Does walking count as exercise!



  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    What can i say? Umm... I lost most of my weight from walking. I think that pretty much says it all.
    you lost it from eating less calories than you burned...

    walking, not walking, doesn't matter. create calorie deficit and you'll see the same end result.

    Yes, create a calorie deficit, and you lose weight.

    But, according to you, we all massively over estimate the amount of calories we burn from exercise - by following those evil HRMs, instead of your superior knowledge. So, how do we lose weight?

    For example: I burned 1099 kCal by walking for 2 hours yesterday, according to my HRM (probably about 55 kCal by your methods). I ate that back last night. I do this on a regular basis. Exercise, then eat the calories that my HRM said I burned back.... And yet, I still lose weight!!

    If your way was accurate and mine wasn't, I should have put on about 100 pounds by now!!

    But hey, anyone who has made 110 posts in their first 10 days here deserves to be taken very, very seriously...
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    What can i say? Umm... I lost most of my weight from walking. I think that pretty much says it all.
    you lost it from eating less calories than you burned...

    walking, not walking, doesn't matter. create calorie deficit and you'll see the same end result.

    Yes, create a calorie deficit, and you lose weight.

    But, according to you, we all massively over estimate the amount of calories we burn from exercise - by following those evil HRMs, instead of your superior knowledge. So, how do we lose weight?

    For example: I burned 1099 kCal by walking for 2 hours yesterday, according to my HRM (probably about 55 kCal by your methods). I ate that back last night. I do this on a regular basis. Exercise, then eat the calories that my HRM said I burned back.... And yet, I still lose weight!!

    If your way was accurate and mine wasn't, I should have put on about 100 pounds by now!!

    But hey, anyone who has made 110 posts in their first 10 days here deserves to be taken very, very seriously...

    I also have to disagree with some of his logic, mainly because I would assume an elite athlete burns less in an hour of exercise than an out of shape person, based on my own experiences getting more and more fit and now struggling to burn as many calories in exercise.

    At the same time, you own logic boils down to "I have lost weight therefore my theory must be correct". Which, if you think about it, makes no sense, because if you cut your estimated burn in half, and ate accordingly, you would still lose weight, which would "prove" the opposite. In both cases, the evidence doesn't support the claim or contradict it.

    Also, he hasn't attacked anyone, so making fun of him for posting more than the average person is uncalled for. I do similar things when I get excited about a topic, because my brain doesn't work like yours. I know that from most people, directly questioning or contradicting someone's reasoning is taken as a personal attack, but those of us who for one reason or another struggle with nonverbal communication don't make that connection at all and it is very difficult for us to do what comes naturally to you. Give us a break and maybe a reminder. No need to deride.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I dont count my walks to town and back with the kids but I count if I use my Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk. Its a 12 min mile with power walknig, jogging and leg moves, apparently you can burn 100cals a mile. I use TDEE method so I dont go by calorie burn just how many hours I work out a week
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Yup :D <(-.-<)
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Yes, walking counts.
    sandy_gee burned 857 calories doing 80 minutes of Walking Kayden with HRM

    Yes. It most definitely counts.
    Thats a higher burn than marathon runners and tour de france riders burn going full out..

    your actual calorie burn in that time is closer to 150 calories. Maybe 200ish if you were power walking.

    I don't know where you getting your information from but an 80 min casual or about 2 mph walk would burn around 400 calories whereas a 4 mph walk would be about 700ish. I also weigh over 200 lbs so I know that I get extra burn for that.
    metabolic chamber data.

    you're also forgetting the 2-3cal/min from BMR.

    So your 80min of 400 calories is actually 160 prob once you subtract your BMR data. which is about 2cal/min as I said.

    edit: actually that would still be high. 2cal would be more for the 4mph walking. Regardless, 400cal burned from exercise from a 80min 2mph walk is way too high. Simply not possible.

    Thanks for your ever so welcomed input. I however am going to continue to refer to my HRM which has all my stats inputted into it, and knows what it's dealing with. I'm also going to continue believing it's more accurate than your random stats due to the 22lbs I've lost since I started adding it to my daily activities a month and a half ago.
    I'm not sure where you got 2mph from, or how you seem to believe you know if I was walking on a flat surface or going up and down valley trails, but as I said, I'm going to stick with my HRM.
    Your HRM is wrong. If you want to continue believing in the fairy tale that your calorie burns are that high, thats not my problem. I'm simply saying 16cal/min is about the upwards level of calorie burn possible by a male human all out. This is tested data. You're claiming around than that from walking. It's simply impossible. Like impossible you're burning that much.
    "Most riders burn 600 to 900 calories an hour, says Ketchall"

    you're claiming you're exercising at a higher intensity than tour de france riders basically. so lets think about this logically. Are you really going at an intensity far higher than any human has been tested at, or do you think maybe you effed up your HRM.

    Then please explain how someone (me) who has walked 178 miles in the last 4 weeks, who burns an average (mode) of 7.5 kcal/minute while walking (1.5 kcal/min lying down, I'm rarely sitting or standing still), who has eaten back 35,070 exercise calories in the last 4 weeks, who has a target deficit of 1,125 kcal/day, has lost 9.8 pounds in the last 4 weeks.
  • julieanger
    julieanger Posts: 2 Member
    only if you don't have a chocolate bar at the same time!
  • emmahayes1244
    emmahayes1244 Posts: 14 Member
    Do to my chronic pain all I can do to exercise is walk, and yes it counts and works!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I dont count my walks to town and back with the kids but I count if I use my Leslie Sansone 5 mile walk. Its a 12 min mile with power walknig, jogging and leg moves, apparently you can burn 100cals a mile. I use TDEE method so I dont go by calorie burn just how many hours I work out a week

    Wrong you burn about 80 cals a mile...and that's with hand and leg weights. I should know cause I do it & get 80 cals a mile.
  • crusher51
    crusher51 Posts: 1
    due to my job I don't get much exercise so when I walk I count it. There are times like 2 days a week that I stand for up to 5 hrs straight and I even count that as well.
  • BackToFree
    BackToFree Posts: 58 Member
    Well, I count walking as exercise for me. It goes in my diary like any other work out would.
  • nptrainor
    nptrainor Posts: 1
    I walk each morning with my dog and carry a large (20kg) pack. At the end of the walk, I am hot and sweaty and have no doubt that I have burned a good number of calories. I use MapMyHike and it tells me I have burned over 500 calories in what is a 40 minute walk over flat ground.

    My wife and I went for a 6 hour cycle the other day along a river and over some lovely hills in the UK. Again, according to MyMapRide it suggested we burned over 6000 calories.

    Unfortunately, I don't believe these stats.

    If Tour de France riders burn 3500 to 4500 calories per stage, then frankly there is no way that my little pootle with my wife on our bikes go anyway near 6k calories. Yes, they are fitter, but even so I have driven parts of their routes and my goodness me...

    That said, ordinary mortals like me only have tools like MapMyX to go by and also a (sturdy) pair of bathroom scales.

    I am continuing to lose weight, so there is a calorie intake deficit which is having an impact.

    While this is happening, I am content.

    I am not that fussed about working out exactly how many calories i am actually burning (and I suspect it is a far more complex exercise than the mobile apps are capable of) or even how many calories I am consuming. To use a popular (and apposite) phrase we employ in the UK, 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.

    Not having entirely accurate information is not really a problem because the ultimate goal - a slimmer me - is moving forward.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    What can i say? Umm... I lost most of my weight from walking. I think that pretty much says it all.
    you lost it from eating less calories than you burned...

    walking, not walking, doesn't matter. create calorie deficit and you'll see the same end result.

    For the pedantic people out there...

    The ONLY exercise I did for about the first 50lbs of my weight loss was walking. I didn't actually cut my calories intake significantly. I did lots of walking and burned calories that way.... so to answer the OP's question, YES, walking counts as exercise.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I walked over 37km today. It counts.
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    What can i say? Umm... I lost most of my weight from walking. I think that pretty much says it all.
    This, precisely.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yes, it does count as exercise, although I believe that is shouldn't be your only exercise - but combined with strength and some cardio work it's a great way to burn some extra calories.

    Oh, and before some smart *kitten* comes back with their dismissive comments (yes, I DO mean you!), I've used an HRM in the past to work out my burns AND eaten ALL the calories I burned. I now use my pedometer or Endomondo to record my walking, and so far this year I've walked 655 miles. I've also eaten every last calorie that I've earned doing that AND I'm still losing, so *blows raspberry* to you! :tongue:
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    One of the great joys of having a FitBit attached to my bra all day is that I never have to wonder if something counts or not. I do my walks, jogs, runs, Leslie Sansone videos, or sit in my recliner with a book and a cat or two- whatever I feel like. At the end of the day, if I have eaten 750 calories less than I burned, it counted.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Walking is exercise, yard work is exercise, sex is exercise.....anything that gets your blood pumping...exercise.
    sex is exercise:noway: all those DVD's I have are exercise DVD's. Sweet. :P
  • LozziiRawrr
    You can add walking that is part of your daily routine as well, just pick up the pace a bit! just because you have to do it daily, doesn't mean it doesn't count! make every step count - stride, walk like you're going to miss your bus etc.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    if you are unfit then yes. personally if my heart rate is below 150 i don't count it as exercise. while walking my heart rate is usually 90-100. that's too low for me to count.

    Well this is one big steaming load of whoopdeewhoo. Last week I rode my bike 80 miles, 17+MPH, and rarely hit 150BPM. I suppose that's a few thousand calories I shouldn't count? NOT!!!

    About 8 years ago I walked. And walked, and walked, then walked some more. It was my first form of structured exercise. I started losing fat like it was nobody's business. As my walking improved, and my fitness improved, and my health improved, I just kept getting faster and stronger and healthier. Next thing I knew, I was doing triathlons, and marathons.

    I don't log walking much anymore, as it's usually something I do for fun, with my kids or my doggie or my beautiful blushing bride. For me, to log it, it needs to be something I've successfully planned and executed as a workout. And walking rarely falls into that category anymore.

    But I used to do it every single day. And I loved it.