Daily weigh ins? GoodxBad?



  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    3 times a day...its a fun Ride love seeing my numbers soar and plummet!
  • AngelBaby7041
    Eeeeh I'm a bit scared if daily weigh ins ( hell I'm scared of weigh ins period) lol

    But I wanna start weighing in every last day of the month. If I weigh myself to often the scale might go up and then I get scared that I can't do it. Then I get paranoid and give up. Soon once a month for meee.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Do you think weighing yourself daily is a good thing to do or a bad one.
    I'm just wondering what others opinion on this is because I am trying to decide If I want to weigh in daily or weekly...

    I personally like to weigh myself daily because I like to see progress through out the week so I am less likely to binge....
    What about you guys?

    This really just depends on you. You really need to understand what the number on the scale is reflective of...a lot of people do not and do not understand natural weight fluctuations and they think they suddenly gained 5 Lbs of fat overnight or whatever because they had an extra cracker...for those types of people, frequently weighing can lead to a lot of disordered thinking and obsession with what amounts to a silly little number.

    For me personally, I weigh daily because I like and want the data points for analysis and tracking...for me, they're just numbers really (I'm an accountant and financial analyst). I also understand the science in all of this and I understand natural weight fluctuations and what causes them, so it doesn't bother me when I wake up in the morning after a salty day and I weight 5 Lbs more than I did the day before.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    Do you think weighing yourself daily is a good thing to do or a bad one.
    I'm just wondering what others opinion on this is because I am trying to decide If I want to weigh in daily or weekly...

    I personally like to weigh myself daily because I like to see progress through out the week so I am less likely to binge....
    What about you guys?

    This really just depends on you. You really need to understand what the number on the scale is reflective of...a lot of people do not and do not understand natural weight fluctuations and they think they suddenly gained 5 Lbs of fat overnight or whatever because they had an extra cracker...for those types of people, frequently weighing can lead to a lot of disordered thinking and obsession with what amounts to a silly little number.

    For me personally, I weigh daily because I like and want the data points for analysis and tracking...for me, they're just numbers really (I'm an accountant and financial analyst). I also understand the science in all of this and I understand natural weight fluctuations and what causes them, so it doesn't bother me when I wake up in the morning after a salty day and I weight 5 Lbs more than I did the day before.

    I agree, it's totally up to you, as long as you don't let the daily fluctuations (spelling) bother you.
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I do Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

    Monday to assess the weekend damage

    Wednesday to check progress

    Friday to see results.

    Always log the Friday weight.

    It's just making it work for you without undue stress!
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    I do daily as long as I remember it. As someone else said, if I don't do daily I will stop holding myself accountable, and the longer I will put off getting back on the scale and the worse things get. I don't get obsessive about my food or calories from weighing daily but weighing daily will stop the bad eating quickly for me. So for me if I eat pizza or pasta I will gain about 1-2lbs regardless. I know to an extent I didnt really gain 2lbs of fat but standing on the scale the next morning and seeing it is a good way to go "Okay I had my splurge, I need to stop there." I know the majority of that weight will go away in a day or so but the numbers are a good reminder to stop there with the bad foods. I feel a splurge now and again is okay but my issue is, I will splurge and then if I don't weigh I will convince myself 'its not that bad' and splurge again and again and again... and then I avoid the scale because I know I wont like it but I will keep splurging. So weighing everyday keeps me in touch with reality and keeps me from going into denial about how bad I am being. Some people thrive on daily, some get too obsessive, I don't think daily is bad at all if it works for you.

    Personally sometimes I like to weigh twice a day, once at night and once in the morning. I usually always drop a pound over night and I dont know why but its fun to lose a lb overnight and I still like seeing it happen. I dont weigh at any other times, weight fluctuates quite a lot during the day so I could go up 3-4 lbs or down 3-4lbs. So I just keep my baselines which are at night before bed and in the morning after I wake up.
  • Missjen87
    Missjen87 Posts: 5 Member
    I did not weigh myself every day when I was losing- every few days worked for me. But, now that I am at my goal I weigh every day to make sure the weight isn't creeping back like it has before.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I'm trying to limit mine now, to once a week. I'm finding that right now I need to weigh less often to stay on-track with eating right and exercising. I'm sure in about 20 pounds I'll get to an obsessive point where I'll weigh every day and that won't change my diet or my exercise routine at all.

    This is a completely personal preference thing.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I weigh almost daily but only take my "offical" weight and record it once a week. Your weight will naturally fluctuate daily. I can be up 4 lbs one day, down 2 the next, up 2 again, and down 6 the next for an overall 2lb loss for a week. You can't really take daily weight changes as end-all be-all change for your weight which can drive some people batty and cause them to make harsh changes to how they eat. If you can handle seeing the fluctuations, I say go for it.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Data Nerd here too
    --- i weight daily, i use my fitbit, i track my calories,
    i base my meals on where i am in my fitness goals for the day.

    Daily weigh in--- everyones answer is different, like others have said, it really really depends on how you react to it .
    i am very lucky that my husband and my daughter, and honestly everyone in the whole house is with me in this event
    so , we weighed in this morning and it led to a conversation about water weight and retention , last night we had a wonderful slow cooked ham , which as we all know is nothing but salt- so neither one of us saw any loss. does that mean we didnt lose, not necessarily,
    but it does mean there was a lot more than the usual amount of salt in our meal last night .

    and for me , this week,
    i have weighed every day, and i KNEW from day one that i wouldn't expect a loss,
    last week i lost 5 lbs, and thats an amazing loss

    , but thats how i tend to lose, nothing one week, the next week a big chunk, nothing the next week,
    tonight is weight lifting on our home gym ,

    so i know most likely tomorrow i am not going to have a loss either.
    and thats ok...
    i know i am eating right (for me)
    and i know i am exercising like a religion,
    and i know i am doing everything right.

    so mr scale says the same number or within one or 2 tenths of a lb, i don't beat him or me up about it
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I step on the scale every morning but I don't record every single day; I record my weight about every 2 weeks. I just step on every day to make sure I'm staying on track, and if I'm gaining as opposed to losing, I can figure out what went wrong.
  • unapologetically_crystal
    i weigh daily.. but its really only because im forgetful and couldn't remember to take and weigh myself once a week...let alone at the same time period. i do believe everyone is different and for some people this could be a really big problem. i like watching it daily... i like seeing how if i ate a certain thing it went down.. and watching it so closely i did realize that if i eat past a certain time that i do gain instead of lose.. might just be temporary but its good to know that happened because i ate late.. not because of what i ate.

    for others, i would recommend just once a week weigh ins.. because i feel like its the healthiest option. same time of day every week. same clothes or lack of clothes. but if you happen to try daily weigh ins please be conscious that your weight will randomly fluctuate.. and sometimes you will gain for no reason (muscle.. or water weight).. you cant get obsessive over it cuz thats not healthy.. if that starts to happen back away from the scale and try weekly.. or monthly weigh ins.. whatever you need to to defer away from quitting and sabotaging yourself with that number.

    i'd also recommend dropping the scale altogether. measure yourself. people see a more significant weight loss with measuring.

    best of luck on your journey!!
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    I weigh almost obsessively; anytime I am changing clothes at home if I have a few seconds to spare I hop on just to get another data point. I know that what I am eating and the exercise I am doing has me trending lower, so I consider my current weight to be the lowest number I have seen lately (usually that's first thing in the morning weight) . I don't let the swings bother me. But I did not start doing this regularly until I had lost about 15 lbs or so; it could be demoralizing earlier as you could see some swings that take you back pretty close to pre-diet weight during the first few weeks.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Like many others here, I weigh every morning, and record weekly, But only because:
    1) Because thus far my weight loss has been steady. I have a lot to lose, and I'm generally dropping about a pound and a half a week. But for people who are trying to lose their last 20 pounds, it tends to come off slower even if they're working very very hard. When I get to a place where my progress slows down, I'll probably make weigh-ins less frequent so I don't get discouraged.
    2) Because I've been doing this for 55 days and am still in that initial phase of hopeful enthusiasm that makes us all just a little obsessive. I hope, over time, that the new habits I'm developing now will become more natural and automatic... like I'll feel satisfied with four ounces of meat instead of stopping with four ounces because I measured it and allotted appropriate calories. If I get to a place where the food choices are more natural AND exercise is an unquestioned habit and something I look forward to, then I think I can lose the daily weigh-ins.
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    As I said, I record my weight every Monday morning, no matter what it is.

    But secretly in my own head, I never actually TRUST a number until I've seen it on the scale three times. I keep seeing a fairly consistent pattern where my weight will dip for a day, go back up to my previous baseline for two or three days, and THEN actually drop and sustain. Is that weird?
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    As I said, I record my weight every Monday morning, no matter what it is.

    But secretly in my own head, I never actually TRUST a number until I've seen it on the scale three times. I keep seeing a fairly consistent pattern where my weight will dip for a day, go back up to my previous baseline for two or three days, and THEN actually drop and sustain. Is that weird?

    Not weird at all, normal actually. Weigh daily and chart and you will notice a very distinct pattern over time IF you are eating and logging consistently.
  • Melissa11412
    Melissa11412 Posts: 145 Member
    For me, weighing myself on a scale would mess with my head too much so i don't do it often

    i did it 1/1/13 and weighed 185
    again on 4/15/13 and weighed 168

    haven't weighed myself since then though. i take pictures and use a measuring tape about once every 2 weeks to make sure the inches lost are adding up. that measuring tape won't lie to me that's for sure. i measure:

    natural waist
    upper thighs

    whenever i feel like giving up i look at the pic from Jan and compare it to Apr and it helps keep me going

    even when i go to the Dr. i make sure i wear my id badge, cell phones on my hip, all clothing, etc because it's so freeing to not be knowing that number that i don't want to ruin it by someone barking out the number. i used to wear size 14-16 and now i'm geting into 10's. that's all i care about
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    I do it ever week, should I do it on a monthly scale, what do you think?
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I weigh myself everyday, only so I can track the data as granular as possible, to correlate weight changes with activity/calorie levels.

    If I had a Withings scale, I probably wouldn't even look at the number, just take the measurement, and let it upload.