was called, I met loads of people who encouraged me daily and I know that I would never have succeeded without them. I found this site a couple of weeks ago whilst trying to find that other site and I have been perusing it since. I am now 10 weeks into my new journey and am already down 34lbs but I need the support of anyone that can take the time to talk to me :)



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    If you did it once you can DEF do it again, so when you feel like quitting just remember, it IS possible, because you have done it already! Best of luck to your new lifestyle!
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    Hi Alison

    I will certainly add you. I'm also from the UK and have found this site to be really fantastic. I've lost over 40 lbs so far and would be very happy to give you support and encouragement. I really do empathise with your plight, having been a yo - yo'er myself over the years. I am now at that tricky stage of getting to my first stage target and having to learn to effectively maintain, which I think is AS HARD as losing. This time I never want to regain the weight.

    So - hopefully we can encourage each other. I'll add you now.

    GOOD LUCK. I know you will be successful on MFP.
  • EileenB42
    EileenB42 Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Alison,
    I certainly know where you are coming from. I have yo-yoed for years. but this site is great and the people are very supportive. feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to show you some support.

  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Hi there, I am from England too and it's good to finally meet some other people from the UK on here! I have previously lost 4 1/2 stone with a very popular slimming club but put about half of this back on when I went through a very bad patch in my life. With the help of good family and friends I have come through ok but now want to lose those last few pounds for good. Good luck and add me if you like x
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    I've added you... I'm Nessa and I'm from London. I need to lose quite a bit... I have recently joined up on here to try to get the extra motivation I need to get fit and lose the weight. I always think I'm better at motivating others than me :laugh:
  • pinkandloopy
    Hi Alison,
    hey....the English are coming! :wink: a week ago I thought I was the only one. I stumbled upon this site after reading about it on the diet chef forum. Started to use it just to log cals. I'm also on 1500 a day, but as I'm on diet chef, most of the calorie counting is done for me.
    I've never eaten very much, and don't eat meat , wheat or dairy (only tine amounts) so it's been difficult to adapt to eating so much but it seems to be working and I've lost 6lbs in the past month. I spent years trying to work out why I was so overweight when I eat healthy food and not much of it....only to find out that was the problem. Left to my own devices, I was eating around 8/900 cals a day! My body thought I was starving ( i didn't,lol).
    So here's to eating, watching the weight go ( where to?? keep thinking of that Dr Who episode where the fat became cute little aliens that rocketed back to the moon) and knowing there's always someone in the same boat to help. motivate and support you here.
    A few of us have just started the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred ( got mine off Amazon for £5 ) this weekend...why not grab a copy and join us?
  • Chrissie_B
    Chrissie_B Posts: 20 Member
    Hiya Peeps :smile:

    UK here too, Lancashire.. you've joined a great community on MFP. The world is here to support you and its so EASY to use, and great if you've an iPhone too. The other bonus is it's FREE and you have 24 hour support . Feel free to add me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Hi- My Name is Chelsea...I am adding you on my friend list. I am fairly new but my sister has been on here for a few months and she is def doing amazing she has lost 89 pounds..and looks fantastic!! I too am looking to loose the extra pounds and get healthy..so lets keep in touch and motivate ourselves!!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome! All I can say is I haven't come across anyone who has used this site regularly who has anything bad to say about it! You've definitely come to the right place! It's motivating to see other people do well too. I'm gonna add you :) All the best.

  • ryssa1
    ryssa1 Posts: 4
    Hi Alison, just wanted to encourage you on your weight loss journey! YOU CAN DO IT! I'll friend request you asap. We have similar goals, aspirations and dreams! Take care!
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Alison

    I'm a newbie on here too (and a fellow Brit too!)

    I too lost weight before - no idea how much, have never done the weighing thing before, I just know I went from a size 22 down to a size 16. I swore I'd never let myself get that big again, but 7 yrs and 2 kids later I'm bigger than ever!

    But hey, we've done it before, we can do it again!

    Rosey x
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Alison

    I'm a newbie on here too (and a fellow Brit too!)

    I too lost weight before - no idea how much, have never done the weighing thing before, I just know I went from a size 22 down to a size 16. I swore I'd never let myself get that big again, but 7 yrs and 2 kids later I'm bigger than ever!

    But hey, we've done it before, we can do it again!

    Rosey x
  • Angiepackmom4
    I saw your blog and enjoyed reading it. So true. How much do we really want to lose weight and at what cost. Although a lot of losing weight is sticking to your diet, exercise, etc. it's that determination that will keep you going in the right direction and not give up. I will be a supportive weight loss friend if you want to add me.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • wendytobin
    wendytobin Posts: 208

    you have come to a great site i have been on it since April, and the people are so friendly and encouraging.

    i am also from the UK

    i will send you a friend request, i believe its good to have lots of friends.

    all the best with your journey, you will get there.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Wow you lost all that weight before on your own. That's a great inspiration on its own. You CAN do it again. You must have good will power. Friend me if you want and we can cheer each other on. Good Luck on your journey.
  • weelissa
    weelissa Posts: 89 Member
    I added you- and I'm a Brit too!
  • LissaP26
    LissaP26 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm new here too, but loving it so far. Everyone has been so supportive and amazing! We have similar goals and will certainly add you as a friend. Good Luck!