Can mio and other water enhancers sabotage weight loss?

I thought maybe I'd hit a plateau. However I realized the only big change I'd made in diet since I stopped loosing weight 2 1/2 weeks ago was the addition of more regular use of water enhancers and less plain water. I've begun drinking 6-7 water bottles with mio or generic water enhancers on the daily. I've still been doing everything right food wise, haven't given in to any cravings, stayed on diet to the tee, but I'm wondering if these little chemical squirters could be the culprit. Has anyone had an issue with these water enhancers either slowing down or completely stopping the weight loss?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,152 Member
    Only if they had calories equal to your deficit.
  • cheyney711
    cheyney711 Posts: 2 Member
    They're all zero calorie, zero sugar, carb etc. But they do contain the ever so controversial artificial sweetners and colors along with a slew of other chemical ingredients. So while I know they can't be beneficial to your body, I wasn't sure that they'd actually be harmful too.
  • kirk_clawson
    kirk_clawson Posts: 36 Member
    The jury is still out on whether artificial sweeteners are ok or not. There's some research that says they're fine, other research says they're the very lifeblood of the Anti-Christ.

    My opinion? All things in moderation.
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    The jury is still out on whether artificial sweeteners are ok or not. There's some research that says they're fine, other research says they're the very lifeblood of the Anti-Christ.

    My opinion? All things in moderation.

    I agree. Once a day won't hurt you. :) Moderation! If you need some flavor in your water maybe try tea instead? I make a big batch of hibiscus tea with honey and mint to carry around with me if I don't feel like drinking plain water.
  • Koholint
    Koholint Posts: 104 Member
    Can't say for sure, but do you eat/drink other foods with the same kinds of chemicals in them? Fake sweeteners?
    Have you been exercising as well? TOM coming near? It could be water retention.

    It's not quite related, but my mother gave me a bottle of green coffee bean extract. She was taking it because she liked that it gave her more energy. She just showed up and gave me some, and it's not particularly cheap, so I thought "what the heck" and tried it. Despite following my diet to a T as well, I didn't lose weight until I stopped taking them.
  • Years ago when I used to go to Herbal One, I was told Mio or Crystal light does not count as a water because they have sweetner in them. You should limit your intake of sweetner to no more than three a day. If you want flavor and it to count towards your eight glasses of water then put cut up lemon or lime in the water or a decaf herbal tea.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    hibiscus tea, I second that one - in the mercado its called "jamaica"
    or linden tea, those are both fairly sweet on their own

    but , i doubt the flavorings are messing with your weight loss.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    I drink a lot of diet soda and put a couple squirts of Mio Energy in my water while working out. My weight loss is always right on schedule.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Got nothin' to do with nothin'
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Some of them have sodium, which can lead to greater water retention, which can mask progress when measured via scale weight.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    I don't think its those... although its been suggested that the artificial sweeteners have an affect on your body's desire for sweets i don't really think that's it since you've stuck to your diet...

    i would suggest upping your calorie intake or varrying your diet out of the normal for a day or two and then resume your diet. Your body may have figured out how to "efficiently" run off the calorie deficit you've been on so you re body is like "hey don't need to eat the fat anymore we're good" :laugh: lol try doing that see if it helps jump you off the plateau
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    Oh and if you still feel like those water enhancers are the cause... you can drink ice water that's had cucumber, lemon, berries, any citrus, etc soaking in it its very tasty and very refreshing and no need for sweetners
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Definitely... Mine won;t get off my dang bicycle seat and into the basket where they belong...

  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I think you need to have a longer time frame. you already lost 50 lbs. Give it another week and a half.
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    ive had the Mio Lemonade and the Mio Cherry Blackberry...moderation is def key for me cuz i LOVE the lemonade !!!!! yes there is sucralose in them BUT if it helps you drink a bit more water, then a little shouldnt hurt you..

    Ive been using them for almost 2 weeks now and ive lost 3.8 lbs in the last couple weeks.

    Good luck girl !!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've been using Crystal Light, Mio, and generic water supplements for quite a while. I don't think it's use, or lack, has had any impact on weight loss or plateaus for me.

    On the other side, though, I've noticed that some of the "energy" versions have not only caffeine, but guarana and other taurine, which I like to avoid (I'm okay with the caffeine part). I would suggest you read ingredient labels if you worry about those things.
  • lnxjenn
    lnxjenn Posts: 64 Member
    Honestly, I'd be careful of those things. I loved crystal light as it was a staple in my weight watcher days. But I've been trying to purify my food and diet, slowly purging bad foods. Unfortunately, aspartame Acesulfame-Potasium(K), sucralose are actually quite bad for you. There are studies out that show diet sodas and diet drinks mess up your glucose/insulin balance and not only mess up your glucose balance and insulin count but sabotage your weight loss efforts. So I'd just be careful. Truvia/Stevia seem to be okay so far. My Naturopath recommended taking fruit, like raspberries, and kind of mushing them into your water if you want some flavour, like Lemon or lime as a lot of people like to do (including myself!).

    I'd weigh the factors about how the sweetener chemicals react to your body and you can decide for yourself. I just say be careful. Every once in a while might be okay. If you do it on a daily basis, I'd be concerned about how it might be effecting your bodily functions.
  • algrant1
    algrant1 Posts: 17
    There are some concerns that artificial sweetners can tax the liver, not significantly, but if ingested on a consistent basis may hinder the liver's ability to oxidize fats at its usual rate as resources are diverted to deal with these extra chemicals floating around in your system. Artificial sweetners may also affect insulin levels in a fashion similar to refined sugar intake causing insulin spikes and increased appetite.
    That's a lot of 'possible concerns' and 'maybes'. I'm skeptical and I take this kind of information with a grain of salt, but I was curious. My background is in biochemistry and the body is a chemical factory - my interest was piqued. So, I decided to conduct an experiment and cut artificial sweetners out of my diet just to see what, if any, difference it would make. And I used to love my crystal light and I can't stand coffee black!
    I continued my usual diet and exercise regime. 2 months after limiting myself to 1 or 2 artificially sweetened drinks a week I have noticed a big difference. My midsection has tightened up, I don't get hungry between meals like before, and I feel healthier. When I say healthier, I feel I have a tad more energy and my mind feels a little sharper.
    For me, cutting out the artificial sweetners has really helped me toward my fitness goals - and I was not trying to lose any weight. I already avoid processed foods but this was the missing element.
    I would say yes, artificial sweetners - really anything artificial - can sabotage weight loss a number of ways. No need to go crazy though - water gets boring and I can drink only so much tea. Just limit the artificial stuff. When it comes to food, closer to nature the better!
  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    I've been wondering about the MiO as well. Went back to just water a couple of days ago. Let's hope it helps me get over the plateau.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Some of these kind of drinks have high sodium which can lead to retaining water weight.