I feel like giving up.

I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I feel like giving up. I try so hard to keep the weight off and exercise and count my calories but it's becoming so difficult to the point where I'm getting more depressed and wanting to just give up on it. I have goals and motivations but I give up so easily that it feels like I won't ever meet my goals so who even cares right? I have days where I take a good walk or have a good workout and eat the right things but then the next day I turn to fast food for comfort and it makes me feel so lousy and miserable. But I can't stop. I feel trapped. I've never been so overweight in my life. I have all the symptoms of PCOS and that's making me more depressed. My family is no support and I have no money to spend on a membership at a gym or good, healthy foods or any DVDs or gym equipment. I don't know what to do anymore. What can I do? I need to lose this weight. I see everyone doing so well and exercising and I'm just sitting here being depressed and eating my feelings away. Please please help. :(


  • btoeps74
    btoeps74 Posts: 167 Member
    Do you have friend support? You have a happy looking baby in your picture. Find motivation in that. As for the membership, don't stress it. There are litterally millions of different ways to meet your goals without a gym.
  • MamaHann
    MamaHann Posts: 6 Member
    Please don't give up and You are worth this! Reading your post, this could be coming from me, right now. I feel stuck in a rut, for every one small step forward, I take two back. I know if I can just keep the focus for a week straight I know I will see good results. So with that said, I challenge you, along with myself to log everyday for the next week starting tomorrow and to also do at least four days of exercise for 30 minutes or more. I am using c25k program and I love it just need to dedicate time for it! So hand in there you can do this!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    You sound like you are in despair - that is not a good place to be. Can you get some professional help (therapist)? If so, I highly recommend it. Weight issues tend to stem from much deeper emotional isses and therapy can be an excellent tool to get you on the right path.
  • nolongerXXL
    nolongerXXL Posts: 222 Member

    My first advice is to only look at the smaller portion of the pic, don't look at as I have to lose x number of pounds to get to goal. The big picture is very daunting! Start with small goals, 5lbs, 10lbs, etc.

    Think about your food and logging it on an individual meal bases if needed. Have great easy to grab snacks on hand in your purse/car when you feel the urge to visit the drive thru.

    When you have to urge to eat fast food, think about how hard you've worked to get where you are and how even though it 'tastes good' it is not worth the extra couple of hours of exercise. I have gone through the drive thru with my family and NOT ordered ANYTHING. It is possible!!!!

    I think that one major key is to good snacks on hand at all times to help curb cravings. I try to avoid places that have food that I don't need to eat or redirect my attention to a better snack or even chewing gum.

    With exercise, break it down: What do you enjoy? Walking, biking, swimming, dancing, etc. Look on YouTube for FREE videos for workouts that are based on an activity that you find enjoyable. I don't have a gym membership or any fancy equipment (minus the elliptical that picked up for $20!) All of my work outs are based on what I can do without the fancy stuff. Power walks, videos from YouTube, etc.

    It is possible!!! I have been at for a few months, lost weight and feel better!

    Add me if you would like.
  • Don't give up! you can do this..just make the commitment to change. don't think of it as a diet...it's a lifestyle change. you don't need fancy equipment...you have legs,start with walking. Then, clean up your eating...start making small changes...journal every day...log in every day...stay consistent...do this for you...You can do this!! Don't underestimate the power of trying.
  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you everybody for such positivity and making me feel like i'm not so alone in all this because that's one of my biggest problems. I don't have many friends and so it's nice to know I can come on here and have the support I don't really have around me. If any of you have any other tips please let me know and add me as a friend and we can both motivate each other. For some reason, I love motivating other people, even if I can't do it much myself. Thank you again. :)
  • tinag12
    tinag12 Posts: 1
    I know how u feel. I have pcos and my losing weight has been a roller coaster. I am a full time single mom and I'm in college full time. I also am only 19 so I have very little time and money. But ita good to get healthy now. There may b days u go up and down butas long as u try u can do it. Go swimming. Take walks. Bike. You can do it. :) also cut out fast food. Or limit fast food in take.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    I was in your exact shoes not to long ago. This is going to be really hard and there will be more days/weeks/months you will feel like this as you go through your journey. The best piece of advice I can give you is to love yourself everyday, even on your cheat days (or weeks).

    We are made to feel, and constantly reminded by the media, that if we don't look like the hottest celebrity we shouldn't love ourself. This is flat out not true! Once I learned that I am allowed to love me and the body I am in, my weight loss journey came to be less about dropping the pounds and more about getting myself healthy.

    Don't give up. Love yourself today, love that you can eat the junk food and embrace it, then hop back on the wagon the next day and love yourself then for doing a great job. You can do this!
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I understand your frustration....alot of times life can be a cruel "you know what".

    I would suggest to do what you can, try not to overthink it, and believe in yourself. You have everything it takes to make the changes you need to make this work.

    You don't need a gym.....there are a myriad of bodyweight exercises you can do, simple cardio that you can use to "work" up to things like jogging/hiking etc... Youtube is a fabulous resource.... search it out for exercises you can do outside of a gym environment. The family issues are tough...and you are going to have to tackle that one with some finesse.

    Remember, falling off the wagon is simply an opportunity to get back on it!

    I wish you great success in your journey!
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    If you have PCOS you may also be Insulin Resistant. If that is the case then it`s very hard to lose weight and your body doesnt burn fat like it should...your doctor could give you Metformin with helps with PCOS & I.R....then your body will burn fat like it is suppose to which then you will see weight loss. That could help you pick up the pieces & stick to it. It is very frustrating to try hard and not see any results, I did that for a long time. The medicine has helped me. You still have to try but at least your body will be working with you and not against you.
  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    You guys' comments have really made me feel much better. I shouldn't give up or beat myself up about it and I should try my best to achieve my goals. Thank you for all the positive and wonderful comments.
  • miissnessa
    miissnessa Posts: 43 Member
    Yes I have heard of Metformin and my sister also has PCOS. I go to the doctor June 17th and it came come soon enough. I will tell my doctor my struggles and hopefully she can give me it and some tips on what I can do. I had a doctor tell me I need to lose weight but they need to understand it's not that easy.
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    dont give up, you can do it!! just tell yourself that your not going to eat any fast food and dont after a couple of days you will be so happy with yourself that you wont even want it anymore. it will be hard at first, but the more you resist the easier it will get and the better you will feel. if you dont have time to cook because of work or something getting in the way, go to subway or something like that to get fast food instead. look up differnt healthy recipes online (skinnytaste.com, cookinglight.com, etc) for healthy meals that you can eat, you dont have to be rich or eat food with no taste to loose weight, trust me. just try to put yourself in a different mindset and really get into it. you can do it, and you will feel so much better once you do. take care and God bless on your new journey : )
  • msshugar2u
    msshugar2u Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Im new here and just want to say DON'T GIVE UP. If your not losing maybe you are eating to wrong type foods for your special body. You are special, I can see that in the baby's face. There are so many diets or different lifestyles out there. Have you tried The Eat Right For Your Type. Its bases on your blood type. I felt like it was impossible to lose just a short time ago and discovered I was allergic to certain foods for my DNA or my special body. I even find it hard to eat the supposed caloric intake with the ( to me) masses amount of foods I consume and the weight is falling off very nicely. I am unable to do a lot of exercise because I have arthritis in both knees pretty bad that Drs want to replace them. This lifestyle has helped me with that situation as well and I can get out and walk a whole block and that means so much to me. I have only been on this 'way of eating' for 10 weeks and have lost 24 lbs. Knee inflammation. Best of all its within my budget cause I gotta eat anyway and my family can eat well also.

  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Please don't give up. Make small goals and start with making small changes daily. Hang in there!
  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member

    I keep falling off the band wagon at the moment but with the support of the people on here, I keep getting right back on it again. My big picture is daunting and maybe I was over ambitious to begin with so I have been setting myself mini goals.

    I fall off the band wagon pretty much weekly BUT I keep getting back on it and slowly (very slowly) the weight / inches are going.

    No money to go to the gym? Put your favourite songs on and dance round like a loony. (making sure the neighbours cant see...) It all counts as exercise (however random) :smile:

    Good luck!
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    I turn to fast food for comfort and it makes me feel so lousy and miserable.I have no money to spend on a membership at a gym or good, healthy foods or any DVDs or gym equipment. I don't know what to do anymore. What can I do? I need to lose this weight. I see everyone doing so well and exercising and I'm just sitting here being depressed and eating my feelings away. Please please help. :(

    Instead of spending the money on junk/fast food... why not put that money towards a dvd? you can get used/secondhand dvd's from Ebay/amazon, my 60 day shred cost me £5 free postage.. thats £5 i wouldnt be spending on junk food.
    There are older dvds that would probably cost less.
    You dont need money to do crunches, jumping jacks..... you can do that for no cost.

    People cant give you the motivation to change yourself and your behavior, only you can do that.
    You have to be ready both physically and mentally to change it... if your not, then no one can help you.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    This happens when people set too rigorous a routine for themselves. Strict diets coupled with a boring exercise routine is a sure way to lead to exhaustion.

    My advice would be to enjoy a bit of fast food if you're craving it. Have a night out with your girlfriends, drink wine, have fun. Take a new exercise class, go on hikes, take up a new sport.

    Having fun is a huge part of staying active and healthy. It's the main reason I stay in shape.
  • shirleydegrave
    shirleydegrave Posts: 6 Member
    whatever you do, don't give up!!! The weight didn't happen all at once, so it will not come off all at once, I just learned from someone who had successful weight loss, it take 27 continuous days to make something a habit as far as diet / exercise change..start with just taking it hour by hour, when that gets easier..day by day that's where I'm at..life threw me a curve ball and things went haywire and took me up to 298lbs..now talking to you at 255lbs..Hang in there!!!
  • WeightHacker
    WeightHacker Posts: 260 Member
    dont give up<3

    another thing i learn is to not feel guilty when you have a bad day. i know its better said then done.
    but i found it much better to not stress out about it.

    also pfft you dont need the gym atm.
    i have lost weight without the gym.

    but with money wise when coming down to healthy food.
    this is what i always say to myself.
    id rather spend a little extra on the healthy food...
    then having to pay monthly to medical (for whatever condition that could be)

    just make baby steps...
    that actually helps you in a long run. dont go extreme at first. <3
    just do little here and there. before you know it you have cut off a lot of things. <3