Water, Thank you!

So along with eating right and exercising, I’ve been making another big lifestyle change (for me, at least), and that’s drinking 8 cups of water a day.

It’s always been a bit tough for me to remind myself to drink water in the past, and my usual day would consist of two to three cups of water a day, max. Now that I have upped how much water I drink, not only am I full longer, but my skin has seen an overall improvement in its overall appearance. It’s great!

To keep track of how much water I drink, I put a tally mark on my Styrofoam cup that I drink from at work each time I finish cup. It’s a great visual reminder for me to get up and get more water 

Anyone else reaping the benefits of more water in their diet? Just thought I’d share.


  • aycoleman29
    aycoleman29 Posts: 2 Member
    Great advice thank you.... this is my second day trying to drink 8 glasses of water. I have noticed my urine is much clearer and I stay less hungry.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    My face has cleared up significantly and I've had folks comment on how my skin looks better. I increased my water intake in late October and this winter my skin wasn't nearly as dry. However, it was a much milder winter so I don't know how much that contributed as well.

    For tracking, I have a Contigo 24oz water bottle that I use. I drink 12-15 cups a day so this cuts down significantly on trips to the fridge and water cooler.
  • WhatAnAss
    WhatAnAss Posts: 1,598 Member
    Good for you! Water does a body good. Luckily I have always loved water....even as a kid so I didn't really have to add that into my diet. You're doing a great job though! Keep it up!
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    Yeah it's crazy how much it flushes you out- and how many bathroom trips I have to make now! ha

    @christy0111- Thanks! My mom always encouraged milk instead of water, so it was definitely something I had to make a change to.
  • Gigsluvscw
    Gigsluvscw Posts: 139 Member
    I find that drinking it through a straw really helps. I go to Sonic (or have my husband go) during happy hour (half price drinks :-)) and get a Route 44 sized drink. I reuse the cup until it falls apart and then go back and get another one.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I've bought one of those...I call them adult sippy cups, with a screw-on lid and hard plastic straw. Really helps me drink more.
  • Lili0817
    Lili0817 Posts: 109 Member
    I've been drinking 1 gallon of water a day (16 cups), as recommended by a trainer. I bought a one gallon jug from Amazon and I make sure I finish it by the end of the day. At first I was peeing all the time, but not as much anymore (luckily). I find it's much easier to drink from a straw, so I pour it in my cup. After reading everybody's post I'm soo looking forward to nicer skin, and the other benefits of drinking water ! :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I've bought one of those...I call them adult sippy cups, with a screw-on lid and hard plastic straw. Really helps me drink more.

    That's what I use. Oddly enough it has Fat Tuesdays Logo on it as I got it in Vegas. So it started off as some kind of fruity alcoholic beverage and now it's a water cup :) Luckily, my office is right next to the water/ice dispenser. I don't even need to track water any more. I just drink it all day long.
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    2nd day of drinking 8 cups so haven't noticed yet but I have eczema a bit so hopefully I will see an improvement in my skin! also by the way Jessica I love your hair, so pretty :]
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    Try adding it to your daily routine. I have a 3.5 cup water bottle I take to work every day an drain before lunch. I have flavored water at lunch that boosts it up to 2 cups, then I have another 2.5 at dinner of crystal light (I'm a recovering soda-aholic, so I replaced all my sodas with flavored water). It practiaclly sits up there at 8 cups or more daily.

    Bare in mind water comes from food sources too, don't discount those. Fruits and veggies contain some water that can add up to a cup over time.
  • Ladyinwaiting4
    Ladyinwaiting4 Posts: 202 Member
    I am also working on my water intake
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    BAH! I drink about 198 ounces of water a day....

    All I get is multiple use of the restroom.:grumble:
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I've bought one of those...I call them adult sippy cups, with a screw-on lid and hard plastic straw. Really helps me drink more.

    That's what I use. Oddly enough it has Fat Tuesdays Logo on it as I got it in Vegas. So it started off as some kind of fruity alcoholic beverage and now it's a water cup :) Luckily, my office is right next to the water/ice dispenser. I don't even need to track water any more. I just drink it all day long.

    When I was a teacher, I had a 64 oz "sippy cup" that I would fill with ice before I left the house and keep re-filling all day. My (hs) students would ask what was in the cup. I would tell them vodka. :bigsmile:
  • Lindyxx
    Lindyxx Posts: 34
    Ive been drinking about 9 glasses of water a day now for about the past 3 weeks, like yourself I struggled to drink 2 glasses a day, i downloaded a great app called water your body, you enter your weight and it tells you how much you should drink each day, and if you want, you can set it to remind you to drink, every half hour, or hour, or whenever you like. If I didnt have this app, would prob of stopped drinking as much as I do now.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    So along with eating right and exercising, I’ve been making another big lifestyle change (for me, at least), and that’s drinking 8 cups of water a day.

    It’s always been a bit tough for me to remind myself to drink water in the past, and my usual day would consist of two to three cups of water a day, max. Now that I have upped how much water I drink, not only am I full longer, but my skin has seen an overall improvement in its overall appearance. It’s great!

    To keep track of how much water I drink, I put a tally mark on my Styrofoam cup that I drink from at work each time I finish cup. It’s a great visual reminder for me to get up and get more water 

    Anyone else reaping the benefits of more water in their diet? Just thought I’d share.

    This may be TMI but I have to drink at least 8 glasses a day to keep myself from having bladder problems. I think I personally actually need more than that to feel balanced and hydrated. I have been told I need to drink more by medical profesionals even though I always get at least 8 glasses a day. I love water so it is not hard to drink a lot. I have a big plastic 32 oz mug that I drink several times a day.
  • malone103
    malone103 Posts: 24
    i hardly drink any water, only time i do is when i am at the gym, then it's about a litre, really need to start drinking water, but in saying that i hardly have any drinks in a day, 3 cups of tea, one glass of pepsi max, that's it. will have to kick myself up the backside to start drinking water, as of tomorrow!
  • hayleysuel
    hayleysuel Posts: 46 Member
    Absolutley! My skin is clear, my nails are growing, my hair is growing, I diegest food so much easier & just feel better in general!

    My trick is filling up my 32oz Nalgene bottle & adding all four glasses of water at once to my MFP water tracker. I feel it's easier to keep track of that way. When I finish the 32oz I fill it up again & add 4 more glasses to my tracker.

    I LOVE WATER!! :love:
  • shawnmaire74
    shawnmaire74 Posts: 66 Member
    I needed this post. I have been doing really well on my water in take for the past three weeks but today I had yet to take a single drink. This post reminded me I have my water bottle in the fridge and I better not start slacking...so happily drinking my water right now. Oh yeah, along with multiple trips to the restroom, my skin is much better and I stay full longer and find myself not craving sweets. :)
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I have bumped up my water intake in the past couple months, and it's really a very good thing. Yes, I did spend a lot of time running to the bathroom at first, but that has gone way down. I have a 24 ounce cold cup from starbucks, and four to five of those a day, so 12-15 cups. I actually found a calculator online to figure out how much I should be drinking for the weight that I am, and I'm still not quite there, I need to be drinking a gallon every day.
    Headaches have mostly gone away. Hormonal acne has decreased. Eczema is not as bad (and I don't have it bad in the first place). Definitely helps with feeling full. In general I just feel better.
  • hayleysuel
    hayleysuel Posts: 46 Member
    Also, did you know the less water you drink the more water you retain making you feel bloated??