Dissapointed with insanity calorie burn...



  • Shaunte86
    Shaunte86 Posts: 39 Member
    When I did Insanity, only for 4 weeks, it was not a huge calorie burner. However, it was great at increasing my endurance and stamina, not only on the video but in my other cardio classes I take at the gym. I felt better and the sweat was definitely dripping off of me! I plan to restart and do the full 60 days in June/July.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Are you completely exhausted lying on the floor covered in sweat and breathing heavily at the end of your Insanity workout? If not, I'd guess you might not be pushing yourself hard enough. Insanity is designed to be a maximum effort workout. If you're not giving it you're all, you won't get the type of results you're looking for. This is different from running a a pace you're comfortable with for however long you run. During Insanity you want to go 100% during the exercises to shoot your heart rate up and then let it fall back down during the rest periods. It's essentially like High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

    Do you think it's possible that you could push yourself more?

    I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate to drop down in a 30 second break...what am I supposed to do, stop the DVD to let my heart rate drop to an acceptable number before starting again? This has always confused me a little.

    I had the same problem for the first couple weeks..I took a longer break until it went down.. after about 3 weeks my HR started to recover faster and now that I am almost done it happens so quick now isn't funny..

    I think it is all part of the conditioning process...

    and I didn't pause the DVD..I just waited and picked up again.. it will improve..
  • hollyellard
    hollyellard Posts: 5 Member
    I would encourage you to keep at it. And people are absolutely right--the stronger you are (I mean, the more muscle you have), the easier it will be to burn off fat and calories. That's why I do both HIIT cardio and weight training and lifting.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Hi...So I like to run and I have been doing it for a while...I usually burn according to my heart rate monitor 300 calories in 30 minutes running at 6.0 with varying inclines...

    I wanted to add something else to my cardio besides running so I thought I would do insanity due to the large calorie burns I have read all about...

    However today I started insanity plyometric cardio circuit and after 30 minutes in realized I had only burned 220 calories...Which is less calories than I would have burned if I ran for a half hour...

    However I sweat way more than I do when I am running and I felt way more exhausted...

    My goal is to burn the most calories I can ...so I might just go back to running since it seems as if I burn more calories doing that...

    BTW I am 5 feet 4 1/2 inches and weigh 130...My HRM is working properly and my stats are all updated...

    What do you think the problem is??? Does any one else feel dissapointed at the amount of calories they are burning doing the plyometric cardio circuit from insanity???

    I have this too. I burn the same amount of calories (sometimes less) than i do with my "normal" celebrity workout dvds. I found it abit disappointing at the beginning but i have noticed a difference with my body and i like what i'm seeing. Yesterday i did the power and resistance, burnt like 230 calories and then did another dvd and burnt 250. I'm 5"2 and 117lbs.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm having the same issue with Insanity, but I'm seeing results, so I keep going. For the Plyo workout, I burned 300 calories...I was dripping with sweat (ewe) and I really feel like I put a good effort into it, but that's what I burned. I have noticed that I typically burn 100 calories during just the warm up. I was running a lot beforehand as well (still do on the rest days..I miss running) and I was burning more calories running as well, but I really feel like I'm getting more of a true work out with Insanity. I'm at the end of week 2 now, so I'm going to finish and see how things go there, but like I said, I'm seeing results with it even though I don't have the higher calorie burn. I'm 5'6 and weigh a little over 150, so I don't know if that counts for anything.

    This is exactly what is going on for me...But I will continue it and see what happens...thanks
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    aiming for high calorie burn just means that when you plateau you'll have to eat less because you're already doing way too much exercise... food for thought
  • dsendre
    dsendre Posts: 173 Member
    Are you completely exhausted lying on the floor covered in sweat and breathing heavily at the end of your Insanity workout? If not, I'd guess you might not be pushing yourself hard enough. Insanity is designed to be a maximum effort workout. If you're not giving it you're all, you won't get the type of results you're looking for. This is different from running a a pace you're comfortable with for however long you run. During Insanity you want to go 100% during the exercises to shoot your heart rate up and then let it fall back down during the rest periods. It's essentially like High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).

    Do you think it's possible that you could push yourself more?

    I'm having a hard time getting my heart rate to drop down in a 30 second break...what am I supposed to do, stop the DVD to let my heart rate drop to an acceptable number before starting again? This has always confused me a little.

    I had the same problem for the first couple weeks..I took a longer break until it went down.. after about 3 weeks my HR started to recover faster and now that I am almost done it happens so quick now isn't funny..

    I think it is all part of the conditioning process...

    and I didn't pause the DVD..I just waited and picked up again.. it will improve..

    Yep, same here. I would just wait until my HR dropped below 160 and then start up again. At the beginning when I needed more time I'd pause the DVD but as I needed shorter and shorter rest, I'd just let it play and catch up when I could. Eventually, your heart rate drops significantly during the 30 second break once your fitness level increases.
  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    Firstly, well done for committing to the 60-day program. Having done it myself, I know it's tough.

    As for your calorie burns, I still manage to burn 600+ cals in a 50 minute Insanity: Asylum workout, but what's important to remember is that, when you strip it down to its bare bones, it's HIIT training. This means that not only do you burn calories during the workout, but you've also got the 'afterburn effect', which states that, even when you've stopped exercising, you will continue to burn calories at a higher rate than you would if you had done steady-state cardio. This extra post-workout calorie burn will not be reflected in your HRM readings, but will certainly contribute to your daily calorie burn.

    Don't be disheartened by the figure on your HRM. Keep that information in your head, it'll help you feel more motivated and rewarded. Insanity is a wonderful tool to reshape your body and if you enjoy your running, it'll help you aerobically so much. Stick at it...I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the program.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    Aside from the fact that the workout is called Insanity, its a HIIT style workout. One of the reasons HIIT is popular is not just the burn during the workout, but the thermogenic effect (or EPOC effect) that kind of workout has on your body.



    FYI you can also do HIIT anaerobic workouts with weights. Those are my favorite kind these days. If you do it right, you should be close to throwing up and/or tasting the last meal you ate over and over again.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the love of everything holy, are you people trying to get in a workout or trying to play with your HRMs? It's a 30 second break. Not a "watch for when my heart rate goes down break". It's a workout, not a calorie burning competition or a heart rate competition.

    Insanity isn't a long term workout solution because it's too hard on your joints. But it DOES work well if you use it the way it's designed. If you'll put down your HRMs long enough to let it, anyway.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Rule of thumb, Full body, circuit training, weightlifting - you get a longer after burn. Just because you stop does not mean your body stops burning. Cardio, like running and such is a you get what you see type thing for calories. Burned calories are not a tell all for the quality of a program.

  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Firstly, well done for committing to the 60-day program. Having done it myself, I know it's tough.

    As for your calorie burns, I still manage to burn 600+ cals in a 50 minute Insanity: Asylum workout, but what's important to remember is that, when you strip it down to its bare bones, it's HIIT training. This means that not only do you burn calories during the workout, but you've also got the 'afterburn effect', which states that, even when you've stopped exercising, you will continue to burn calories at a higher rate than you would if you had done steady-state cardio. This extra post-workout calorie burn will not be reflected in your HRM readings, but will certainly contribute to your daily calorie burn.

    Don't be disheartened by the figure on your HRM. Keep that information in your head, it'll help you feel more motivated and rewarded. Insanity is a wonderful tool to reshape your body and if you enjoy your running, it'll help you aerobically so much. Stick at it...I wish you the best of luck with the rest of the program.

    Never thought of it like that...thanks...
  • purpleleopard76
    purpleleopard76 Posts: 77 Member
    I burned my calories doing Zumba over Insanity. I have 2.5 weeks left of Insanity before I start again..

    I may not burn as many calories but Insanity is reshaping my body faster than Zumba did..I can see obliques now.. and dropped a pant size in 6 weeks.

    I'm the same - 2.5 weeks left .

    I'm 5'3" and 172lbs and my average burn in month 1 was around 350 cals but in month 2 I am getting between 500-550 per workout. I feel so much healthier and my endurance has improved so much.

    Although I've only lost 1lb on the scales I've lost 4 inches on my waist, 3 on belly, 2 on bust, 0.5 on hips and 1 on thighs. I have better muscle tone and starting to see my ribs again lol :laugh:
  • mamamia29
    mamamia29 Posts: 32 Member
    I didnt just pluck that number from the air, but thanks for ur input

    I clock up 900+ calories burn in an hr!
    no.. you did not..

    if you did, you're going at a pace that tour de france riders go at. which I doubt.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I burned my calories doing Zumba over Insanity. I have 2.5 weeks left of Insanity before I start again..

    I may not burn as many calories but Insanity is reshaping my body faster than Zumba did..I can see obliques now.. and dropped a pant size in 6 weeks.

    I'm the same - 2.5 weeks left .

    I'm 5'3" and 172lbs and my average burn in month 1 was around 350 cals but in month 2 I am getting between 500-550 per workout. I feel so much healthier and my endurance has improved so much.

    Although I've only lost 1lb on the scales I've lost 4 inches on my waist, 3 on belly, 2 on bust, 0.5 on hips and 1 on thighs. I have better muscle tone and starting to see my ribs again lol :laugh:
    that is an awesome loss on inches...Mine so far not as dramatic.. but I know from pictures I lost a lot around my butt and back.. trying not measure self until last day...2 weeks left...
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    In general it really depends on how high you can get your heart rate up.

    Don't always expect to burn 1000+ calories...it doesn't really work that way.

    I did Insanity.. My body adapted to it. I don't use it anymore.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I didnt just pluck that number from the air, but thanks for ur input

    I clock up 900+ calories burn in an hr!
    no.. you did not..

    if you did, you're going at a pace that tour de france riders go at. which I doubt.

    I think the point the poster is making is that this isn't possible, someone else said you may have a faulty HRM. 900+ calories in 1 hour is pretty extreme...
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    I didnt just pluck that number from the air, but thanks for ur input

    I clock up 900+ calories burn in an hr!
    no.. you did not..

    if you did, you're going at a pace that tour de france riders go at. which I doubt.

    I think the point the poster is making is that this isn't possible, someone else said you may have a faulty HRM. 900+ calories in 1 hour is pretty extreme...

    ^^I totally agree
  • mamamia29
    mamamia29 Posts: 32 Member
    I didnt just pluck that number from the air, but thanks for ur input

    I clock up 900+ calories burn in an hr!
    no.. you did not..

    if you did, you're going at a pace that tour de france riders go at. which I doubt.

    I think the point the poster is making is that this isn't possible, someone else said you may have a faulty HRM. 900+ calories in 1 hour is pretty extreme...

    ^^I totally agree
    Just out of interest what do you all burn at a one hr spin class?
    I've wore my (recently purchased HRM, chest strap included) to 3 spin classes so far and
    ended with 950cals, 750 and 900 again.
    Maybe I should save for a more expensive HRM?
  • valchoucs
    valchoucs Posts: 1
    I am starting insanity!! Very excited and nervous.. does anyone know anything about the caloric intake? I used the formula that it gives us, when I put moderately active I got 2746 calories and when I put very active I got a little over 3000 calories. Not sure how to use this for the meal plans considering I have to eat 5 meals a day.. Should I make each meal 500 calories? But then this will only be 2500 calories and I will be missing 246 calories per day.. I heard this is not good. Someone help! Thanks :)