Kelp Noodle Phad Thai - 200 Calories for giant serving!

erinnpinky Posts: 80 Member
This is one of my absolute favorite new recipes. A bag of kelp noodles is only about 20 calories! I made a delicious phad thai a few weeks ago and have had it once a week since then! The kelp noodles also make great salads or additions to any stir fry! Enjoy as much as I do. Even my husband loves it! A win all around.

Recipe and full pictures here:




  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    I have a bag of kelp noodles at home waiting to be used up. Have you tried any other recipes using them?
  • erinnpinky
    erinnpinky Posts: 80 Member
    I haven't tried any other recipes yet as I am obsessed with the Phad Thai right now. I have added tofu to one version and chicken to another.

    I also have noticed kelp noodles coming around in restaurants more. Check out this blog post as it includes a picture of a kelp noodle salad I had when I was on vacation recently. It was delicious!

  • neuro_nut
    neuro_nut Posts: 78 Member
    sounds delicious... bump for later :)
  • ceyanna11
    ceyanna11 Posts: 3
    I have had tofu noodles before but I have never heard of Kelp Noodles! Thanks for recipe and the knowledge!

    Bump :flowerforyou:
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    bump....definitely making this. Love pad thai
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Never heard of Kelp noodles either! Interesting...I hope they aren't like those "Miracle noodles"...those are gross.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    It looks delicious but I'm curious what they taste like-do they taste like a rice noodle? Interested in trying but not if they have a strange flavor :)
  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I've never heard of kelp noodles, where do you get them?
  • agbaeb
    agbaeb Posts: 179 Member
  • KKrdcs
    KKrdcs Posts: 30
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    I've had Shirataki noodles but never Kelp Noodles. Very interesting.

    I believe I've seen them both at the Korean grocery store. They are in the refrigerated aisle.
  • erinnpinky
    erinnpinky Posts: 80 Member
    They taste nothing like the gross shiritaki noodles! No smell, not mushy. They are almost a bit crunchy. They don't have much of a flavor but take on whatever flavor you put in the sauce. For salad, if you rinse and cut them up and toss with a bit of lime, they taste like you have added a bean sprout almost?

    I live in Canada and can find them in any health food store - like Planet Organic or Lifestyles.
  • I am totally trying this. I LOVE pad thai. Thanks!
  • endlesswonderr
    endlesswonderr Posts: 91 Member
    oh wow that looks amazing! bump for later :)
  • Mittzu
    Mittzu Posts: 37
    Bump! Wow looks really good
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I just found the kelp noodles at Whole Foods last weekend! I added them to some potstickers and goya (sp?) sauce from Trader Joes... it was ok. Last night I took the remainder and sauteed some chicken, then added the noodles and a little bbq sauce and heated it through and topped with diced onion... it was pretty good. Really looking forward to trying pad thai, thai basil chicken, and other recipes with these. Since they are seaweed I'm reminded of the cold seaweed salad that I love... Hoping to find a cold marrinade to try with them too!
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    Pad thai is my number one weakness! I will try this- thank you :)
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 167 Member
  • dawn1801
    dawn1801 Posts: 117 Member
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member