Hope for the Hopeless..

Well.... it would seem the only thing i put on here is bad news.... that sucks and i am sorry.. but i guess its because i cannot catch a break... most of you know i was diagnosed with positive thyroid antibodies and was referred to a endocrinologist... she confirmed my positive results with a name... Hashimoto's well since then she has also tested my cortisol levels... they are very scary high she said and am now suppose to find out why... she hinted at Cushing’s...

WTF! ... ya know i don’t think i would have ever found out any of this if i didn’t decide one day i was going to try to lose weight, I was tired of being obese. I joined fitnespal, joined a gym and hired a personal trainer and booked an appointment with a nutritionist. I followed all rules, with on minimal results, my once low self esteem took major plummet at the end of my year of training, when all that had managed to do was gain weight 30 pounds of weight.. and the endocrinologist confirmed that only very little of it was muscle. I have yet to be given medication for either disease so I am hoping once those start I will see a light in my tunnel.

I guess I am writing this because I see so many people say that all it is to weight loss is.. calories in vs calories out.. for those that don’t have a medical issue… congratulations then its all it will take for you… but for some its way more then that.

Second… if anyone is facing these issues I would like to know if you have had some positive results, I would love to be able to restore my hope in seeing a smaller version of myself.


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    high cortisol can also be associated with high stress! And admit it, you're stressed right the eff out. Remember, I've been doing this for almost 3 years, and have lost barely anything. I don't have diseases...i have hormones. AHEM, don't get pissed, but your hormones might be pissed at you. Have you been tested for menopause? I'm 32 and my DR. figures I'm going through pre-menopause. Regardless, you aren't leaving me here by myself. You're going to continue to strengthen your lungs and all the other awesome side benefits to working out and eating properly, namely the stress relief. You will go to your doctor and you will establish a plan of action...because i need you lmao
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    Your awesome and love you to pieces.. but no they tested that too.. haha... seems like ive been at the lab every other week for these crazy doctors. I wont leave you :)
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and it is easily managed with thyroid medication. Cortisol levels fluctuate for many reasons, don't over think this until you have results.
    Do the diet and exercise thing one day at a time..period...medical issues can and do affect how we lose weight but most are very manageable. Hang in there.. we will lose weight together...and keep our thyroids happy too :)
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    Just wanted to say good luck...I don't have either of the illnesses you are asking about, so I can't help you there...I guess just try and eat as healthy as you can and get in some "loving movement" (aka exercise) when you can. Even if you aren't losing weight right now, you can develop and practice good life habits that will make it that much easier to lose when they do get you on the right meds.

    Also, maybe redirect your self esteem into counting your healthy decisions made each day (set a goal like try to make 5 healthy decisions a day, even small ones count) instead of pounds lost.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I went to a lap-band doctor's support group a couple weeks ago. He indicated that "other issues" usually account for 1% of issues with weight loss (like metabolic issues). That being said, I have a hormone imbalance that does make is harder for me to lose, and easy to gain. I am being treated for it by an endocrinologist who's awesome.

    The lap-band doctor also said that before they will do a surgery, if there are issues like thyroid stuff going on, he wants those issues under control before they'll do a surgery. Thyroid issues can interfere with weightloss and with having kids. So, getting those issues treated is very important.

    As far as the food related issues - generally yes, it's a "calories in vs. calories out" sort of thing - but the better qualify of food you eat, the more you can have of it. Make sure you stick with lean/healthy proteins, and the fats/carbs should fall into place.....at least that's what a nutritionist told me, and I've found it to be pretty true.

    Hang in there, see the nutritionist and get things rolling with the endocrinologist, and things will improve.

    For what it's worth - and good luck!!
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support... it means alot.