menopause and gaining

I went through surgical menopause in 2005 and have gained 10 lbs a year since. I also have been going to school online since 2009, so alot of time sitting in front of the computer. I am a BS (bored and stressed) eater. Looking for friend and support.


  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    I would be glad to be your friend and encourage you. I had a surgical hysterectomy many years ago but didn't actually go into menopause until 10 years ago. The reason is because they left an ovary in but it finally stopped working around 2003 :frown: It's frustrating isn't it??? Keep your chin up and do the best you can. Cheers!!
  • jacqueez
    jacqueez Posts: 4
    Yes it is I have to completely rethink everything about my body. I have been on such a roller coaster since then with mood. I tried HRT but they took me off of them after 5 yrs. not sure if they made a big difference anyway. Now it is time I stopped procrastinating and act so here I am. Nice to meet you.
  • hlwolanin
    hlwolanin Posts: 2 Member
    I was glad to see your post and know that I am not alone. I am 41 and had endometrial cancer last year, had total hysterectomy, went through chemo and radiation. Over the course of the year, I packed on about 30 lbs. Just had follow up appt the other day and my PA who sees me at my appts. said same thing happened to her when she had breast cancer and then also ended up having total hysterectomy. I never knew all of this about her until the other day, so I definitely felt motivated after talking to her. She is about my age and is skinny now! She is 9 years out of the cancer. I was hoping for the magic pill, but I don't think there is one. So, after having lapsed a little on here with logging in, I jumped right back on and am really working now. I started a weight program this week too, along with cardio. I am also trying some supplements, CoQ10 and L-Carnitine which are both supposed to help metabolize fat into fuel. I guess I just have to realize this is going to be slower than before but it is do-able.