Cheat Days

So there a specific few days a week (two total) that I usually see the person I'm dating, and we usually go out to eat delicious food (unhealthy) or I try to cook something impressive (usually high calorie and unhealthy). Instead of getting down every time about my eating habits when I see him, I'm thinking about declaring them cheat days.

How do you guys feel about cheat days? Do they work for you?


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I prefer not calling it " cheat" I don't know why...but I have one meal a week that I totally enjoy, I wouldn't eat crap for a whole day ...just one meal.
    But it's nice to do and it's fun to eat.
    TRISTAR Posts: 105 Member
    I can't do it low carbing, as it can set me back 2-3 days. Not worth it
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I prefer not calling it " cheat" I don't know why...but I have one meal a week that I totally enjoy, I wouldn't eat crap for a whole day ...just one meal.
    But it's nice to do and it's fun to eat.

    ^^^^ This, my day is Saturday after my weigh in. It's only one meal and I order what I want. This Saturday im having a Bacon,Cheese burger with chips, onion rings, colesaw and splitting a Peanut Butter & Banana Milkshake with the hubby.
    Last week we had chinese - Chicken & Sweetcorn Soup, Duck fried rice with Beef & Mushrooms and some prawn crackers

    Keeps me on track during the week knowing I have something to look forward too
  • tjolenee
    tjolenee Posts: 20 Member
    Yummmmy! A bacon cheeseburger sound so delicious right now!

    We've decided on Mexican tonight as my "cheat" meal :D
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    I don't have cheat days but whenever I feel like eating something I don't deprive myself and I make sure I don't over-indulge.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I always just try to fit something into my macros/calorie goal for the day ...

    Today at work we are having a cookout with hot dogs, cake and all kinds of crap I had a smaller breakfast and will probably have smaller dinner....but will also try to control myself at lunch...
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    It depends on what your goals are and whether you're moving toward them.

    If you are still losing weight week to week with cheat days, continue with them. If your weight loss slows or stops you may need to rethink.
  • crazypeachs
    crazypeachs Posts: 55 Member
    i don't 'plan' it, but i probably'd probably make me do better the rest of the week. usually i have 1 or 2 days that i go over calories once a week or two. usually that's due to one meal those days, but i guess i figure as long as my week average is still within range it's not THAT big of a deal...and since i've been exercising more often i find i go over calories less frequently and by less # of calories.

    i have coffee with cream (half & half) and sugar everyday. one coffee, one time per day, but everyday. i just can't give it up, and i can't bear to drink coffee without the fluff. i'm sure i'll get there, but i'm not there yet, and if i force myself, i think i'll feel deprived and mess everything up worse, so, when i'm ready, i'll give it up. maybe that's my 'cheat'... but i exercise, and i'm making changes, and i still lost 2 pounds on my last weigh in. we'll see how this week goes.
  • hollym1009
    hollym1009 Posts: 3 Member
    my weightloss doesnt work with cheat days :( however, like others, i plan ahead and indluge in moderation. I just make sure to log everything. If I know I may be easting worse then usual i usually try to be more active that day or have smaller healthier moods around that "bad" meal
  • joe7880
    joe7880 Posts: 92 Member
    If you and your date become more serious, that person may be suprised that you don't eat that way everyday.
  • jball1954
    jball1954 Posts: 29 Member
    Yeah, I don't exactly "cheat" but some days I go over the calorie limit I set for myself. I always count everything anyhow. I just try to not do that too often. You know, you go out to dinner, have a few drinks sometimes, or just snack too much in the evening. I think it helps keep you sane. If you can stick to your calorie limit every day, that's great, but if you're having success otherwise, keep keeping track, count everything, and then at least when you do 'cheat' you know it's manageable.
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    the only person you are cheating is yourself.......out of a healthy life and puts you are farther away from were you could have been if you had not cheated

    why not earn the cals and enjoy the things you like,
  • chixyb
    chixyb Posts: 107 Member
    I don't have cheat days but whenever I feel like eating something I don't deprive myself and I make sure I don't over-indulge.

    This is pretty much me, too. I don't believe in specific cheat days for me because I KNOW me, I'll use it as an excuse to binge. So now if I'm craving something or really wanting it, I have it if it feels worth it to me. I've even found I no longer even want something special every week, it's totally random now. As long as I'm cooking and eating flavorful foods, I don't crave the crap I used to.
  • cftodd
    cftodd Posts: 2
    I hate the phrase "cheat day"...

    I do not have cheat days.. but then again I do not look at my journey as a "diet" it is a lifestyle change... and if I know I am going to have specific things or calories that are higher for that day I will either 1) eat lower calories that day with my other meals/snacks to balance it out &/or 2) do extra cardio (this could be cleaning the house or walking.. doesn't have to be something major) to make up for it.

    If you are craving something have it, but try to make it a healthier version if you can. Don't beat yourself down about it but always keep your goals in mind.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I usually am a little bit more relaxed on a Friday and Saturday night. Friday Ill cook something delicious, but still quite 'healthy' (last week it was chipotle pork skewers with pineapple brown rice and a black forest protein pudding) and have a couple of glasses of wine. Saturday evening I usually go out, and eat in a restaurant. I dont feel guilty, why should you feel guilty?
  • I really struggle at weekends largely because I spend weeekends with my boyfriend. He has an amazing metabolism and his cupboards are just FULL of junk food so i'm really restricted. I try my best but I do end up falling.

    I dont call them CHEAT days...I just dont beat myself up over them because as long as i'm still getting results I dont mind. :) I just make sure I behave myself through the week! Plus the fact i think it does your metabolism good to mix it up a bit OCCASIONALLY :)
  • Litebritemamma
    Litebritemamma Posts: 10 Member
    I give myself "me days" Only 1-2 a week usually it's just one meal that I don't count. But on Saturday and Sunday I don't log my calories. Altho I can't not count em in my head.
  • windchime3
    windchime3 Posts: 6 Member
    I like the idea of one day "off." However, that seems to fly in the face of making this a lifestyle choice so I'm clearly not approaching it properly. Do you log your calories on these days or give yourself a bye?
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I call them reward days. Its my reward for being so good the rest of the week.
    I log all the reward day calories!
  • tjolenee
    tjolenee Posts: 20 Member
    I like the idea of one day "off." However, that seems to fly in the face of making this a lifestyle choice so I'm clearly not approaching it properly. Do you log your calories on these days or give yourself a bye?

    I'm pretty new to MFP. So there's really not enough time to judge any real results but yeah I haven't logged those days/meals.