Tone arms in 6 weeks..whos in

I came arcoss this pin on pintrest and i am wondering if it will work if not at least i am working out my arms. 6 weeks to tone your arms There person who posted had a progress pictures and it was amazing. So why not try!

Here is a link to the workout

I am going to start tomorrow I will take a starting picture, then 3 weeks then final

I would love to have some others join if you want

here we go.....


  • PRadVegas
    PRadVegas Posts: 1 Member
    ok, will check out the link then let you know for sure when I start. I am really not liking the "batwings" right now. Lol. Here in Vegas swimsuit season has already begun. Yikes. ttys
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    It says use the heaviest weight you can handle but i think if i use i weight just under that since i have never worked out my arms before then if i see results after the 6 weeks i can move up to a heavier weight. We can motivate each other. I am doing it today so I can let you know roughly how long it takes. I am assuings about 30 mins max which is not that much time out of the day!
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    There is 4 workouts I added a chest flyon my own I did 2 sets of 12 reps for each
    took about 15mins total
  • beccalabgal
    beccalabgal Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I would love to give this a try, but I can't check out the link until I get home - it is blocked here at work. . . Do I need gym access or will I be able to do the exercises with dumbells and resistance bands at home? I would LOVE to have toned arms for summer, even if I'm getting a late start! :)
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    You can do it right at home. I am a stay at home mom i have no gym access with childcare im on day2 i am using 5lbs dumb bells for the 6 weeks if i notice a difference them i will try 7lbs for another 6 week :) There is 4 different exercises i added a chest fly lying down I did 2 sets of 12 for every exercise took about 15mins which i think is fantastic! Especially for a busy mom :)

    remember to take a picture of you arm day 1

    I am doing starting pic (may 15), 3 week update(june5th) and 6 week final(June 26th) then i will post all three when i am done
  • mhart72
    mhart72 Posts: 16 Member
  • beccalabgal
    beccalabgal Posts: 49 Member
    OK, I'm going to start tonight. I have dumbells with plates so I can add weight if they get too light through the six weeks. Fifteen minutes is great, I am a busy mom too, but that is doable.

    Ugh, a picture! I usually try to HIDE my arms in pics, lol! But, it is worth it if I can see results. :)
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Can't get the link at work either, will check it out later.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I don't lift heavy, but I have to say that 5lb weights really don't seem worth your while. I've never done much strength training before recently, but I can handle 10-15 lb dumbells for 10-15 reps of most arm exercises (and up to 20lbs on some) and I bet you could do it too, especially if you're only doing 2 sets. And if it's getting easier, up your weights! If you want results in six weeks, you have to push yourself. Not injure yourself or anything (so make sure you can lift with proper form-if not, pick something lighter), but push. Otherwise, why bother?
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks :) I dont feel i am wasting my time. No matter what weight i decide at least i am doing it so no i am not wasting my time. I am going to stick with 5 lbs for 3 weeks and then 7lbs for the last three I and not looking for rock solid arms or trying to bulk up i still have alot of weight to lose so as i move along in my journey of weight lose and continue and a 2nd set of these 6 weeks again i will continue to bump it up. thanks :)
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I am in starting tomorrow - I have 5 pound lbs I think I'll go buy a bit bigger ones for this. Wedding is in 7 weeks exactly, I know it won't change too much in such a short time but anything helps!
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    Great! Why dont you start with 7lbs then move up in weight if you want faster results :) You should take a start/finish photo as wel to see the differencel. Im on Day 5 today :) Good Luck!
  • lyndzipage
    lyndzipage Posts: 26 Member
    Well i started May 15 so Wed the 29th will mark the 2 week mark. I did a week & 1/2 using 5lbs Today I started with 7lbs, I love the feeling of my muscles get warm i know i am working them i can already notice a deference Can't wait for week 3 photo and week 6 to compare to week one. Hope you guys are going good!
  • Init2winIt79
    Init2winIt79 Posts: 582
    I'm starting these today 5/27/13!
    I've been doing these but wihtout the ball...and for some reason not seeing much improvement in my arms/ wings...: ( lol
    but here we go!

    I use 7.5lbs dumbbells on each side, maybe I should be going up on the weight of my dumbbells?..would love to see is getting way too hot to not be going sleeveless : ), will post before and after pics at the end of week 6: 6/8/13
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    coming to this post late but will try to get this in tonight before the pool- I have been trying to get in weights more but not always succeeding- I will try to post an arm picture from the beginning of the month later (since then I have tried to do weights more so I think it is somewhat relevant) and I will also take a picture today

    I will be using 4kg (8.8 lb) weights as that is close to the max weight I can do 10 reps at before failure- I really should go up to 4.5kg since I can get those ten reps in but the 4.5 kg is just too much and I don't have a 250 gm plate

    oh except for shoulder exercises- then I use the empty dumbbell bar (which is about 1.8 kg without the lock nuts on and 2kg with- so about 4lbs+/-) my shoulders are weak and sometimes I have to have a completely empty bar, othertimes I can put on the lock nut end things :-)
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Well I got it in last night just before bed, and again today at the office- my weights at the office are too light though- I will have to get another set :-)
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You can do it right at home. I am a stay at home mom i have no gym access with childcare im on day2 i am using 5lbs dumb bells for the 6 weeks if i notice a difference them i will try 7lbs for another 6 week :) There is 4 different exercises i added a chest fly lying down I did 2 sets of 12 for every exercise took about 15mins which i think is fantastic! Especially for a busy mom :)

    remember to take a picture of you arm day 1

    I am doing starting pic (may 15), 3 week update(june5th) and 6 week final(June 26th) then i will post all three when i am done

    What rest periods are you using?
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    ok. will try. recovering from a shoulder injury to make things worse. my arms need SERIOUS help.
  • Don't forget about push ups and tricep dips, ladies! No weights, all body and killer results!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    ok. will try. recovering from a shoulder injury to make things worse. my arms need SERIOUS help.

    Every single one of those exercises requires movement at the shoulder, you sure this is a good idea?