Protein/Carbs/Fats - Guidance PLEASE!!!

Hi all - Just trying to get back into this and figure what the flip I am doing. I am in decent shape...but need to work on my nutrition...I dont eat horrible...but I must be eating the wrong portions or too many carbs etc. The plan for me on here is showing me to eat LOTS of carbs...and hardly any proteins...which I should be eating 1g for each lb of lean muscle...which mine would be around 110. Does anyone know how to adjust this on the goal setting? Or is that even where I need to do it? I lift heavy 3x wk...and play field hockey 1x/wk...then TRY to get to a spin class 1x/wk and a HIIT class 1x/wk as my schedule allows bc of kids sports. Walk 30 min at a quick pace over lunch as the weather permits.I just keep lingering at the same weight for a year now...and I can't move past it...please help.


  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Go to goals and then to the custom option. There are so many variations on percentages. I would try setting your protein to 30%, fat 30%, carbs 40% and start from there. You can adjust up and down as needed after you give it some time. Also, have you tried to get your TDEE?
  • adflory2003
    adflory2003 Posts: 8 Member
    Thx Stacey...I will look into it ASAP. What is TDEE?
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Before my weight loss plateau (which is now) I had a ratio of 30% carbs, 45% protein, and 25% fat, which enabled me to lose more than half of my weight successfully. Now since my body is used to a modified version of ketosis, I switched up my ratio to the macrobolic ratio (google this) 45% carbs, 35% protein, and 20% fat. It seems to be working for me, because now I think I'm over the plateau as I just lost one more pound last week. I also upped by calories by 50 though, to cross that plateau. I've done HIIT training, which you say you're doing, so that's great; you're ahead of the game! :) I also eat two bowls of yogurt a day regularly, and I found that after doing this for two weeks straight, I lost 0.25 inches off my natural waist! I'm adding you as a friend, and feel free to message me back and forth, so we can keep each other motivated, and give advice to one another. :)
  • zeke1964
    zeke1964 Posts: 18 Member
    Watch the snacking............ 3 potato chips here..........1 brownie all adds up fast! Stay away from sweet or otherwise..........