Constructive criticism, anyone?



  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Okay, I totally agree with you on the need for more protein. Here's the problem - yuck to the cottage cheese and any protein bar I've tried (although I will look into the Think Thin ones). I wish I could eat cottage cheese but can't really stomache the idea. Chicken is great but eating it every day probably isn't the wisest thing I could do - it would get boring very quickly. I'll be getting the bars you mentioned tonight and give them a try - but if they are oatmeal/bran it'll be a struggle for me ;)
  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    Okay, I totally agree with you on the need for more protein. Here's the problem - yuck to the cottage cheese and any protein bar I've tried (although I will look into the Think Thin ones). I wish I could eat cottage cheese but can't really stomache the idea. Chicken is great but eating it every day probably isn't the wisest thing I could do - it would get boring very quickly. I'll be getting the bars you mentioned tonight and give them a try - but if they are oatmeal/bran it'll be a struggle for me ;)

    Have you tried Boca burgers? I eat one everyday at lunch, it is low on calories and high in protien. You can do meal replacement shakes as snacks, those will up your calories and good nutirents.
  • sandrarussell
    sandrarussell Posts: 4 Member
    I need help with a good colon cleanse. I missed the post about the colon cleanse, which one was it?
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    I used the Blessed Herbs Colon Cleanse. It was easy to fast for 5 days - I even extended it by a couple - and the results were great for me. It also alleviated my rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. There is also a Jillian Michaels fasting program/kit that you can purchase at WalMart or Sam's/Costco that doesn't require fasting. Do your homework (i.e., Google) and decide which one is right for you. I will say this - if you go the route I went, it is best to set aside the 9 days or so when you aren't required to travel or have any major commitments. The temptation to eat/cheat won't be as great. Good luck!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I disagree with the banana comment. They are good for you. I eat one every single day. High in potassium and have great nutrients. Enjoy your banana.
  • ksv123
    ksv123 Posts: 82 Member
    Good! I just bought a bunch!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I see you think about your first meal. Protein, fruit, complex carb, a great start, then the day goes down hill as (I'm guessing) you get busier. I would suggest making snack packs to bring with you. Cut up raw carrots, peppers, zuchinni, radish, cucumber....., and put it in ziplocks. My purse has a veggy pack, an apple, an oat bar, raw seeds/nuts and some drink crystals I can add to plain water . This would keep you from all the carbs you must be craving by afternoon. You can sneak them out during the movie to avoid all the salt/fat/empty calories in movie popcorn. If you eat more during the day, I think you will find your energy comes back and the carb cravings go away. OH on the banana issue: Eat any and all fruit and vegetables including avocado, with out guilt, they only make you healthier, and they help undo the damage the processed fats are doing. Good luck and good for you for being open to suggestions. Fantastic.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Hello and welcome to mfp, I love this site too. So many helpful peope. Just the other day when talking to my nutritionist she told me that she is 5' 2" and weighs 115 - 120 she perfers the lower number and to keep it low she eats 1200 calories a day and exercises 4 days a week for 60 minutes each day and one day a week for 90 minutes.
    She told me to eat the following for breakfast, when I wake up and have my coffee eat a half english muffin with real butter. You want to do this within a half hour of first waking up. It tells the body it is getting food/ fat for the day so it can now burn fat not muscle to survive.
    Then before going to work eat a 3-4 egg white omlet, .5 -1 once cheese and fill it up with veggies and have the other half of your multi grain 100 calorie english muffin. If you must have the yolk just have one out of the 3-4 eggs.

    In a couple hours have 12 almonds for your snack, the fat in the almonds is filling ,or have a small apple and an ounce of cheese this combination is very filling.

    A couple hours later have a salad with leftover meat from the night before or with a half a can of tuna. When eating just veggies for lunch add some almonds the fat will make you full and satisfied.

    Dinner would be 3-4 ounce meat low startch veggies, broccoli, asparagus, zuccini, yellow squash, grean beens, califlower, cabbage and many more. You would also have a startch with dinner .5 c. brown rice, red potatoe with skin, sweet potato, whole wheat pasta this will fill you up and you will be able to sleep.

    Dessert all berries are low in sugar and calories. In the ice cream ile at publix they sell choc. covered bananas 130 calories comes in dark, milk chocolate , yummy. Hope this helps, Renee
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