Where do you find your motivation? What is your WHY?

I am trying to stay focused and motivated, but this time of year can sometimes be challenging. For me it is a matter of WHY am I doing this? My why is that I want to be a better person, phsically and mentally and I want be healthy! I work alot of hours.. about 53 a week and only get a day and a half off a week, so as you can see workouts can be challenging at times. Life sometimes gets in the way and I will adjust my rest days to help keep me on track. I make sure that I get some form of exercise in daily. Where do you find your motivation and what is your WHY?


  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Because I didn't like looking like the old me......always tired, couldn't play with my kids, cranky, wanted to nap all the time....I don't want my kids to be a bunch of fat a$$es which could affect their whole life. (No disrespect intended to those sensitive)
  • ChanceTakr2131
    My motivation is to NOT end up like every other member of my family, who are obese with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases. I look at their sedentary lifestyles where they eat nothing but junk and then wonder why they are always sick and tired, and that's all the motivation I need to stay focused. Plus, I am incredibly self-conscious; if I gain like 5 lbs I start freaking out. . . I know, not good. But hey, it works!! :wink:
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    This is the hardest part of maintaining/losing weight! Honestly it took a really bad breakup to kick myself into working out. I broke up with him, but as he has this persona of the jock/player, I was harassed because apparently "he's supposed to break up with you, not the other way around." I was also told repeatedly that I wasn't pretty enough to be dating him in the first place! Working out kept my mind off him and put me in a position to meet a lot of great looking guys. Now I do it as a stress reliever. I'm an engineering student and while this isn't the same as working 53 hours a week, I can see how you can feel overwhelmed. Turn working out into a stress-reliever and it will become a lot easier:)
    I use it as a mood resetter also!
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I had a late in life baby 4 years ago. I want to be here for her as long as possible and be as healthy, fit, and active as possible. I don't want the type-2 diabetes and joint issues I see in members of my family. That is my ultimate "why". But as I've progressed, I have to admit that I like the way I am looking and feeling these days. :smile:
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Because I didn't like looking like the old me......always tired, couldn't play with my kids, cranky, wanted to nap all the time....I don't want my kids to be a bunch of fat a$$es which could affect their whole life. (No disrespect intended to those sensitive)
    That is Great Motivation......
  • danglarity
    danglarity Posts: 31 Member
    My motivation is the mirror. I have a portable full-length mirror that I have propped up in my living room. Every time I pass from the living room to the bedroom (or any room for that matter) I get a glance of myself in the mirror. I am not happy with that image so that's what gets me to workout. There are tons of health benefits that come a long with the exercise but for me it is primarily appearance.
  • InspiredSAM
    InspiredSAM Posts: 98 Member
    I find this time of year the most motivating time to loose weight, but for a very unhealthy reason; Self-conscientiousness. I hate feeling like the "heavy" mom at the pool, afraid to take off my cover up. I hate wearing shorts because my legs rub together and thinking people are judging me. (And this year) I hate that my summer clothes that fit before, no longer fit.

    My WHY is constantly changing. Sometimes it's for my emotional well being. Sometimes it's for physical fitness. And other times, shamefully, it's to look like others.
  • oX_Vanessa_Xo
    oX_Vanessa_Xo Posts: 478
    I get my motivation from looking in the mirror. Why? Because I'll stay fat and get fatter if I dont do something about it NOW
  • ProudMotherof4ProudWife2007
    Fit back into my clothes from last year.Be healthy for my family and teach my children good eatting habits so they can grow up with a healthy lifestyle
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    My motivation is to NOT end up like every other member of my family, who are obese with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases. I look at their sedentary lifestyles where they eat nothing but junk and then wonder why they are always sick and tired, and that's all the motivation I need to stay focused. Plus, I am incredibly self-conscious; if I gain like 5 lbs I start freaking out. . . I know, not good. But hey, it works!! :wink:
    Hey if it works for you that is all that matters. Your health is a GREAT reason! Good way to take control!
  • LGrill27
    LGrill27 Posts: 337 Member
    My motivation comes from hoping to run into my EX!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    My why is because I would like to be alive for awhile longer. I'm only 42 and in January there were discussions of me having to be on home oxygen 24/7, I was hospitalized 4 times last year. I have 2 choices get healthy or give up. Well I made my choice, my oxygen levels have increased my pulse rate has decreased. And hopefully tomorrow I find out if I can start weaning myself off the 14 prescriptions I take daily.

    Fitting in my old skinnier clothes is an added bonus.
  • FeatherBoBeather
    FeatherBoBeather Posts: 255 Member
    Plain & simple... I want to feel good, both physically & mentally about my body.
    I know if I don't work for it every day, I won't have it. ....what's that saying, 'If you don't have your health, you don't have anything'?
    I believe it. :) Eating well & striving for fitness are key components.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    I agree that my WHY changes on a regular basis also and that. It is hard not to think you are being judged on how you look. I am very sceptical about going out in public in shorts.... I am working to change that this year...
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    My motivation comes from my workouts.

    The first couple weeks when I just started were hard as hell, but with each workout I got more energy, ate better, smiled more, handled stress easier. And the pounds started coming off.

    Honestly, I need my me time in the gym now.
    It really keeps level and a much more happier person. If it means waking up at 4-5 AM or going late at night, I'll do it. It's that important to me now.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    My motivation comes from hoping to run into my EX!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    I have many motivations but one of my favorite is that I want to be an amazing grandma someday. I had such wonderful grandparents and I want to give that gift to my grandchildren. I want to be able to run with them and get down on the floor and play cars or dolls, I want them to see me as a joyful person that was fun to be with. I couldn't do that in my old body. I can do it now. I don't have them yet, but when I do they're going to tell their friends, "My grandma ROCKS!" and they won't mean in a chair!
  • chaosbutterfly
    chaosbutterfly Posts: 71 Member
    I just wanna wear booty shorts and crop tops and leggings a pants. *kanye shrug*
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    I have 3 why's:

    1. I have scoliosis & I find the stronger I become, the less back pain I get on a daily basis.
    2. I already look good in clothes, but I want to look even better in my bikini & naked!
    3. A lot of people in my family are overweight; My father has a lot of health problems that I may inherit, overweight, diabetes, diverticulius, the list goes on & on & if I am eating clean & working out, most of these things won't happen to me. I'll be strong & won't have to see my dr as often as I get older.
  • trh1955
    trh1955 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a 57 year old male that was diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago (everything is stable) and was hospitalized with blood clots in 2012. Given what has happened to me over the past few years motivation is easy. However, I truly believe that each of us hold the key to do what is neccessary to achieve our results (as defined by YOU). When I started my journey I weighed 307 pounds (I weighed myself the last week of December 2011) I was FINALLY fed up with the way I felt and looked that prompted this life change. I found
    "myfitnesspal.com" by complete accident and with the help of my wife started to measure the amount of food I was intaking. Once I realized it is as much about how much, as it is what you eat; it has become a religion.

    I think you try, stay with it and keep moving forward. We all can do this.