new august challenge for stress eaters/overeaters/binge eate

Hi! I wanted to challenge myself to a fresh start in august of no stress eating. It will be miserable at times but I will come to mfp for motivation and support or find something else to do. I overeat many evenings of the week and feel disgusting...tonight included..I wanted others to know that there is someone else struggling daily with this. Hope others join the challenge! I will keep posting my progress...even when I go on my first cruise this month! Please join if you want to! Thank you!:smile:


  • sunnyland
    sunnyland Posts: 8 Member
    Lately, I've been eating really healthy, but I still stress eat.... just on blueberries or yogurt, hahaha. Not junk food.
    But I'd like to stop ALL stress eating because, some day I will be in a situation where there is only junk and nothing healthy.

    I'm in :)
  • guitargirl53
    Lately, I've been eating really healthy, but I still stress eat.... just on blueberries or yogurt, hahaha. Not junk food.
    But I'd like to stop ALL stress eating because, some day I will be in a situation where there is only junk and nothing healthy.

    I'm in :)
    I do the same thing with grapes and any fruit and vita tops and milk and mixed nuts and frozen yogurt...all of which would be healthy in moderation
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    yo, i'm in too. i haven't actually been stressed enough to stress eat for a while, but hey, classes start the 23rd... think of it this way, though - when you're stressed and about to turn to food, take a minute to think about exactly what you'll be putting in your body, where it came from, what value it holds... how worth it will it feel in the morning? instead, when I'm stressed, i either clean, work out, or write a furious blog post on MFP. Or read. There are so many healthy alternatives!! we can do it!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I've gone over almost every night this week from little binges. >.< I'm in.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I'm in, I am a big stress eater, but I have been doing really well since starting on here almost 3 weeks ago. I hope I can keep it up. We can do it if we motivate each other....
  • megatron123
    I'm in, too. I definitely need to break that habit, especially before school starts and life gets even more stressful.
  • irishluv17
    I'm in. Eating out of stress only makes me feel worse and it's not worth it anymore.
  • kimberlyleis
    Count me in! I had a stressful day at work today and came home and just finished binging on sweets and now I feel even worse! I'm looking forward to this challenge...
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    I'm in too. I have been working for months on my stress eating, and thank goodness it has improved. However there are still those times when something goes wrong or I dont know how Im going to handle a situation where the only solution seems like ice cream or chocolate or pizza. I would LOVE to get over this completey and finally feel like I dont need food in those situations.

    and I think we can all do this! :smile:
  • guitargirl53
    I'm in too. I have been working for months on my stress eating, and thank goodness it has improved. However there are still those times when something goes wrong or I dont know how Im going to handle a situation where the only solution seems like ice cream or chocolate or pizza. I would LOVE to get over this completey and finally feel like I dont need food in those situations.

    and I think we can all do this! :smile:

    I know we can do this too! If you are like me you can go all day following a moderate diet but then After dinner is when your guard goes down and you hurry to the cupboard and can devour anything...even when the combinations don't really go good what we can do is when we feel the urge to eat something go on the food database and add all the calories you predict you will end up eating and compare to how many you have left for the day and ask yourself if you really want to do this to your body...I guarantee after seeing the calorie number you will be turned off...then leave the food and talk to us on mfp and tell us u need some motivation and we will be there...we can do it..
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    Thats what I think is so great about this site, when you have a hard time, there are people around who know exactly how you feel and can provide the support you need.
  • MissAmandax
    I'm on the same page! New month, new start.. let's do this!
  • guitargirl53
    I hope everyones month is off to a great start! I have had a nice and balanced breakfast,lunch,and dinner and so usually my body tells me I deserve a binge of sweets and fruit and carbs. I was getting very tempted so I popped a piece of trident bubble gum into my mouth and added the calories of the sundae I wanted to make and the chocolate I wanted and it was 800+ calories! So I ran a warm bubble bath and treated my hair to a moisterizing mask and closed my eyes and told myself it will pass. I'm not hungry anymore at the moment and I feel empowered! Hope this can continue!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I failed miserably today. :( Worse than usual. But tomorrows a new day right? I have someone staying with me tomorrow so thats good news since it means I won't binge. I can't wait to finally move into a dorm with one of my friends next month. I don't binge with other people with me unless we both just overdo it with sweets together. So Just gotta try and make it through the next two weeks...
  • Mary_still_trying
    I am in it. I binge when I am depressed. Which lately seems to be more and more often.
  • Becky_Boop
    I'm in, I can never stop myself at "a little treat", so a few squares of chocolate turns into the whole 300g bar by the end of the night, and probably thousands of calories too, I've never had the guts to try and log it! I'd like to be able to buy chocolate again, without the risk of me eating ALL of it at once.
  • Tasha1476
    Tasha1476 Posts: 220
    I'm in, I can never stop myself at "a little treat", so a few squares of chocolate turns into the whole 300g bar by the end of the night, and probably thousands of calories too, I've never had the guts to try and log it! I'd like to be able to buy chocolate again, without the risk of me eating ALL of it at once.

    when it comes to chocolate, I try to only buy it when I am with people, and offer to split a small bar with them, that way.. I can't go too crazy (or they would get upset. hahaha). My biggest weakness though is ice cream.. I think Id eat it for all 3 meals if I was allowed. :tongue:
  • mrmade
    mrmade Posts: 5 Member
    I am here for all of you, and I hope you all are here for me. We can do this.
  • guitargirl53
    Thank you all for being so supportive! I hope everybody's second day of august is going great! Earlier I really wanted to snack right after dinner but I chewed a piece of gum and went outside and sat on the porch and felt better. Later on when I wasn't in an overeating mood I ate a sensible snack that satisfied me and was hundreds of calories less than my previous late night snacks were...fresh air really is helpful!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    im in! i am a binge eater, havent binged since last friday (went out at 2am and had a grilled cheese and cheese fry from steak n shake) and it was my smallest binge EVER so i think im reeling it in. i have a problem with food. im scared of food and thats not a good thing. i binge, i cry, i have a food hangover. i dont want that anymore! and before friday i hadnt binged for a couple weeks! what i had friday, i actually counted as saturday cause it was 2am and i worked out extra hard. but i still cried all night and was so mad at myself for being a little pig. i basically had a break down.