Calories vs macro nutrients

crazyten Posts: 57 Member
I have been going through my daily diaries and noted that although I am mostly under on my calories I find that I eat over some of the recommended macro nutrients. What I want to know is, what should we be concentrating on? Macro nutrients or just as long as we are within the recommended calories intake?
Help a s aiter understand all this better please.


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    Personally, I would focus on calories as long as your macros aren't way over what it recommends. Also, do you log all the foods you eat? Your calorie counts in your diary seemed awfully low, but I didn't want to assume.
  • crazyten
    crazyten Posts: 57 Member
    Honestly I have been under eating. I have now startedto aim for as close to the 1200 calories as possible. Stupid I know but with a small baby it was pretty hard to really get my mind into preparing proper food. I am determined to change though, if you notice yesterday it went up a tad and today I am aiming even higher. I went grocery shopping as well.
  • if you hit your macros, then you hit your calories. the calories will be off from the actual number if you hit your macros. just add the protein and carbs for the day and multiply by 4. then multiply the fats by 9 and add those 2 numbers together. then you get the actual calories for the day. companies are allow to estimate calories down if its less than 5. which means most of the time you over eat a lil if you follow calories.
  • you should also up you total kcals more you loose way too fast and then completely stop then you'll have to lower them even more and do a ton of cardio. just remember slow and steady is the best. but its only advice
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    The macros are customisable - you may want to change the ratios to suit your needs.

    What MFP gives you as default is not the definitive amounts.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I custom did my macros to F50/P25/C25 (in maintenance and eat primally). Love that mfp lets us tweak the numbers to how we want them :)