Girl problems :/



  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    LOL yes! And I eat a lot at that time, but it all gets burned off, so back to my normal weight after that time o' month.
  • sexymuffintop
    sexymuffintop Posts: 636
    Thanks, now I've got Jay-Z stuck in my head. I'm not havin' girl problems, so he doesn't have to feel bad for me.

    Ha, thats exactly the same thought I had when I saw the thread title. Least it's a good song to have stuck in your head I suppose....
  • timberowl
    timberowl Posts: 331 Member
    I have the EXACT same thing, in fact this caught my eye because yesterday was "that" day for me. For me it's usually about 1-3 days before the "floodgates" open. And I could easily eat 5,000 cals that day and not blink. Yesterday by the grace of God I managed to stay around 2,500 (900 were chocolate). But only because I was sick and dehydrated, and forced myself out of the house.

    That's what I recommend, is forcing yourself out of the house that day if at all possible, and going somewhere you don't have access to food (the forest, water park with no debit card, beach, etc). I tell myself if I can make it through that day, I can make it through any day.
  • italian_bella_xo
    Thanks, now I've got Jay-Z stuck in my head. I'm not havin' girl problems, so he doesn't have to feel bad for me.

  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    Lol... I seriously hope you are kidding.
    I'm serious. Why would someone want to menstruate when there are safe and easy ways to prevent it? My mom got novasure done and now she doesn't have periods and I'm totally amenorrheic anyway but I take birth control pills just in case.
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    Well I'm glad I'm not alone. Yesterday after I worked out I just went to sleep haha. Today seems to be better so yay (:
  • amerikanbelle
    amerikanbelle Posts: 7 Member
    Another side of this topic: I feel even when my calorie count stays steady throughout the few days before and the first day of my period, it is impossible for me to lose weight. I suppose I need to look closely at what my sodium intake is during that time (because I love SALTTTTTT)... does anyone else have this? It is always a surprise after my period when I step on the scale and 2-3 pounds are gone.

    Let me know if I'm not alone!
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    Willpower is my friend ha, i crave when it is TOM and i just try to eat little or no chocolate =] currently been on TOM for atleast a month been hard but i haven't gone over calories and only have a little bit of chocolate a couple times a week =]
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    There's no medical need to menstruate. You can get a simple procedure done or take medication to make this stop.

    This. I take the pill continuously. I haven't had a period in years and have been very happy that way.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    See although I love chocolate, I don't crave it like I do bread and starches. Like, doughnuts and bread itself and pasta and potatoes.. omg yum haha
    But I do know that everyone craves differently around that time of month. Maybe i should do like you, and find something small yet satisfying that will take the edge off.
    Try soup - 1/2 block of ramen is 190 calories (and hot soup is satisfying). Try lavash pizza. Eat your starches as part of a meal . I find that the darker the choclate, the less I need to satisfy the craving -- could there be smiliar substitutes for your favorite starches? Popcorn for bread/crackers ? Would an egg on a slice of (wholegrain)toast be a reasonable subsitute for a bagel?
  • IamDoe
    IamDoe Posts: 24
    I gain 5 pounds the week before I start. Hands down.. no doubt. It happens. This go 'round I "gained 1.5 lbs... and in this particular moment, I would seriously hurt someone for some chocolate. Literally can taste and feel it on my tongue. That and salty peanuts. See? yeah... that's just not good.

    Back to my water and get busy doing something else. Ah who am I kidding? I'm going to read more boards and find motivation.
  • marydhastings
    marydhastings Posts: 132 Member
    See although I love chocolate, I don't crave it like I do bread and starches. Like, doughnuts and bread itself and pasta and potatoes.. omg yum haha
    But I do know that everyone craves differently around that time of month. Maybe i should do like you, and find something small yet satisfying that will take the edge off.
    Try soup - 1/2 block of ramen is 190 calories (and hot soup is satisfying). Try lavash pizza. Eat your starches as part of a meal . I find that the darker the choclate, the less I need to satisfy the craving -- could there be smiliar substitutes for your favorite starches? Popcorn for bread/crackers ? Would an egg on a slice of (wholegrain)toast be a reasonable subsitute for a bagel?

    I could always try air popped pop corn O-o
  • missstephanielynn
    missstephanielynn Posts: 20 Member
    A few days before I know it's coming I tend to avoid carbs as much as possible. No simple carbs and avoid anything refined. Whenever I eat these it just makes me gorge myself on everything in sight. I also try to avoid sodium as much as possible to avoid the "bloat".

    A few days into my period I can usually relax and start eating carbs again. Once I get over the initial hurdle I don't crave them as much.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    Thanks, now I've got Jay-Z stuck in my head. I'm not havin' girl problems, so he doesn't have to feel bad for me.

    I feel bad for you, son.
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Well, what's weird is my last period, I felt hungrier than normal! But this period... I barely feel like eating, and I'm always under my caloric limit these past few days (which I'm certainly not complaining about) :wink: haha

    I think what it is though is that I never workout during my period, but I worked out every single day except for one day on my last period, and I found that my periods were lighter, and the intensity and duration of the cramps was much lesser. But all our bodies are different, so I can't say it'll be the same for anyone else. My workouts weren't too long either, just about 20 minutes or so. Perhaps there is a correlation between exercising on your period and your appetite (which is weird, because you should be more hungry right?). I'm not too sure, but if I were you, I'd eat some light popcorn (SmartPop-Orville Redenbacher's), a piece of fruit, some almond butter on toast (Yum :tongue: ), and other light filling things. Drink lots of water because you may be mistaking your thirst for hunger.

    Hope you feel better. :)
  • lisahewitt22
    lisahewitt22 Posts: 102
    Oh god yes. I bought some mini chocolate bars (kind of like the ones you would give out at Halloween) the other day thinking I would only have one or two and be satisfied. I ate the entire bag. There are about 40 pieces in there. And then I was STILL HUNGRY. It was awful :grumble:
  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    YES. no matter what i eat i am still hungry and there's not enough sugar on the planet to satisfy my craving. on the other hand, i am way to exhausted to get up and find something to eat. seriously for that one day, i am utterly starved and wiped out. :) fruit seems to help (especially citrus for some reason.) but i cannot go near baked goods. if i do my "f*** it" switch gets flipped and i eat anything that's not nailed down. coffee with milk and sweetener also helps with the cravings and the exhaustion. just that one day...but it's one hell of a day....:grumble:
  • aidendart
    aidendart Posts: 32 Member
    I usually indulge but just once eat some ben and jerrys for dinner and get back on it. If that is bread for you go for it but not every meal your whole cycle.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    **THIS JUST IN**

    "Women tend to have increased appetites and sweet tooths during certain points of their menstral cycle. "
  • jme6976
    jme6976 Posts: 49 Member
    Not so simple, the problem with that is that the hormones are controlled by you ovaries so usually the procedures just involve burning off the lining of your uterus or removal of you uterus and leaves your ovaries there. Which will still give you the monthly ups and downs just no menstration. Some people have to have ovaries removed but that creates a whole slew of other problems like osteoporosis, menopause symptoms, etc..,

    And for some people (me) these procedures and birth control are not an option for medical issues (I have a blood clotting disorder so no hormone meds and no elective surgeries)