How do you eat on 1200 cals?

I have done weight watchers, slimming world and 5:2 plan, i seem to do well for a short time then when i near goal i throw it all away and gain all lost weight. Im currantly 11.1st and would like to lose 2st. I am not natural when it comes to exercise but i have said ill start with 3 15min sessions and up these as i get use to the plan. The only thing im unsure of is how to best break down the cals to enable me to still have 3 meals and maybe an eve snack. Then it will be the task of what meals are best to eat etc. Thanks xx:flowerforyou:


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm eating between 1200-1500 calories a day. 300 - 400 per main meal (3x a day) and the rest on snacks. It works for me - you just need to find out what works for you!
  • apotas
    apotas Posts: 1
  • woowit1
    woowit1 Posts: 8
    brill cheers, i dont have much time breakfast wise so prob lower to 200cal breaky, but then 400 lunch and 400 tea will leave 200 for snacks :)

    This is the daily allowence i have been given by the profile settings, so ill give it a try but does sound very low.
  • 00Simone00
    00Simone00 Posts: 5 Member

    I am in my first week too (have just lost 7.4lbs) and it is possible to survive on 1200 calories very easily just like the above poster. Just choose the foods you like and always plan it (I make my plan for the next day the night before).

    Good luck!
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    I think I do fine! My diary is open if you need to look.
  • 00Simone00
    00Simone00 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh and eggs are really good I have found - filling and low cal (66 cals).
  • woowit1
    woowit1 Posts: 8
    awww brill thank you, great loss well done x

    Thanks ill have a look x
  • woowit1
    woowit1 Posts: 8
    lol simone just was about to look at egg cals thought egg on toast for light breakie :)
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    I eat 1350 a day. 200 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, 150 for after lunch snack, 600 for dinner. Any extra I earn from walking or exercising I add an after dinner snack in there. I eat a lot of veggies, leafy green ones! My profile pic is the lunch I had today. A half sandwich with miracle whip, basil paste, corned beef, salad and a salad with dressing and cheese. All for only 350 cals. Eat healthy and clean and it's possible.
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 99 Member
    "How do you eat on 1,200 calories a day?" You don't.

    this, its completely pointless and un-necessary ---
  • Oriole15
    Oriole15 Posts: 58
    I am not strictly on 1200 in so far as I eat most of my exercise calories and some days I go over but I usually try to break meals down as roughly 300 calories for breakfast, 300 for lunch a piece of fruit in the afternoon a tea throughout the day and the balance for dinner so I can have the same as everybody at home, just smaller portion.

    I prepare breakfast and lunch the night because my biggest pitfall is buying biscuits and sweets and chocolate at lunch to store in my desk and eating them all at once. I find it easier to not do that at home.

    Typical breakfast in winter is porridge with a chopped apple and some blackcurrants and when the weather gets warmer I like 150g plain yoghurt, berries and 25g oats (make the night before and put in the fridge and it's a bit like bircher muesli. I vary it a bit more at the week-end.

    Lunch is built around ham/ sliced beef/ egg/ tuna/ lentils with veg steamed in the microwave or salad or vegetable soup and some of my husband's homemade sourdough (he puts rye and spelt in it so it makes you feel nice and full as well as being tasty) or pumpernickel (mostly because it goes really well with soup).
  • David1406
    David1406 Posts: 63
    I'm just coming to the end of week 1 on 1200 cals per day. Not really been a problem sticking to it...even managed to 'save' enough calories for a whisky and diet coke one evening, although when it came to it, I had a cup of tea instead! Tomorrow's weigh in will be the key!! I tend to try and leave around 600/650 for evening, and 'steal' an extra 150 cals per day with exercise.
    It's really not difficult, and, strangely, I find it great fun steering my way through each day.
  • woowit1
    woowit1 Posts: 8
    Good luck with your weigh in, sounds like you have done great tho :) Im feeling more positive already 1200cals sounded very low to me, but i suppose thats how i gained weight in first place, lack of knowledge and understanding of cals and how i can use them x
  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    I eat 1200 calories hey day but I also sleep a good portion of my day away since I work 3rd shift I get off work at 7 a.m. and then sleep usually until 4 p.m. midnight is my start over day and I usually bring low calorie snacks to work to snack on at night I use slim fast meal replacement shakes that are 200 calories for breakfast and lunch sometimes and then I have a nice dinner ....
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    I did 1200 for about 6 weeks and started to plateau so I adjusted my goal to lose 1lb per week. That gives me around 1500 a day which most of the time is fine. It is quite possible, but I wouldn't do it for too long.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    I did for a little while, but I soon upped my calories. :)
  • emck3
    emck3 Posts: 6
    I think the best way to do it is to spend your calories on vegetables, protein and healthy fat like nuts. Reducing starchy foods will mean you can eat more. I try to eat non starchy vegetables, protein and fat in every meal in proportions of that order.
  • Slimdownmb
    Slimdownmb Posts: 130 Member
    go to youtube and type in

    1200 meal plan
    1200 cals meal plan
    300-400 meals

    helped me with my daily intake x
  • vbangura
    vbangura Posts: 1 Member
    I've been hitting the 1200. I usually do a quick breakfast like slimfast bc I'm too rushed for breakfast. Sandwich or salad for lunch. A nice dinner with veggies carb + protein. Sometimes I have extra for dessert. I've even gone out to like applebees and was under. I eat their weight watchers meals and sometimres a skinnybee margarita. The workout is key for me, though. Zumba, cycling. Try a group class. I think they're more fun than going it alone. More accountability.
  • tabbyxxcat
    tabbyxxcat Posts: 102 Member
    I agree with many of the other posts. 1200 is if you're sitting at a desk job all day, then going home and sitting the rest of the day until you go to bed. It's not very realistic for many of us.
    I sit around a good portion of my day, but I'm also on my feet during work almost every day or I'll go out and do something with my boyfriend/friends. I've found 1500ish is better for that kind of lifestyle.
    A lot of people that add daily workouts onto that often eat more like 1800-2000.
    It depends on your level. Play around with it and see what works best. Losing weight is a learning process.

    And then to actually answer your question:
    LIMIT YOUR PORTIONS!!!! It has done me wonders :) only put on your plate how much you want to eat, because a lot of people got in trouble with their weight in the first place from eating everything put in front of them.
    Eat high protein, low carbs. Protein keeps the body full, carbs are needed for immediate energy use so you need some to an extent but too much is a high contributor to not losing weight. Protein bars for snacks have been a godsend, they make me so full!!!

    Good luck! I know how you're feeling! In fact, we all do, we've been there.