How long did it take you to lose 50lbs???



  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    It took me 4 months (I have almost 120 to lose total) to hit the 50 pound mark. When I started I had a very active job plus I went to the gym 2-4 times a week. Now I try to get in at least a walk 4-5 days a week and my job is completely sedentary. I'm still reaching my 2 lb/week plan as of right now, once I get over the halfway point I'm switching that to 1.5/week and then to 1/week as I get closer to my goal, as well as adding weights which will slow it down further.
  • losingdreamie
    I joined Curves on June 26th 2012. Since then I have lost 55lbs. I went through about 3 months where I would bounce up and down but never go anywhere and thought hitting the 50 lb mark would never come. I kept at adjusted my calories I was eating per day and it started to come off again. I hit 50 the end of March. So it took me about 9 months. I started at 316lbs. In the beginning I wasn't really "dieting". I started MFP in around Sept and once I started tracking I started doing much better, until I stalled out in Jan. It may be slow but I am keeping it off and definately don't feel as though I am suffering.
  • tmr57
    tmr57 Posts: 22 Member
    bump -- interesting topic to read later
  • amypomm
    amypomm Posts: 140 Member
    I hit my 50 pound mark today! In 5 days it will be 1 year since I started on my weight loss journey. I did it by walking and running and Insanity dvd's. I try to get an hour of exersize in 5 days a week. I lose about 4 pounds a month. Be consistant and it will happen.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    It took about 9 - 10 months to lose 50. I am about to hit 60 for my 1 year mark! First 30 lbs lost was do to eating about 1500 calories a day, and exercising for 30-45 minutes 5 days a week. The second 30 lbs was do to eating around 1800-2000 calories and exercising for 1 hr 5-6 days a weeks.
  • trifona
    trifona Posts: 15 Member
    As a 5'11" male it took me 7 months.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    It all depends how overweight you are to start, if 50 pounds is all you have to lose or if that's just the start of things it will effect whether it falls off or is the whole 50 is a huge push.

    Personally for me the first 50 which was around 2/3 of what I needed to lose took around 8/9 months.

    1000 calorie deficit every day and started with a few hundred calorie workouts 3 days a week, slowly built up and now generally do a 850-900 calorie workout at least 4 days a week. Good mix of cardio and strength training.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Just curious i guess as to how long it took you all to lose 50lbs?? and what exercise you did to get there, if any :smile:
    33 weeks. A pound and a half a week. Moderate amount of running and weight lifting.
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    It took me 4 1/2 months to lose the first 50 lbs. Not much exercise in the beginning. Mainly diet changes. It took me 9 months to hit 100 lbs. lost. Now, I walk as much as possible (jog a little). I do some on the elliptical and treadmill and I do a lot of squats. I am at 134 lbs lost total in almost 14 months. Good luck!
  • TwelveSticks
    TwelveSticks Posts: 288 Member
    Between 8 and 9 months initially - that was with just (almost) daily walking and virtually no dieting (I had over 120 lb to lose altogether). With less to lose, dieting needed to be added to walking to keep up about 1.5lb a week loss.

    Since I started 5:2, I have been losing over 2lb a week, so would expect to lose 50lb in less than 6 months.
  • ashleyhageman
    ashleyhageman Posts: 4 Member
    Around 6-7 months. I was watching everything that I ate and following the LA Weight Loss diet. I also combined the Insanity Videos with working out at the gym.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    It took me 9 months to lose 50 pounds, and I did Leslie Sansone's 5 Mile Fat Burner Walk DVD every day (sometimes twice a day) and also strength training 3 days a week. Hula hooping also a few times a week. Since then I have upped my strength training and added in some other exercise.

    edited to add: I didn't just exercise, also ate at a calorie reduction too.
  • buhller
    buhller Posts: 28 Member
    My journey has been a little up and down: I started in Nov 2009, and I lost 50 between Nov '09 and August 2010, then took a bad-decision hiatus and gained 20 back. Then I started MFP in January 11 and was back on the train until about September 2011, losing those 20 again and then some, but had a rough recovery after a half marathon and gained 10 back. I got back into it again a couple months later, and was mostly maintaining about 50 lbs under my max-out weight but not tracking activity or calories consistently...and then started dating my now-husband, and gained 20 lbs of relationship gut. As of today I've lost 10 of that, and have another 50 to go to my goal. When I hit that, I'll be at 90 lbs below my max out weight.

    It's a lifelong process. And I've found I'm at my best when I'm using MFP to stay conscious of what I'm eating, and setting and reaching workout goals for myself (training for my second half-marathon now!). I've also found that I'm happier when I'm more focused on accomplishments like how far I can run, rather than on looks.

    Best of luck in your journey.
  • unapologetically_crystal
    four months. i dont think i exercised if any. MIGHT have been riding bikes once in a while. about a mile at a time.. im not an exercise kind of person. plus i feel like you need to learn how to eat properly without the exercise factor in order for long time weightloss to work because if you suddenly stop exercising then you dont want to pack on the pounds. and i agree people should state how much they had to lose because that is a giant factor in how fast they might lose. i started out at 327lbs. they say the more you need to lose the faster it comes off.
  • daxazo
    daxazo Posts: 37 Member
    4 months, low carb, exercise a few times a week. Mostly walking and strength exercises.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    50 lb is probably all I had to lose to begin with. I've been at this 3 years and still haven't made it there yet.
  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    bumping this :) for tips
  • funfunfun3
    funfunfun3 Posts: 1
    Im new here so please add me as a friend!... i set my goal to lose 50lbs in 3 months. Its very unhealthy to lose that much but I say, shoot for the moon and you'll land among the stars. the important thing to keep at it no matter the results and failures, ups and downs! I think eating 1200 calories min and exercising it will take about 6 months, but if you rly keep at it and never give in to that sunday desire to sneak a snack.... Good luck!
  • confetti_blind
    confetti_blind Posts: 91 Member
    3 months
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    About 60-70 Days...
    Keep in mind, I started getting healthy when I tipped the scales at 382 lbs, so being a man and being that heavy the weight came off a lot faster. I spent almost 2 - 2:30 hours a night in the gym. An hour on the elliptical because it was the only thing that didn't hurt my knees. 45 minutes doing weights, and then another 30 minutes on the treadmill walking, followed by 15 minutes in the steam shower, and i did that for almost 4 months, in the first 6 months I had lost 106 lbs.