Can you help me describe my normal daily activities?!?

I'm a little lost with this...

The options are:

Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job)
Lightly Active: Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. nurse, salesman)
Active: Spend a good part of the day doing some physical activity (e.g. waitress, mailman)
Very Active: Spend most of the day doing heavy physical activity (e.g. bike messenger, carpenter)

I put sedentary only because I do have a sit down job and am at my desk almost all day. I do work out during lunch (either cardio or weight training) for 30-45 minutes every work day, plus I do another 30-60 minutes after work. In addition, after work I run around like a crazy woman with my 3 and 5 yr olds, cleaning, cooking, laundry, fulfilling my wifely duties (I know..TMI but it counts as cardio doesnt it?!? :wink: )

So...yes I sit around pretty much all day mon-fri besides lunch and the evening. So in your opinion, what should I choose?

Thanks!!!!! :flowerforyou:


  • cediyam
    cediyam Posts: 181 Member
    I think you should put lightly active since part of your day is spent sitting and then you kinda have to run around later.
  • sexylonglegs
    fulfilling my wifely duties (I know..TMI but it counts as cardio doesnt it?!? )

    CUTE ~ LOVE IT! i think this should be included in exercise!!!
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    I too have the two kids, a desk job, workout daily (probably less of the wifely duties LOL) - and I put sedentary too.
    I can't describe my daily work as active so I figured sedentary - but you know I dont think it makes a HUGE difference, I think logging and workouts are what count :bigsmile:
  • luckyluciano
    i agree "wifely duties " should be in the excersize section.. if we know how many minutes to position exct. calories burned bet we would do it even more and the hubbys would looove our new plus it is cardio... :tongue:
  • telg1980
    telg1980 Posts: 25
    i agree "wifely duties " should be in the excersize section.. if we know how many minutes to position exct. calories burned bet we would do it even more and the hubbys would looove our new plus it is cardio... :tongue:

    I was thinking the same thing lol. I might even initiate!! lol
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I would put Sedentary and log the workouts you do
  • luckyluciano
    lol i for sure would initiate more!!!... and with getting more of it in i could maybe even get that second child i have been wanting.. lol .. its hard to initiate when u feel all rolly and lumpy and gushy... ugh!! im gonna google and see if there is a site that will give me the numbers.. then if i can compare it to something already listed then maybe ill log it that way!! cuz dangit i want those calories counted!!!!! lolol :love:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Your workouts get counted when you enter your exercise. They should not be part of your activity level. If you put them in the activity level and then enter them as exercise, you are counting them twice.

    If you have a desk job, you should put sedentary. Running around doing errands evenings and weekends just isn't enough to count and bump most people up to lightly active. On another site, they list the activity levels more clearly and that makes it more obvious that most of us are sedentary.

    That's what I did when I was losing. If I did something unusually active -- like walk around Disneyland all day -- I'd enter it as exercise -- or part of it anyway -- but it had to be out of the ordinary.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    haha...the only thing is...every one of your MFP friends would know exactly what you had been up to :smooched: :blushing:

    Ms Natalie burned 30 calories doing 3 minutes of Ooooo la la! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'd be a little embarrased posting this for all to see lol
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    haha...the only thing is...every one of your MFP friends would know exactly what you had been up to :smooched: :blushing:

    Ms Natalie burned 30 calories doing 3 minutes of Ooooo la la! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'd be a little embarrased posting this for all to see lol

    unless you are doing the "wifely duties" for a long peroid of time (at least an hour) and very strenously then I wouldnt even worry about the cals for it
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'd put sedentary. Daily activity doesn't include exercise activity. Since you are adding in calories for your exercise by logging it here, you don't want to count it twice by adding in daily activity calories for it. And yes, Wifely Duties do count as exercise. You burn between 1.5 and 3 calories per kilogram of bodyweight per hour depending on how vigorous it is. What? I'm studying exercise physiology and we have charts of these things. :wink:
  • Precious_Nissa
    they say not to include the exercise etc because those can be included in exercise....I put sedetary as well..i am at a desk all day and thats what it is described as.
  • luckyluciano
    haha...the only thing is...every one of your MFP friends would know exactly what you had been up to :smooched: :blushing:

    Ms Natalie burned 30 calories doing 3 minutes of Ooooo la la! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'd be a little embarrased posting this for all to see lol

    i love that Oooo la la!!! lolololo actually i looked it up and 20 mins burns 120 calories... i think thats pretty good.. and yeah i agree maybe hiding it under another name that gets the equiv. calories burned would be less... ahh ...exposing.. :blushing: