Where do you find your motivation? What is your WHY?



  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    My motivation is to NOT end up like every other member of my family, who are obese with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases. I look at their sedentary lifestyles where they eat nothing but junk and then wonder why they are always sick and tired, and that's all the motivation I need to stay focused.

    ^^This..., and I already have a chronic form of leukemia - I don't need to get any sicker from anything else, especially when I have control over how much I eat and workout...I also believe eating healthy and working out helps to boost my immune system - which counteracts some of what the cancer has done.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    My clients keep me motivated. Why would they want diet/fitness tips from someone who is out of shape. I push my clients to do the best they can and when they need advice they can come to me.

    I love being a Fitness/Lifestyle coach..its such an amazing experience =)

    I also stay fit for my family...healthy wife, healthy life =)
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Im tired of my body being dang ugly. When i look at all the fit people on MFP who have worked so hard for their tremendous results...it motivates me...but at the same time scares me to death :laugh: I find my motivation grows when i lose weight...lately though ive been a bit low on the motivation. So im looking at all my fatter pictures...i so need a physical kick in my butt.
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    I saw a picture of me, and thought "OH MY GOONESS IS THAT ME?" Thats all I needed!
  • fitnessgoddess17
    fitnessgoddess17 Posts: 125 Member
    My children motivate me. I want them to grow up strong and healthy. If I'm not active and eat unhealthy I'm being a poor example to them. I don't want them to struggle, they are what keeps me going.
  • kaylindeschanel
    kaylindeschanel Posts: 105 Member
    honestly, my motivation started off as wanting to be someone that he'd notice.
    then it just became wanting to be perfect. perfectionism became part of the eating disorder i developed later on, but after a while, i thought it was ridiculous. i didn't want to be perfect, i just wanted to be beautiful.

    and that's why i'm still on the road to weight loss.
    i'm completely recovered from my eating disorder but the thoughts of changing my own body have not left me.
    unlike most girls, i'm willing to admit that i'm still trying my hardest to fit into society's standards of beauty.
  • melonay
    melonay Posts: 13 Member
    My whole life I have never been fit, lean or skinny. I ride horses, and I played basketball in 5th grade and those are the extent of my physical activities as a young girl. I took gymnastics, tae kwon do and a couple of other things, but they were all for a short while. I guess the only thing I stuck with was horseback riding and ever since I got out of competitive riding, my fitness level really went down with it. A lot of people don't understand that there is a lot of fitness and muscle involved in competing at high levels of riding, but it's true.

    Anyway, my motivations come from a combination of things. I have to admit, as shallow as it seems, a big motivation is that I want to have a rockin' body!! I want to be hot, finally! I want to wear a bikini once in my life. Or a sexy bodycon dress. Skinny jeans that don't look like they've been stuffed with lumpy sausages. A completely backless dress that I can jus trot around in all day knowing every guy I pass is probably turning their heads at my beautiful back. The list could go on. I'm the fat one in my immediate family. And, even in my in-laws! My husband's family is an attractive and active bunch and ever since meeting them, I have just felt like the odd, fat one out, you know? They're wonderful people and of course have never done anything to make me feel that way. but still.

    And also? My mom. She was drop dead gorgeous at my age, and I know she wants me to be happy about myself. I kind of feel like I am letting her down somehow. People called her things like 'Twiggy' and 'Audrey' because she had such a svelte figure, and I'm not trying to brag, but really... she could have been a model. And if I were in her shoes... I would want my daughter to know what it feels like to look amazing. To FEEL amazing. She used to tell me stories about travelling and the men she would meet and how when she went to London to visit her brother stationed there, she was asked to consider modelling for a show there during her stay. (She declined, she was also with other friends and didn't want to ruin their plans I guess) Now she doesn't bother going there with her stories because I feel like she thinks it would hurt my feelings that I will never experience ANYTHING like that because my weight is an issue. It's unfortunate, but it's true. So yea.

    Long story... sorry... lol.. but even though the health is a WONDERFUL aspect that is rolled into this fat loss journey, I haven't felt the *need* to lose weight as much as the *want*. That's the truth. But as I go on in this, I have to say, it really does feel good to not be winded after a couple flights of stairs or running for more than a minute or two. :)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    I just look at my avatar photo....that's all I need to remind me of why. :)
  • dark_angel1554
    dark_angel1554 Posts: 65 Member
    My motivation is basically remembering how good I feel when I workout, and eat well. There's a sense of confidence in myself that I love.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    because I don't want back fat ever again. LOL
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Be more active
    Do all the things I want to do without saying I "can't" do them
    Look good naked
    Shopping for clothes in any store rather than the specialty ones
    Be strong and lift ALL the heavy things
    Hot steamy crazy monkey sex
    Live long enough to buy that compound that my bestie and I keep dreaming about moving to.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I enjoy being strong, and take pride in looking good. Ohh and all that health stuff..
  • slflorian
    slflorian Posts: 33
    Be more active
    Do all the things I want to do without saying I "can't" do them
    Look good naked
    Shopping for clothes in any store rather than the specialty ones
    Be strong and lift ALL the heavy things
    Hot steamy crazy monkey sex
    Live long enough to buy that compound that my bestie and I keep dreaming about moving to.

    LMAO @ Monkey Sex!!!

    My motivation are the three little angels in my profile pic. They are 4 right now and I want to live to see them turn 40!
    Plus, my husband is pretty smoking hot and I don't want his eyes to wander over any other body but mine!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Exercise releases endorphins; I'll take all the legal endorphins I can get, thanks.

    I've seen myself naked; I'd like not to dread having someone else share the view.

    I don't want to get to the point where picking up the remote counts as "lifting heavy."

    I'd rather continue to be able to say "I have arthritis" and not "arthritis has me."
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    -I want to feel beautiful.

    -Be more active without getting out of breath and feeling like I'm dying.

    -Not worrying about fitting into airplane seats or restaurant booths.

    -Sky high heels.

    -Crazy acrobatic porn sex (Yes this is a goal)

    -Sky diving, bungee jumping, and traveling ANYWHERE.

    In summation, I want to be able to do anything I want without feeling hindered by my weight.
  • mommylifter
    mommylifter Posts: 123
    I'll be candid here. My marriage sucks and I'm unhappy and found working out to be a huge filler in my life. It gives me something to focus on, apart from my awesome kids, and something to look forward to for MYSELF! I actually found my motivation joining Pinterest. It's a great place to find inspiring quotes, great tips and an abundance of pictures of women who inspire me to want to work my hardest.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Because i've had enough. period.
    I just need to keep swimming.
    in less than a year i'm going to be lean as F.
    and one strong ****.
  • Dori_Gaga
    Dori_Gaga Posts: 50 Member
    My why is because I deserve it.

    Everything in life will be better, easier, more fulfilling when I have more energy, and am healthier, and more fit and more able to enjoy my body and feel good and comfortable with myself.

    I am worth the effort. And nothing is more important. That is my why.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    my why...I DIDNT WANT TO DIE!!!

    at 315lbs, 29 years old and less then 6 months away from being classed as a diabetic...I was going to die very young, and what life I did have left would not be one of much quality....

    with two young children, what kind of life would they have if I didn't change...

    keeps me going every day, with every workout and every meal I prepare...by bettering myself I am allowing my kids to be the best they can be...

    the question really is why not???
  • madridn
    madridn Posts: 1
    always remember work will always be there, your health and well being wont. Good luck and to me the "WHY" is you. You is what matters. :smile: