I hate exercise!!!!!



  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    I think some people got the wrong idea here. In my normal daily movement today I mowed my lawn. I have an acre and I did it with a push mower. Before that I spent 2 hours in the garden weeding planting and turning over new ground. I walked each one of my dogs for 30 minutes that's an hour. I spent another few hours cleaning my house doing laundry and cooking. After dinner I am taking the dogs back out and the kids to the park.
    What I hate is the gym or doing what is more traditionally concidered exercise. I am a very busy woman and I don't have time to waste not doing something that I think is productive. My idea of a great workout was cleaning stalls. Sadly since I had kids I had to give up the horses. But if I can't immediately see that I have accomplished something I am going to lose interest really fast. When I mow the lawn I get instant gratification of seeing what my work has given me! When I hit the treadmill all I get is funky feeling jell-o legs for 10 minutes after. When I spend all day cleaning my house, my house smells and looks amazing. as far as brushing my teeth at the end of that task I have clean teeth that I can see and feel. At the end of my day I have done enough to make my body sore and tired and I can see what I have accomplished. It makes me want to do it again tomorrow instead of trying to make up excuses why I should let myself rest and heal. The gym really just isn't for everybody. Especially not me!
    My question I guess was what is everybody else doing that is active and not traditionally what we think of as exercise.
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    I don't think you are doing anything wrong. You are getting so much activity. You don't have to go to the gym to be an active person. Lifestyle activity is good enough if it is maintained throughout your life. You will be healthy as you age if you keep doing what you are doing. Lifestyle activity is more my goal too. I want to be more like you as I lose weight.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I'm the kind of person who doesn't really dread exercise..until I begin my workout. Then it becomes "oh god I hate this...this sucks...i'm tired...etc". Most people don't love it. But once you get it over with for the day, it's over with. Usually I get myself through it by thinking "only 10 more minutes and then I get to be done for the day."
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I do NOT NOT like 'planned cardio exercise"- but I love gardening and playing with my kids, and going for walks- so that's pretty much my cardio.

    And I lift weights, which is amazing! feels so good to lift, esp since it's more than my husband sometimes...
    (part of loving those skinny men.... he doesn't have much upper body strength)
  • NoraisTreble
    NoraisTreble Posts: 25 Member
    I am with you! I actually hate to sweat, which happens when I exercise. I am trying very hard though to get over my disgust for exercising and sweating because I know that I need to do this to lose weight and be healthy.
  • flitabout
    flitabout Posts: 200 Member
    Sweating isn't much of an issue for me. I barely sweat at all. No matter what I do I have to have a spray bottle with water to keep my head form exploding! I think that's one of the reasons I hate working out so very much LOL=] After mowing the lawn today I had to stick my head in a cold shower and it was only 85 today.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    the main thing that has helped me actually enjoy working out is going to classes. i do zumba, spin and even strength training class and it's great because i get motivation from the instructor and others in class :)

    i realized that i burned more calories in class(i use a HRM).
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    So, why not just up your base activity level, so you have a more accurate baseline in which to figure out a proper calorie deficit?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have to admit that I would prefer my exercise be productive. Our forebearers didn't go to gyms....their lives were full of physical labor. But since we have made our lives as sedentary as we have, there isn't much choice. But I am waiting for the pool to open. That is ONE place to exercise I don't mind at all....and you don't sweat. ;)
  • Ross4400
    Ross4400 Posts: 2 Member
    I get what you are saying…. You don’t like traditional exercise. The real question is what is your goal? Do you want some other forms of exercise so you can lose weight, stay active, not sit in front of the TV or some other reason? What I have seen happen is people give themselves a pass with more untraditional exercise. What I mean is they (for example) say I walked the dog but in reality they walk extremely slow or make a ton of stops and never get their heart rate up. Does that count? YES! Does it match non-stop movement on a treadmill? No. If your goal is to not sit on the couch then, congratulations you’re doing it. If your goal is to build better exercise/health habits, you have to take a good look at what your “truly” doing a make that call yourself if it is helpful. Also, if you want to lose weight and you are doing the untraditional exercise and eating under your calories and nothing is happening then something is not right.

    As far as not sweating… That could be because of clogged pours. One thing you can try is to shower BEFORE you exercise (in whatever way you do it). The show might clear your pours and allow you to sweat a bit easier.

    Good Luck!:smile:
  • ThoseRabbits
    ThoseRabbits Posts: 65 Member
    yeah i hate it but i wanna be skinny. so yeah
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The best exercise is always something that you can/will do consistently; if you love tennis, play tennis.. If you love gardening, garden... Exercise that is done always trumps exercise that sits on the shelf. If you like it, you will do it. If you don't it will only last for a short time and you will give up on it.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Me too! I really hate sweating & I sweat a lot! I'm gonna try a water workout...
  • rachelabdy
    rachelabdy Posts: 52 Member
    You sound perfectly normal to me, I've found the daily actions of movement sufficient for me. I think it depends on your goals, I don't want to tone up, just lose weight. I do like my exercise bike once or twice a week too, while watching TV, gives me a good buffer of calories to splurge over weekend.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    What I hate about exercising is that it gets boring after a while if you always do the same things. And when you go to the gym, even though you can use different kinds of equipment, you're still stuck on one for at least 30 minutes if you want it to be effective. I still do it because I don't just want to lose weight but also work on my general condition but yeah...it is boring. I think it doesn't matter if you do what people generally call "exercise" or join any courses like Zumba or if you do stuff around the house like you do. What matters is finding something that can keep you motivated.
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    I agree too. But I like walking and gardening and I have a physical outdoor job. I tried watching tv whilst on the elliptical but I didn't enjoy it. Still felt like a chore and made me really hungry and that endorphin rush they all bang on about well, during this time and previous years of gym membership it's managed to escape me! And the tv thing? Don't agree with that either tv is what I do to relax. Having said all that, I'm swimming a fair bit at the moment and loving it. That is the current activity of choice!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Why don't you just add extra activity with your kids, such as soccer in the backyard, baseball, etc? Something to get you all moving and active. It all adds up, but it won't replace resistance training and purposeful cardio as far as health benefits.

    Remember, lifting weights and doing resistance training has special benefits which will help guard you against osteoporosis and muscle loss, which means you'll get to enjoy running after your grandkids long after your babies grow up to be adults. Cardio exercises help our cardiovascular systems to operate at peak efficiency and can increase serotonin and decrease stress. There are a ton of reasons to include at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week, preferably 5, which will ultimately give you a confidence/energy boost and help you feel more apt to take on the world. It's not that much of a sacrifice if you really care about your health and overall well-being, and not just about being skinny. The former is much more rewarding and sustainable.

    Best of luck.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    definately not alone. i reAlly hate it esp as i am sitting here with my calves burning. i am always clock watching whilst i am doing it. but i have got to admit i feel so much better when i have finished. most important of all its changing my shape for the best.
    you are lucky as you have a busy schedule. i am stuck at the desk all day
  • Jwarren76
    Jwarren76 Posts: 1
    I LOVE to climb, hike and back pack. while these aren't traditional exercises, they can certainly get the heart rate up!